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  1. #1
    Nasko is offline New Member
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    Jan 2017

    Planning a winny cycle..Need Recommendations

    Yo guys!
    I'm 21 years old in great health condition(never had any problems or any diseases)
    I've been hitting the gym for a bit more than 2 years now...
    In December I had to quit for a while due to injury..
    Now in early/mid January i started pumping again,and I am slowly regaining my strength.

    So since i gained some unwanted fat during my break(I was not keeping any diet),and I want to get rid of this fat asap..
    I am planning to run an oral-only winny cycle (not longer than 4-5 weeks)..
    Maybe I will be sticking to 30mg daily for the whole period of the cycle(since it's my first steroid use I don't want to stress my body much)

    Currently I'm on low carb diet combined with intense cardio 4 days weekly..

    So I know winny itself won't do any wonders..

    I am going to get full tests next week,and if everything is fine I will maybe start my cycle.

    So my questions are purely based about health..

    Since winstrol is 17AA and its toxic for the liver.Should I expect high liver toxicity at this dosage?
    Besides milk thistle,magnesium (and possibly liv-52) should i take anything else to support my liver during the cycle?
    What type of pct should i go for at this dosage..I was thinking about Nolva..
    Should i visit my doctor weekly for health tests,just to be sure everything is as it should be.

    I would appreciate any advice.

  2. #2
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Have a read of these threads to see why you are a tad on the young side. And why you should not run a oral only cycle. And a bit of cardio and diet you will loose that fat in no time

  3. #3
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Too young, bad cycle design, and lots of room to grow naturally if you've only been training 2 years. You'll be in a much better position if you wait a few years, now presents way too many negatives.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You got good advice I hope you take it.You have not been training very long use this time too build a solid base and get your diet in order.Diet is 95% of a great cycle.

  5. #5
    tyzride is offline New Member
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    May 2016
    Don't take any gear until you get older man. It's not worth it.

  6. #6
    Nasko is offline New Member
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    Jan 2017
    Thank you guys for all the comments,really appreciate it!
    Maybe i should listen your advice.
    My whole point of the this cycle wasn't only about cutting the fat.
    I wanted to see for myself i my body reacts well to AAS.

    Because I spent some time to read about roids,and different people tell different story..
    And that's why i planned this short,and low dosed see if I handle this type of drugs well.

    But as you said maybe my age is still fragile,and that decision may not be the best.
    I could afford to wait few more years,and then give it a go if needed.
    Thank you guys!

  7. #7
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nasko View Post
    Thank you guys for all the comments,really appreciate it!
    Maybe i should listen your advice.
    My whole point of the this cycle wasn't only about cutting the fat.
    I wanted to see for myself i my body reacts well to AAS.

    Because I spent some time to read about roids,and different people tell different story..
    And that's why i planned this short,and low dosed see if I handle this type of drugs well.

    But as you said maybe my age is still fragile,and that decision may not be the best.
    I could afford to wait few more years,and then give it a go if needed.
    Thank you guys!
    A 5 weeks winnyrun wont kill u. Problem is. As it seems u want it quick and easy and not that afraid of taking risks.
    It will work and suddenly u want more and in months ur planning a fullblown cycle.
    U dont have to try to determind if aas works for u. I have never seen a guy using aas rigth without gains.

    But as they say. U are too young. Cause aas are more dangerous than people think.

    And the fact that u are most worried about your liver, tells me that u dont have the knowhow yet.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-04-2017 at 05:23 AM.

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