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Thread: First cycle.... any help is appreciated

  1. #1
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    First cycle.... any help is appreciated

    Hey whats up everyone

    I've been lurking for like a year on here and finally decided to pull the trigger and start my first cycle.

    Read through all of Austinite's posts and few other really credible people on the threads, did a shit ton of my own research and finally said ok i think I'm ready.

    I'm 32 I've been working out pretty much since i was a kid with football and then military and now for the past 2 years I've been really heavy into bodybuilding as a sport.

    I'll be running a Test/e only cycle for 12 weeks at 600mg a week split into 2 300mg doses every Monday and Thursday will also run arimidex at .25 eod and have my pct set up based on what is set in the first timer guidelines written on here

    My diet is ok, ive been tightening it up as of late and since this cycle will be during a cut I'll be around 25-2800 cals might increase depending on how i respond to the test, high protein moderate carbs and low fat

    I'm 5'10 218.7lbs and around 15-17% bf, I've been in the single didgits before but I'm really comfortable at about 10-12 % i really have no plans to step on a stage ...but you never know what i might think after a few go arounds

    I'm really excited to get started on this journey, i was going to hold out until i dropped a little more bf but honestly cutting has never been tough for me and i am pretty disciplined when i need to be to get the diet in check, at 32 I'm starting to see that its harder to make the gains though and although i recover fairly quickly naturally i think its time for that push i need to get to the next level

    I figure with high protein and moderate carbs i should be able to make some lean gains while shedding a little body fat, i just want to take advantage of the increased protein synthesis, honestly I'm not looking to get huge

    Anyways i just talked about a whole bunch of nothing and shit I'm sure everyone says.... any advice or whatever is always appreciated !!! Thanks for having me guys
    Last edited by Richard Cabeza; 02-04-2017 at 05:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Max562's Avatar
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    Welcome..youll get the answers youre looking for shortly

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Deal Me In's Avatar
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    It's nice to hear an older guy come on here, read the material and follow the simple path. You should do great. That was about the age I started and haven't looked back. The only recommendation I would make is getting bloodwork. Everyone is different but I don't need that much AI. The only way to know is with bloodwork at the halfway point.

    Otherwise, good luck. I think you're going to be really happy with the results.
    Richard Cabeza likes this.

  4. #4
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks! This forum is like a cheat code so i don't doubt that at all!!

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I would start your Adex at .25EOD to start how about HCG and your pct Nova and Clomid.And 500 mg test will be good bro.
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  6. #6
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention i have labs, and will be doing them again mid cycle, I'm honestly running the ai at .25 eod the .5 was a typo I'm going to change. I'm not sure though if i should run it at the beginning of the cycle or if i should just go a few weeks and see how i respond to the test and just take the arimidex if any excess bloat or high estro symptoms start to occur

  7. #7
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    My pct is going to be nolva and clomid run the same way its outlined in austinites beginner cycle post .. I'd love to do 500 but i could only get 300mg dosed test breaking that down to 250 mg would just be a pain in the ass, unless you have a suggestion on how to make that happen.

    I'm not going to run hcg , from everything I've read about a test only cycle it doesn't seem super necessary. I want to use the least amount of compounds necessary to get a true assessment of how i respond, idk i could be wrong as i see its common to run the hcg but i don't have any and I'll be starting my cycle on Monday

  8. #8
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    I forgot to mention i have labs, and will be doing them again mid cycle, I'm honestly running the ai at .25 eod the .5 was a typo I'm going to change. I'm not sure though if i should run it at the beginning of the cycle or if i should just go a few weeks and see how i respond to the test and just take the arimidex if any excess bloat or high estro symptoms start to occur
    Its not just about physically appearing symptoms.

    You may not bloat, or get gyno symptoms, but estrogen can still be high, and not manifest into externally noticeable things.

    For a cut. Id say high p, moderate fat, low carbs
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  9. #9
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Its not just about physically appearing symptoms.

    You may not bloat, or get gyno symptoms, but estrogen can still be high, and not manifest into externally noticeable things.

