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Thread: Questions on Tren

  1. #1
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Questions on Tren

    Semi-Interested in running Tren , however you guys scare the shit out of me talking about it sometimes lol. So I'm going to ask several questions, I know everyone has an opinion so everyone please share and I'll take most things with a grain of salt.

    My History: never tried tren.... had 3 cycles, 2 of which were done correctly 1 was before I came here and only using the advice of my cousin (lol ikr)...

    My two previous cycles, cant remember exactly but I think I did Test E 300-400mg/wk (10 wks) + Oral Turinabol (6 wks), during this one I remember I really didnt gain "that" much weight, probably something like 6lbs total. But I feel like that Turinabol definitely had the strength flying up.

    Next one Test Prop @ 75mg EOD for 4 weeks then I think I went up to 100mg EOD for another 7 weeks, it was 11 weeks total. Also used oral Dbol however I didnt really experience the effects typically associated with Dbol so not certain that the Dbol was legit. I did develop a very small amount of tissue in my right nipple during this cycle however this was two years ago since my last cycle and everything seems pretty normal now, went down almost to nothing probably 5-6 weeks post cycle. I gained like 7lbs on this cycle and got a little leaner.

    PCT'd both of those nolva

    Next time I will keep a written log because my memory isnt great on these things and I should definitely have this as reference.

    NOW, onto my questions

    Right now I am 5'10 185ish, I played football in college, my last cycle was when I was still playing. When I finished ball I went probably a full year where I was unmotivated, burnt out to be honest, and I was lifting like 1-2 times a week over that span. Now I'm back in the swing, I have great strength (relative to my size and weight) but I'm struggling to put on size. At my heaviest I was 192 (well I was 197 once but I was like 15-16% bf) at 192 I was lean, still running a low 4.4 forty so it was a great weight. I would like to get to about 195 lean. So im looking to put on 10 clean lbs of muscle. This doesnt have to be done in one cycle per say... My long term goal is to venture into ~200 and be lean (hopefully next 2 years or so idk).

    I'm trying to figure out my next cycle and I hear so many highs and lows about Tren.... seems like Tren is kind of the "in" drug right now though. I'm one of those people whose sort of inbetween, yes I have done steroids before and I'm wanting to do them again, however I am not training for a sport anymore so I put my overall health above my gains. I'm wondering, what sort of results I can expect to see on Tren, should I try it out at a low dose? Should I just do a bigger dose of Test instead? Other drugs you guys recommend in place? Like I said I want to gain a lean 10, and in fact I'm about 12% bf (varies month to month) I would like to drop down to 10ish but still gain weight. For those sort of results I'm hearing Tren is the way to go, BUT if there is an easier path as far as side effects to the body please share what you guys would use instead. I know winny isnt as popular anymore, would it be worth it to run more test than I did before plus some winny? maybe EQ? Really I'm just looking for suggestions here, not trying to put on 30lbs in one cycle. +8-10lbs with a reduction in bf would ideal target for me.

    Also, i never want to get to the point where I'm "on" all the time. So do you guys find that you have more "keepable" gains when on certain drugs? At most I'd do like one cycle a year.

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    There are better compounds than EQ.

    Winny is nice for muscle preservation and conditioning when on a cut or bf is low.

    Imo you should use nandrolone before tren especially if this is your fourth cycle.

  3. #3
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    There are better compounds than EQ.

    Winny is nice for muscle preservation and conditioning when on a cut or bf is low.

