I have a long winded question...

I'm 49 years old. I've done 3 cycles in my lifetime

Back in the day when I was 19 - Dianabol (6 weeks) gained 70 pounds and strength went thru the roof...I felt this within the first week. I got gyno from this because back then I just didn't know what I know now.

Next I did Winstrol V - Gained 10-15 pounds and was shredded

Again like an idiot I didn't do PCT and got gyno on the other side.

30 years later I decided to do a cycle of test enanthate & equipoise . 1cc of each twice weekly.

I've been taking .5 cc of letrozole orally ever other day during the cycle.

I'm in my 3rd week just finished my 5th injection and I really don't see the results yet. I feel a little stronger but definitely not like I did 30 years ago.

This is a 10 week cycle...If I'll see results in the 6th week like some people have answered, should I extend the cycle...if so for how long and what would the PCT look like?