    For a cut. Id say high p, moderate fat, low carbs
    Makes sense, so should i take the arimidex the first week then? I only ask because its tough to get a solid answer about it, literally everywhere i look there's a different opinion or experience.... i guess fuck it I'll take .25 eod from the beginning of the cycle .... i can do high p moderate fat and low carb, i just fucking hate that low carb feeling and feel like my lifts tend to suffer a bit .... but i guess that'd be different on cycle?

  10. #10
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Will be posting my journey with pics and labs starting next week when i begin, idk if I've ever been so excited for something in my life haha I'm sure many are just like me in here where you look forward to gym time, if i have to miss a session I'm bummed out. 2 years ago i had a 80% labrum tear and couldn't work out and was depressed as fuck, seriously having dreams about the gym and sets haha weird? It might be but I'm obsessed with lifting, it amazes me at what we can do with out bodies, how we can build each muscle to perfection and push past the limits we set ... sorry guys random rant, i just get passionate about this shit don't mind me haha

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza
    My pct is going to be nolva and clomid run the same way its outlined in austinites beginner cycle post .. I'd love to do 500 but i could only get 300mg dosed test breaking that down to 250 mg would just be a pain in the ass, unless you have a suggestion on how to make that happen. I'm not going to run hcg, from everything I've read about a test only cycle it doesn't seem super necessary. I want to use the least amount of compounds necessary to get a true assessment of how i respond, idk i could be wrong as i see its common to run the hcg but i don't have any and I'll be starting my cycle on Monday
    Just do 0.8ml twice a week.
    0.8ml * 300mg/ml = 240mg per shot
    240mg twice a week is 480mg per week
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  12. #12
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Just do 0.8ml twice a week.
    0.8ml * 300mg/ml = 240mg per shot
    240mg twice a week is 480mg per week
    Thanks i appreciate that!!! I didn't want to start messing around with the dosage and fuck myself up so that definitely helps me out so much.

    I read a study on the differences of a 300mg a week to 600mg a week cycle which is what lead me to saying ok I'll go 600mg and being that I'm in my 30s i figured it shouldn't really be an issue. Definitely don't mind lowering that dosage though so again man much appreciated.

  13. #13
    Deal Me In's Avatar
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    Dosage is a strange thing. One of the reasons you hear so much conflicting information is because everyone responds differently. Austinite's article is a great place to start. It gives you a solid base without causing any problems. You will then learn to go from there based on the information you collect from the first cycle.

    For me personally, I get diminishing returns above 500mg/wk. My BP goes up, lipids go up, bloat becomes a factor and all for very little gains. This is something that you will have to find out for yourself. Same thing with the AI. The only real way to answer your questions is to do it one way and get blood work. If something doesn't look right, change it. If everything looks ago, make a note of it in your journal and keep on moving.

    Because the human body is so unique a lot of this is trial and error. We do the best we can to point people in the right direction and keep them from making any big mistakes but, as my dad always said, we learn by doing.
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  14. #14
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    Dosage is a strange thing. One of the reasons you hear so much conflicting information is because everyone responds differently. Austinite's article is a great place to start. It gives you a solid base without causing any problems. You will then learn to go from there based on the information you collect from the first cycle.

    For me personally, I get diminishing returns above 500mg/wk. My BP goes up, lipids go up, bloat becomes a factor and all for very little gains. This is something that you will have to find out for yourself. Same thing with the AI. The only real way to answer your questions is to do it one way and get blood work. If something doesn't look right, change it. If everything looks ago, make a note of it in your journal and keep on moving.

    Because the human body is so unique a lot of this is trial and error. We do the best we can to point people in the right direction and keep them from making any big mistakes but, as my dad always said, we learn by doing.
    Exactly my thoughts, i took as much of the credible info as i could and kind of took whatever general concensus i could from all the different sources of info for that solid base and basically just planned on doing exactly what you said, trial and error.

    I have no problem with running it at 500mg so thanks to The Deadlift Dog i now have the ability to do so now that I know the dosage.

