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  1. #1
    listerine is offline Junior Member
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    Tbol only cycles (for those who have done it)

    what where your gains like how long did you run them for and at what dosage

    I was going to run tbol and test but whats it worth if you gain a lot (which youll lose most of anyways) with acne covered skin (acne prone) and potential estrogen side effects (had gyno before) when you could gain less but keepable muscle with little to no sides. Also Ive read many threads of people gaining alot of size while running a long cycle of tbol

    I was thinking of running tbol 50mg for 10-11 weeks with 40/40/20/20 of Nolvadex for PCT

    Stats are 21, 6'1, 186 lbs, BF is 9.8%, no cycle expirience
    Last edited by listerine; 11-15-2008 at 01:00 PM.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Tbol should not be ran for 10-11 weeks that is pretty bad for your liver.

  3. #3
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    IMO its not pretty bad, ist stressing your liver, but willnot kill your liver.

    If you will check each 4weeks on it your liver values you will be fine. Plus some liver protectants and you cant permanently damage your liver for sure!

    All time liver but you should more type about HDL cholesterol.

  4. #4
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    I ran for one(week) at 20 then one at 30, then 2 at forty, then one at 50 and had to stop, I was getting too many questions at work, questions like "Are you juicing"? At 40 i really started to notice gains and at 50 i just blew up. Granted i am 6'4" and no where near my genetic potential, but i trained very hard and very heavy, I ate like 6000 clas a day at 400+ grams protein and i shit you not i put on 33 lbs in less than 5 weeks on tbol solo. Id say 5 of it was fat and i only held on to about 20 of it. ( kinda crashed and slacked a bit post cycle ) but still 33 lbs man.

  5. #5
    Barch is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    I ran for one(week) at 20 then one at 30, then 2 at forty, then one at 50 and had to stop, I was getting too many questions at work, questions like "Are you juicing"? At 40 i really started to notice gains and at 50 i just blew up. Granted i am 6'4" and no where near my genetic potential, but i trained very hard and very heavy, I ate like 6000 clas a day at 400+ grams protein and i shit you not i put on 33 lbs in less than 5 weeks on tbol solo. Id say 5 of it was fat and i only held on to about 20 of it. ( kinda crashed and slacked a bit post cycle ) but still 33 lbs man.
    Sounds more like you got Dbol ... A lot of times sources will sell Dbol labelled as Tbol, since Tbol is much more expensive. Did you have a lot of bloating?

  6. #6
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barch View Post
    Sounds more like you got Dbol... A lot of times sources will sell Dbol labelled as Tbol, since Tbol is much more expensive. Did you have a lot of bloating?
    I dont think bloating is indicative of anything really. Tbol isnt THAT much more expensive when you are a manufacturer, but thats not to say its not possible. Plus if you were gyno prone youd know it was dbol pretty quickly.

  7. #7
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    guess different body types react differently to e dosage.. maybe its good to start on a low dosage and see how e body reacts before increasing the dose? what u guys reckon?

  8. #8
    jf24 is offline Junior Member
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    look for about 7-15 pounds with t bol alone dosage should be minimum 40 mg per day and yes the more you use the more you ll get results

  9. #9
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    Not dbol . Ive done dbol only and its a totally different experience. Definately tbol.

  10. #10
    maxneo553 is offline Junior Member
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    ^^Say at least or approximately how many pounds of muscle would i gain of my propsed cycle: tbol 50mg for 10 weeks

  11. #11
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    Thats an impossible question to answer.

    How tall are you?
    What kind of base do you have?
    How close are you to your natural potential?
    Do you know how to train for size?
    Are you willing to train for size? (that means heavy squats and dead lifts among other things)
    Do you know how to eat?
    Are you willing to eat?

    If you have never cycled before and you eat and train right on 50 mg a day, you will be shocked at the kind of size you put on, but all thats up to you my friend.

