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  1. #1
    wolverines99 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    HGH Night Sweats (Angtropin)

    Whats up guys...been taking HGH for 4 months now. Started with Revytropin for 1st 2 months. 4iu's/day (2 AM 2PM), 5 days, 2 off.

    Switched to Angtropin and ran same dosage. Just upped to 5iu's/day last week.

    Ive been waking up middle of night drenched..soaking wet. Been happening for 2 weeks straight now.

    Has this happened to anyone else? I didn't sweat with the Revy at all. Maybe its the Ang?

  2. #2
    chab is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    This happened to me when I started HGH, Night sweats + VIOLENT nightmares (like severely hurting my friends that I do not even have an issue with) but everything got better after 2 weeks.

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