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  1. #1
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Protein synthesis on TRT?

    We all know an advantage to running high does test if the protein synthesis increase you get but when running TRT 200mg a week does it still increases it to a level just wondering ?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Of course it does as opposed to a much lower, natural level of testosterone . It's why cycle's are much larger than a TRT dose.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Aug 2016
    Yeah I was just wondering cause I'm going to lower calories a little before next blast to lean out a little and I was just debating if I should keep my protein at 1.5g per lb or lower it , if its just going to get wasted but I guess being on TRT I should be able to use it all training hard , maybe just lower my carbs than

  4. #4
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    We all know an advantage to running high does test if the protein synthesis increase you get but when running TRT 200mg a week does it still increases it to a level just wondering ?
    I imagine. That's till way more then average natural production

  5. #5
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    When leaning out, you drop your carb/fats a little. I mean just about 10% or so. You don't want to go crazy and drop 50% or anything. I don't do big swings because it is hard on the body. I just drop my carb/fats by 10% or so and keep my protein the same. This will shift your overall % or macros so your fat/carb/protein ratios will lean more towards protein. Increase your cardio while holding down carbs/fats and you'll get leaner and lose minimum muscle tissue. I've done the carb rotation/water cycling in the past and discovered that if i just adjust my carbs/fats just a little and add cardio, I can lose fat and keep muscle. It's a lot easier to maintain this type of eating for a longer period of time, for me anyways.

  6. #6
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    When leaning out, you drop your carb/fats a little. I mean just about 10% or so. You don't want to go crazy and drop 50% or anything. I don't do big swings because it is hard on the body. I just drop my carb/fats by 10% or so and keep my protein the same. This will shift your overall % or macros so your fat/carb/protein ratios will lean more towards protein. Increase your cardio while holding down carbs/fats and you'll get leaner and lose minimum muscle tissue. I've done the carb rotation/water cycling in the past and discovered that if i just adjust my carbs/fats just a little and add cardio, I can lose fat and keep muscle. It's a lot easier to maintain this type of eating for a longer period of time, for me anyways.
    What macros you go buy usually ?
    right now im
    protein 1.5g
    carbs 1.5g
    fats 0.4g
    all this per LBS

    I don't like dropping fat to low for reason but I guess on TRT you don't really need to worry about low fat intake

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    What macros you go buy usually ?
    right now im
    protein 1.5g
    carbs 1.5g
    fats 0.4g
    all this per LBS

    I don't like dropping fat to low for reason but I guess on TRT you don't really need to worry about low fat intake
    My TDEE is 3650 cals/daily. When I cut, I drop my TDEE by 10% (or so) to about 3200cal/daily. My macros ratios are, fats: 16%, carbs 30%, Protein: 54%. I add 20min to 30min on the StairMaster after workout.

  8. #8
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Sounds good inalways went by grams per body weight not ratios or percentages usually works out 40/40/20 for bulk 50/30/20 cut

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