    10 weeks is kind of a long time to run an oral. I have HEARD that after abotu 7 weeks or so you stop seeing big gains. You might want to try geting enough to run it twice for shorter cycles, 1st one to find your sweet spot(tbol is a little harsh) recover, and then hit it hard.
    Last edited by Bjohnson; 11-18-2008 at 03:22 AM.

  12. #12
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    I have ran a tbol only cycle with AMAZING results and little to no sides what so ever. I just ran 60mg/day for 6 weeks, put on 8 solid lbs. My strenght was great to! I will prolly throw some tbol in my next cycle my favorite oral by far.

  13. #13
    azz10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I have ran a tbol only cycle with AMAZING results and little to no sides what so ever. I just ran 60mg/day for 6 weeks, put on 8 solid lbs. My strenght was great to! I will prolly throw some tbol in my next cycle my favorite oral by far.
    hey mate, did ya change ur diet whilst on tbol only cycle? are the gains solid muscles or fats included? haha. did u notice any strength loss since coming off the cycle?

  14. #14
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azz10 View Post
    hey mate, did ya change ur diet whilst on tbol only cycle? are the gains solid muscles or fats included? haha. did u notice any strength loss since coming off the cycle?
    I ate like shit mcdonalds everyday every meal but still lost fat and gained muscle. I have been blessed with amazing genetics though I dont think this would work for a lot of people. I kept most of my strenght gains cant tell you for sure though but tbol is amazing made me dry and shredded to the bone I was about 220lbs with less then 7% bf id say, and that was on a bad diet.. I will for sure be getting some more tbol in my next order

  15. #15
    maxneo553 is offline Junior Member
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    Should i either run:

    tbol 75mg for 9 weeks


    tbol 75mg ED for Week 1-6
    Anavar 60mg ED for week 7-10.5

    both cycles will have milk thistle 1mg ED and Nolvadex PCT. Goal is to gain around 20 LBM
    Last edited by maxneo553; 11-23-2008 at 03:56 PM.

  16. #16
    PrideFEDOR's Avatar
    PrideFEDOR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    IMO its not pretty bad, ist stressing your liver, but willnot kill your liver.

    If you will check each 4weeks on it your liver values you will be fine. Plus some liver protectants and you cant permanently damage your liver for sure!

    All time liver but you should more type about HDL cholesterol.
    THANK YOU ! I completely agree with you ! These crazy statements about your liver being falling apart from 12 weeks of orals are so rediculous and people read that carry it forward by telling those lies to newcommers. Not many people know that ANADROL 50 is prescribed to babies for a period up to 6 months. Any bar fly , who spends 3+ days in the bar stresses his/her liver way more than anyone who exersize and gets 50 mg of dbol daily. And they do it all their lives ( staying in the bar). So how the fuk come Im gonna get my liver turned into a swiss cheese ( amount of holes in it) by taking oral steroid such as tbol ( which is safer than most orals out there) ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barch View Post
    Sounds more like you got Dbol... A lot of times sources will sell Dbol labelled as Tbol, since Tbol is much more expensive. Did you have a lot of bloating?
    No if it was dbol he'd keep 5lbs from it not 20 or 30. I believe it can be done. Some people react very good to small doses of AAS. Some people react amazing to one particular compound. That's why some people get deca dick from 200mg of nandrolone weekly and some people get no limp noodle sides being on 600mg weekly. Moreover , they feel sexual boost. Someone would've sold me dbol instead of tbol, I'd shoot his ass ( just kidding)

    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I dont think bloating is indicative of anything really. Tbol isnt THAT much more expensive when you are a manufacturer, but thats not to say its not possible. Plus if you were gyno prone youd know it was dbol pretty quickly.
    Well , tbol is 3 times more expensive for a manufacturer ! 1.2 vs. 4.0. And you are 100% correct on the fact that tbol does not aromatize and he'd feel if it was dbol.

