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Thread: 5th cycle feedback

  1. #1
    Hmc444 is offline New Member
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    5th cycle feedback

    29 yrs

    My last cycle was 500mgs test e and 400mgs deca which produced good results that I've kept.

    I plan to run:
    Weeks 1-12 test e 500mgs per week
    Weeks 1-12 tren e 300mgs per week
    Aromasin 25mgs EOD
    Caber 1mg per week
    Hcg 500 iu per week

    Pct clomid 100/75/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    My question: I've always gotten awful back acne after my cycles and I believe that it's from estrogen rebound. I've read that aromasin actually helps this if still taken through pct. is there any truth to this?

    Also, having read atomini's sticky on tren would it be preferred that I run lower doses of test and boost the tren higher as to reap the benefits of the tren alone while keeping a base test level? Let me know your experiences.

    I also know that tren ace would be easier to stop taking if I had bad sides from tren, but I've always preferred a longer ester which is just a personal preference.

    Let me know your guys feedback on if this looks g2g or if adjustments should be made.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Hmc444 is offline New Member
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    I'm guessing this is g2g?

  3. #3
    mrlittleman is offline Junior Member
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    I too get a little back ache at the end, about 2-3 weeks after but still is only like 2-3 pimples at a time and they are small. I usually just letro cause im used to it and have experience with it but im not saying im recommending it to you. But I like your cycle, this is your 5th one, I dont see why a 300mg of tren would be a bad way to start given this is your first go with tren.
    And everyone is different, low test high tren, both the same or high test low tren. I tend to have always kept it pretty much the same, like 500 test 400 tren or my last one (i have alot of cycles under my belt) 700 test and 600 tren. Never had sides that were bad(night sweat ) would be about it. But i dont see nothing wrong besides picking up a liver support, NAC or something
    Last edited by mrlittleman; 11-06-2016 at 12:33 PM.

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Have you used tren before?

    Aromasin is usually taken everyday.

    Have you ever had your e2 tested while on 500mg/week test and 25mg of aromasin EOD?

    When did your last cycle end?

    Have you had bw after your last cycle to see if you've recovered?

    Imo you should drop the tren after 8-10 weeks.

    There's no need to take 1mg of caber a week.

    0.25/mg of caber twice per week is sufficient at lowering prolactin.

    You might not even need caber if you keep your e2 within range.

    Mid cycle labs will let you know if caber is needed.

    It would be in your best interest if you extend PCT to 6 weeks when taking a 19 nor.

    Everyone is different and so you can't be given a definitive answer if e2 rebound is causing your post cycle acne without bw.

    Imo some e2 rebound is beneficial during PCT and an AI should not be used during this period.

    500mg/week of test is a good place to start for a first cycle.

    Some people can take low dose test and tren and feel fine.

    Others need a larger test to tren ratio to feel well.

  5. #5
    mrlittleman is offline Junior Member
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    awesome and very informative.
    Where do people get blood labs done? Just their personal doctor? and if you dont have one, can you recommend how or where if someone doesn't have a normal doc?

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hmc444 View Post

    My question: I've always gotten awful back acne after my cycles and I believe that it's from estrogen rebound. I've read that aromasin actually helps this if still taken through pct. is there any truth to this?
    No, its bro science.
    songdog likes this.

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrlittleman View Post
    awesome and very informative.
    Where do people get blood labs done? Just their personal doctor? and if you dont have one, can you recommend how or where if someone doesn't have a normal doc?
    Are you In the US?

    I'd like to help you out as much as I can, it would be helpful if you'd answer the questions in my previous post.

  8. #8
    Hmc444 is offline New Member
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    Hi numbere,

    I've actually only taken adex on my cycles at .25 EOD, I only chose aromasin this time because I had read it can help leading into pct prevent estrogen rebound. my last cycle ended middle January of 2016 and bloods came back with normal ranges for everything. This was last taken about 2 months ago.

    During cycle I had prami on hand and my estrogen was elevated mid cycle just a slight bit. As a precaution I started at 250mcg and titrated my dose up to 500mcg and was fine for the entire cycle.

    My very first cycle was straight test at 500mgs per week with .25 adex EOD and the same happened, estrogen was just slightly elevated.

    My pct was the same as what I had planned for this cycle, but I have no problem with running pct an extra 2 weeks and dropping the tren weeks 8-10.

    This would be my first time with tren, although not with a 19nor as I ran deca before.

    I'm in Canada not the US.

    I appreciate the feedback that you're giving me.


  9. #9
    mrlittleman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Are you In the US?

    I'd like to help you out as much as I can, it would be helpful if you'd answer the questions in my previous post.
    IM not the must be thinking of Hmc444 to answering your previous post. But yes, I am from the US

  10. #10
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hmc444 View Post
    Hi numbere,

    I've actually only taken adex on my cycles at .25 EOD, I only chose aromasin this time because I had read it can help leading into pct prevent estrogen rebound. my last cycle ended middle January of 2016 and bloods came back with normal ranges for everything. This was last taken about 2 months ago.

    During cycle I had prami on hand and my estrogen was elevated mid cycle just a slight bit. As a precaution I started at 250mcg and titrated my dose up to 500mcg and was fine for the entire cycle.

    My very first cycle was straight test at 500mgs per week with .25 adex EOD and the same happened, estrogen was just slightly elevated.

    My pct was the same as what I had planned for this cycle, but I have no problem with running pct an extra 2 weeks and dropping the tren weeks 8-10.

    This would be my first time with tren, although not with a 19nor as I ran deca before.

    I'm in Canada not the US.

    I appreciate the feedback that you're giving me.

    Aromasin (stane) needs to be taken everyday.

    Imo you should stick you dex unless you are experimenting with a TRT or cruise dose of test.

    Dex is less expensive and imo superior to stane plus you already know how your body reacts to dex.

    That's a lot of prami to start with, you're lucky that you didn't get sick.

    If this is your first time with tren I strongly urge you to run test P and tren a.

    Some people react well to tren and others do not.

    If you have bad tren side effects while on tren e it will take much longer for it to clear your system then tren a.

    Also, if you run test p and tren a then you will be able to see how your body reacts to low dose test tren.

    When you say your e2 was elevated what were the numbers and ranges?

    Did you have a standard or sensitive lc/ms estradiol assay?

  11. #11
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrlittleman View Post
    IM not the must be thinking of Hmc444 to answering your previous post. But yes, I am from the US
    I totally missed the username lol.

    Not all states allow private labs.

    I believe there's half a dozen stats that have passed legislation against private bw.

    If you're not in one of these communist states then the two labs that I use are labs MD dot com and discounted labs dot com.

  12. #12
    mrlittleman is offline Junior Member
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    unfortunately i am in CA.
    thanks for the info

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