    Imo you should use nandrolone before tren especially if this is your fourth cycle.
    Yeah, but from what I heard from other guys Deca /nandrolone has given them that swelled up full of water look, which isnt what I'm going for, I actually do not really want to put on more than 15lbs in this cycle (which I know is greatly dictated by my diet but yeah)...... whats your personal experience with it? and others?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Everyone thinks Tren is the miracle drug and it is not.And in all honesty you dont need tren at this point.You could run test and Tbol and do fine.
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  5. #5
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawgHouse
    Semi-Interested in running Tren, however you guys scare the shit out of me talking about it sometimes lol. So I'm going to ask several questions, I know everyone has an opinion so everyone please share and I'll take most things with a grain of salt. My History: never tried tren.... had 3 cycles, 2 of which were done correctly 1 was before I came here and only using the advice of my cousin (lol ikr)... My two previous cycles, cant remember exactly but I think I did Test E 300-400mg/wk (10 wks) + Oral Turinabol (6 wks), during this one I remember I really didnt gain "that" much weight, probably something like 6lbs total. But I feel like that Turinabol definitely had the strength flying up. Next one Test Prop @ 75mg EOD for 4 weeks then I think I went up to 100mg EOD for another 7 weeks, it was 11 weeks total. Also used oral Dbol however I didnt really experience the effects typically associated with Dbol so not certain that the Dbol was legit. I did develop a very small amount of tissue in my right nipple during this cycle however this was two years ago since my last cycle and everything seems pretty normal now, went down almost to nothing probably 5-6 weeks post cycle. I gained like 7lbs on this cycle and got a little leaner. PCT'd both of those nolva Next time I will keep a written log because my memory isnt great on these things and I should definitely have this as reference. NOW, onto my questions Right now I am 5'10 185ish, I played football in college, my last cycle was when I was still playing. When I finished ball I went probably a full year where I was unmotivated, burnt out to be honest, and I was lifting like 1-2 times a week over that span. Now I'm back in the swing, I have great strength (relative to my size and weight) but I'm struggling to put on size. At my heaviest I was 192 (well I was 197 once but I was like 15-16% bf) at 192 I was lean, still running a low 4.4 forty so it was a great weight. I would like to get to about 195 lean. So im looking to put on 10 clean lbs of muscle. This doesnt have to be done in one cycle per say... My long term goal is to venture into ~200 and be lean (hopefully next 2 years or so idk). I'm trying to figure out my next cycle and I hear so many highs and lows about Tren.... seems like Tren is kind of the "in" drug right now though. I'm one of those people whose sort of inbetween, yes I have done steroids before and I'm wanting to do them again, however I am not training for a sport anymore so I put my overall health above my gains. I'm wondering, what sort of results I can expect to see on Tren, should I try it out at a low dose? Should I just do a bigger dose of Test instead? Other drugs you guys recommend in place? Like I said I want to gain a lean 10, and in fact I'm about 12% bf (varies month to month) I would like to drop down to 10ish but still gain weight. For those sort of results I'm hearing Tren is the way to go, BUT if there is an easier path as far as side effects to the body please share what you guys would use instead. I know winny isnt as popular anymore, would it be worth it to run more test than I did before plus some winny? maybe EQ? Really I'm just looking for suggestions here, not trying to put on 30lbs in one cycle. +8-10lbs with a reduction in bf would ideal target for me. Also, i never want to get to the point where I'm "on" all the time. So do you guys find that you have more "keepable" gains when on certain drugs? At most I'd do like one cycle a year.
    I only use tren to cut, although any AAS can be used for either depending on diet. If you want to gain muscle, you need to have an abundance of calories no matter what you take. I have not mastered the secret of maintaining 10% bodyfat while "bulking" so there may be others that give advice for what you are looking for. You really do not need to cycle to cut, you just need to be careful not to lose muscle.
    I recommend test and decca for your results if you do want to cycle. Please do not forget hCG , an AI, and pCT should be Nolva and clomid.
    Some people have excessive water retention on decca, i do not. You should also gain about 15-20 lbs.
    i just need to say this..... If you put your health ahead of your gains, you can do this naturally also. Once again, diet is the key.
    I would only use winnie if you are trying to cut. Since I am older, winnie really affects my joints.
    I tried to answer your questions.
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  6. #6
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    If you do plan on running it start with ace and a small dose see how ya go. But as above stated you should try decca/npp first. Dont worry about a bit of water. If You control your diet and you control your e2 then any bit of water you may retain will go away. 15pounds of lbm is reaching for the moon mate. Good luck.

  7. #7
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Everyone thinks Tren is the miracle drug and it is not.And in all honesty you dont need tren at this point.You could run test and Tbol and do fine.
    Yeah, in response to this, I was hoping everyone sort of understood me.... I'm somewhat leaning against Tren right now, and like I said in the post it seems like its the "in" drug of choice right now.

    I guess my biggest question here is, what are you guys personal experiences with tren, and for those who have similar goals to mine, what drugs have you used with success before? and if its simply just Test by itself then please state it......

    Its likely that I may do just another test + oral stack, I'm gonna run these in Feb so I just wanted to get opinions now before i go out buying shit. and I was thinking "IF" i do decide to throw another compound in, what would help?

  8. #8
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    I want like half that of lbm... 8lbs would be fine for me..... I'm saying I don't want to be one of the guys here that has put on 30lbs in a single cycle. I just want to stay dry and lean. I'm pretty lean naturally I don't want to have a "fluffly" cycle

  9. #9
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawgHouse View Post
    Yeah, but from what I heard from other guys Deca/nandrolone has given them that swelled up full of water look, which isnt what I'm going for, I actually do not really want to put on more than 15lbs in this cycle (which I know is greatly dictated by my diet but yeah)...... whats your personal experience with it? and others?
    Nandrolone converts to estrogen at about 20% the rate of test so if you know how to control water retention through diet and AI I don't understand how it will swell you full of water.

    Nandrolone is better than tren for adding lean body mass.