  17. #17
    maxneo553 is offline Junior Member
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    ^^ which would gve me more LBM though

    tbol 75mg for 9 weeks


    Tbol 75mg for weeks 1-6
    Anavar 60mg for weeks 7-10

  18. #18
    maxneo553 is offline Junior Member
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  19. #19
    azz10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxneo553 View Post
    ^^ which would gve me more LBM though

    tbol 75mg for 9 weeks


    Tbol 75mg for weeks 1-6
    Anavar 60mg for weeks 7-10

    i would say go for the combo if cost aint a problem for ya.. both have similar properties, which is, promoting LBM.. but var has a mild fat-burning effect..

  20. #20
    maxneo553 is offline Junior Member
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    ^ Ya i was thinking the combo too i think should gain good on this

  21. #21
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    with the right diet and workout, i'm sure u'll get good solid gains mate..

  22. #22
    UncleD's Avatar
    UncleD is offline Associate Member
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    ive wanted to try tbol before but really there is much better choices out there then tbol, like test then add winny or var cant go wrong, shooting is a breeze after the 3-4th shot just take the plundge

  23. #23
    goose is offline Banned
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    Great post fedor........

    I could not confirm the baby treatment with A-50.

    Do you have a link for this? Or how do you know this?

    where you from Fedor?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrideFEDOR View Post
    THANK YOU ! I completely agree with you ! These crazy statements about your liver being falling apart from 12 weeks of orals are so rediculous and people read that carry it forward by telling those lies to newcommers. Not many people know that ANADROL 50 is prescribed to babies for a period up to 6 months. Any bar fly , who spends 3+ days in the bar stresses his/her liver way more than anyone who exersize and gets 50 mg of dbol daily. And they do it all their lives ( staying in the bar). So how the fuk come Im gonna get my liver turned into a swiss cheese ( amount of holes in it) by taking oral steroid such as tbol ( which is safer than most orals out there) ?

    No if it was dbol he'd keep 5lbs from it not 20 or 30. I believe it can be done. Some people react very good to small doses of AAS. Some people react amazing to one particular compound. That's why some people get deca dick from 200mg of nandrolone weekly and some people get no limp noodle sides being on 600mg weekly. Moreover , they feel sexual boost. Someone would've sold me dbol instead of tbol, I'd shoot his ass ( just kidding)

    Well , tbol is 3 times more expensive for a manufacturer ! 1.2 vs. 4.0. And you are 100% correct on the fact that tbol does not aromatize and he'd feel if it was dbol.

  24. #24
    MrSustanon96 is offline New Member
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    I'm about to go on my 4th cycle. However I'm going to run tbol only. My first cycle consisted of dbol , test e and tren e, second cycle was test e only, third was sus250.

    I heard tbol is pretty alright. Little sides with relatively okay results. I don't want to look like it's obvious. What are the expected weight gains in 4 weeks if I run 40mg a day and eat a clean 4000 - 5000 calories a day??

  25. #25
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No babies are treated with anadrol . That would be insane!

    Although yes, orals are not as hepatoxic as people often think.
    You could very well run DBOL for 6 months straight and not encounter any liver issues (but some again might), it's really the effects on lipids that need to be watched. And ofcourse liver values too.

    TBOL is a great compound in my experience, and yes,
    I'd say it's very comparable to DBOL in terms of gains, just without the water.

    Still, I would throw some test in there.
    If for nothing else, then just 100mg test prop a week to keep normal functioning of the body. Yes, TBOL seems to be able to substitute MANY of tests actions, but not all. And since TBOL ain't aromatizing, 100mg test prop won't give you no bloat or estrogen related sides.
    (A tiny amount adex would fix that anyway)

    If TBOL bloats you big time, something is either very wrong with your diet,
    Or it isn't really TBOL, or both.

    TBOL is a gentle compound and as long as doses are reasonable it's no problem for the liver to run it for 12 weeks if you want. But if that's effective is another matter. .

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