Hey guys,

I am a new member here, my name is Iwan, 25, I am from Berlin, Germany and I am looking for forward to starting my first ever steroid cycle.

I have been actively working out for the past 3 years and my weight have been ranging between 65 and 83 kg. As of now, I am 75 kg. I am 174 cm. I have had the same problem over the years - in a time of bulking, I become fat and in a time of cutting I lose my muscles. Right now, I just finished a 2 month bulking cycle and I am in probably my best shape ever, at 75 kg , 18% body fat.

I am eager to try an anavar only cycle to lose 4-5 kg of body fat without compromising my muscles. I have bought a total of 90 pills / 20mg of anavar and I am here to ask you, what is the best way to use them. While on anavar, I will be aiming at an 7 000 calorie deficit, attained with strict diet and cardio exercises My questions are:

1) How should I structure my anavar intake, mg per day and in what time of the day should I take the pills ?

2) Despite the 7 000 calorie deficit per week, is it realistic to expect any, even small, muscle gains while burning fat or I should basically be happy to simply keep what I have.

Thank you so much for your time !