    What are you guys thoughts on front loading? I've been reading that with long esters this is something many like to do but I'm a bit apprehensive about it, i cant see too much of a huge benefit but again I'm new and my knowledge on this is all still speculation and based on shit I've read

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    I'm not going to run hcg, from everything I've read about a test only cycle it doesn't seem super necessary. I want to use the least amount of compounds necessary to get a true assessment of how i respond, idk i could be wrong as i see its common to run the hcg but i don't have any and I'll be starting my cycle on Monday
    Could not be more wrong. Unless of course you don't really care about your testicals. If so, that's really nuts.
    Re HCG , it's readily available on line. Order it and start it asap.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  16. #16
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Could not be more wrong. Unless of course you don't really care about your testicals. If so, that's really nuts.
    Re HCG, it's readily available on line. Order it and start it asap.
    Eh... fuck em .. lmao just kidding, I've read about the atrophy and the natural production that still is allowed to occur on cycle but I've also read that unless you shut down this is all reversible after the cycle, idk i know people feel strongly about it and i know you guys are helping me out of experience so yeah I'll probably just order some and stop being an idiot. Better safe than sorry right?

    This is why I'm glad i joined, I'm all for doing shit the right way and getting the right info

  17. #17
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    ^^^ as above

    You know how the public says steroids srink your balls? Thats because they do not use hcg
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  18. #18
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Could not be more wrong. Unless of course you don't really care about your testicals. If so, that's really nuts.
    Re HCG, it's readily available on line. Order it and start it asap.
    Hcg can be thought of as a extra 50% chance off full recovery during pct times.

    If you've been reading that Its not necessary, you've been on the wrong forums.

    Avoid meso, avoid facebook roid groups.

    I have not seen such pile of bad advice like those sites.

    This is the place, its the gold standard.

    Its the Smithsonian of juice
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  19. #19
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Hcg can be thought of as a extra 50% chance off full recovery during pct times.

    If you've been reading that Its not necessary, you've been on the wrong forums.

    Avoid meso, avoid facebook roid groups.

    I have not seen such pile of bad advice like those sites.

    This is the place, its the gold standard.

    Its the Smithsonian of juice
    Can't argue with that!! And you know I've read a bunch of dumb shit and can usually sift through it well but certain topics are such a 50/50 split concensus of whether its good or bad, wrong or right. I'm always open to learn and do things the right way, but as we said early its all about seeing what works best for is individually, but I'd rather be safe than sorry

  20. #20
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Hcg can be thought of as a extra 50% chance off full recovery during pct times.

    If you've been reading that Its not necessary, you've been on the wrong forums.

    Avoid meso, avoid facebook roid groups.

    I have not seen such pile of bad advice like those sites.

    This is the place, its the gold standard.

    Its the Smithsonian of juice
    And when it becomes legal blokes like BG and Kel will get nobel prizes
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  21. #21
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Pre cycle pic ... 218.6 lbs eh around 16-18% bf idk i haven't got it tested in awhile, only have the aria scale which is faaaaar from accurate lol

  22. #22
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Eh... fuck em .. lmao just kidding, I've read about the atrophy and the natural production that still is allowed to occur on cycle but I've also read that unless you shut down this is all reversible after the cycle, idk i know people feel strongly about it and i know you guys are helping me out of experience so yeah I'll probably just order some and stop being an idiot. Better safe than sorry right?

    This is why I'm glad i joined, I'm all for doing shit the right way and getting the right info

    There is nothing written in stone saying you will recover that's just the nature of the beast.But HCG will give you a better chance.
    rt4man likes this.

  23. #23
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Looking forward to seeing my after pics in a few months!!!

  24. #24
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    There is nothing written in stone saying you will recover that's just the nature of the beast.But HCG will give you a better chance.
    I definitely understand that and appreciate the input, thats why I'm here. To learn from the guys who've already been there done that!

  25. #25
    LeeSin1 is offline Junior Member
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    plz give updates along the way! interested in progress.

  26. #26
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeeSin1 View Post
    plz give updates along the way! interested in progress.
    I definitely plan on it, labs, pics, experience, etc.

  27. #27
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Was planning on starting the cycle today, but because I want to do things right and take you guy's advice I'm going to wait for my hcg to arrive first, should be by the end of the week so i will start the cycle once it arrives.

    Hopefully i don't bother you guys with these updates, i promise they'll get better. Pretty anxious to get started, its killing me haha i have dreams about this shit, wanna get the first month or so out of the way so i can experience what ive read so much about. ... alright cardio time, time to put this phone down

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