    Plus nandrolone has less side effects when compared to tren.

    You have a lot of time to use tren so no need to rush.

  10. #10
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Nandrolone converts to estrogen at about 20% the rate of test so if you know how to control water retention through diet and AI I don't understand how it will swell you full of water.

    Nandrolone is better than tren for adding lean body mass.

    Plus nandrolone has less side effects when compared to tren.

    You have a lot of time to use tren so no need to rush.
    I second this OP!

    I've made great lean gains with prop/& NPP... no water - like stated it's all diet training and cardio!

    The compound doesn't make the man - the man makes the compound!(with strict dieting & training) one can cut on any compound if diet is on point

    I've known many to cut on nandrolone & drol! Wow were they nice and full!

  11. #11
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Nice advice guys, definitely what I was looking for. Like I said I have time to think about this, I'm a huge planner, this cycle is still nearly 3 mos away. So I'm just gathering my information same as I have in the past. In zero rush to use Tren or anything else for that matter.

  12. #12
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    I've done
    Deca test
    Tren test

    Both cycles where bulking

    Deca I put massive amounts of muscle on and felt amazing like king shit but yes tons of water and bloat 14weeks

    Tren I ran 20 weeks sides where easy for me none actually and put on a lot of lean muscle lost nothing coming off so far

    I'm running deca again and gonna finish with tren I find gains with tren are less but you hold them better. So ultimately test deca than finish with tren test

    If I had to choose one tren anyday over deca for clean gain and no blowing up like a ballon than dropping half of it for pure fun and size deca hands down

  13. #13
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    If you only want to do 1 cycle per year, you really want to make sure you recover correctly, specially at your age.

    I would avoid tren and deca , as this compounds are harder to recover. If you had sucess with test and tbol why not do it again?

    Make sure you do a proper PCT with clomid and nolva, not just nolva as it might not be enough, and add HCG for maintaining some testicular function while on.

  14. #14
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    I've done
    Deca test
    Tren test

    Both cycles where bulking

    Deca I put massive amounts of muscle on and felt amazing like king shit but yes tons of water and bloat 14weeks

    Tren I ran 20 weeks sides where easy for me none actually and put on a lot of lean muscle lost nothing coming off so far

    I'm running deca again and gonna finish with tren I find gains with tren are less but you hold them better. So ultimately test deca than finish with tren test

    If I had to choose one tren anyday over deca for clean gain and no blowing up like a ballon than dropping half of it for pure fun and size deca hands down
    How long have you been off the Tren without losing gains? 20 weeks seems like a long ass time though. I'm probably going 12-14max on next cycle I do.

  15. #15
    DawgHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    If you only want to do 1 cycle per year, you really want to make sure you recover correctly, specially at your age.

    I would avoid tren and deca , as this compounds are harder to recover. If you had sucess with test and tbol why not do it again?

    Make sure you do a proper PCT with clomid and nolva, not just nolva as it might not be enough, and add HCG for maintaining some testicular function while on.
    I very well may end up doing test/tbol again. I'm just semi-interested in trying something new and trying to gather opinions.... As far as PCT I did use clomid and nolva... I have not used HCG in the past but I'm planning on using it my next cycle regardless of the compounds.

  16. #16
    petemitchell30 is offline Associate Member
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    My limited experience

    Winstrol (injectible)
    12 or 13 yrs ago, diet was shit. But gained about 10 lbs, didnt lose any fat, but got a lot stronger, looked a little harder. No water weight, no puffy look.

    I ran deca about 12 or 13 yrs ago....I got stronger and bigger, but I put on a shitton of water weight during the cycle. I just looked puffy.

    Straight Test cycle (600mg/week), and so long as I kept my e2 normal with anastrozole, I didn't look puffy. Gained strength, size, and it looked pretty good.

    Anavar at 60mg/ED for 8 weeks along with TRT (200mg/EW). I remained about the same weight but got a little stronger and a little harder. Very minimal results though.

    I'm finishing up my first cycle of Tren - I posted this on the member cycle results, you can read about it there, it's called "Tren Train Part II." To summarize - I feel like, at least the way it effected me, the sides and gains are overhyped. Didn't get hardly any of the sides, and I got a lot stronger and a little bigger, but no crazy fat loss or anything. Since I didn't retain any water the gains looked really good. Weight remained the exact same, but more of that weight is muscle and less of it is fat than when I began. I honestly think I could have done the same thing with just Test Cyp/Enth and anastrozole......just my 2 cents.
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  17. #17
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    I've been on tren 6 weeks or so not counting exactly and my strength is still going up and my weight but im bulking .

    deca took me 9 months to recover and put my on TRT even with a PCT so like others said if you plan to recover and only do one cycle a year I would stay away from deca or tren , do something more simple

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