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  1. #1
    mabuildah is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Cycle timing/results

    So a good friend is on his third round using AS.
    His first was a few years ago and his cycle was built for him as an 8 week on 4 week off cycly, 3 rounds on. It worked pretty well and he got great results, though this sounds quite atypical.
    He did PCT when he came off but his natural test levels never quite got back up there, his libido, energy level and strength certainly did not.

    Fast forward 2 years he starts a new cycle

    12 weeks 400mg/week Test Cyp
    50mg dbol /day first 3 weeks
    200mg/wk Tren A week 4-9

    PCT - HCG and nolva

    Starting weight at 5'6" is 157, ending weitht is 172 pounds over the 12 weeks and energy/sex drive/strength skyrockets as expected.

    6 weeks off
    Maintained wieght for the most part started next cycle at 168

    Starts next cycle same thing

    400mg/week test cyp
    50mg/day dbol

    has not started tren yet

    so the question is...its week 3 on this... sees an increase in strength from the dbol but has not really noticed the cyp kick in, no increase in energy or sex drive

    Test cyp is same brand and source as first cycle, pharm grade and has been used my myself him and others with great results.

    so any advice as to why he may not be seeing the results he should on this round? Too short between cycles?

    Any advice on why, and how to adjust would be greatly appreciated either here or pm/email

    Thank you~~!

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    At 400mg per week he shouldn't be feeling the cyp kick in this soon. Patience...

  3. #3
    Jonbana is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Second cycle always weaker than the first for gains other wise we would all be massive

    The more you cycle the more you need as you get use to it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mabuildah View Post
    So a good friend is on his third round using AS.
    His first was a few years ago and his cycle was built for him as an 8 week on 4 week off cycly, 3 rounds on. It worked pretty well and he got great results, though this sounds quite atypical.
    He did PCT when he came off but his natural test levels never quite got back up there, his libido, energy level and strength certainly did not.

    Fast forward 2 years he starts a new cycle

    12 weeks 400mg/week Test Cyp
    50mg dbol /day first 3 weeks
    200mg/wk Tren A week 4-9

    PCT - HCG and nolva

    Starting weight at 5'6" is 157, ending weitht is 172 pounds over the 12 weeks and energy/sex drive/strength skyrockets as expected.

    6 weeks off
    Maintained wieght for the most part started next cycle at 168

    Starts next cycle same thing

    400mg/week test cyp
    50mg/day dbol

    has not started tren yet

    so the question is...its week 3 on this... sees an increase in strength from the dbol but has not really noticed the cyp kick in, no increase in energy or sex drive Cyp's a pretty long ester and it'll be around 4 weeks before it really "kicks in"

    Test cyp is same brand and source as first cycle, pharm grade and has been used my myself him and others with great results.

    so any advice as to why he may not be seeing the results he should on this round? Too short between cycles?

    Any advice on why, and how to adjust would be greatly appreciated either here or pm/email

    Thank you~~!
    There isn't enough information about the last cycle, how much time before PCT, the effectiveness of the PCT, the duration between post PCT to this new cycle. Having said that, if your friend hasn't recovered properly, he might have issues, sexually. Time well tell. Keep an eye on him and see how he feels. If his pecker falls off you know that he's not recovered properly from the last cycle. LOL Nah, don't worry.

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