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Thread: Pretty fucking irritating

  1. #1
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    Pretty fucking irritating

    So I ordered a my pins online already, but just out of curiosity sake i went to CVS just to see if i could cut my waiting times in the future plus i had to pick up alcohol wipes...

    Anyway, i go to the pharmacy and ask them for the syringes, they immediately ask me if i have a prescription, I tell them i do but why are they asking because in California the department of health states that i don't need it, they say oh its just for verification blah blah blah have you ever filled a prescription here i said yep, he checks my info, didn't think he expected me to already be a customer... says ummm well i still can't sell them to you, i say i need the manager ... pharmacist comes by and says its cvs policy and without a prescription she can't sell them to me, i explain that CVS policy doesn't override California state law or the California board of health.... ask for the manager, manager comes over, SHE UNDERSTANDS... shes asking the pharmacist why... pharmacist says she's uncomfortable and has the right to refuse, this is where i get pissed off...

    I'm a very healthy young looking guy, very clean cut and well dressed always, i look nothing like a drug addict, so I'm confused and super offended by this "policy" the manager is a little itritated with the pharmacist at this point and has my back, pharmacist still refuses... I end up saying fuck it and just leave

    I don't understand the logic, the board of health and state of California has put this in place to prevent disease, so basically the pharmacist is ultimately saying fuck you and if you get aids or a fucked up disease because of her simply wanting to be judgmental, what if i was a drug addict? .... how does that make any sense to judge a person based on absolutely nothing but her ignorance.

    Sorry for the rant guys I'm just venting lol still irritated and its been a few hours .
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    So I ordered a my pins online already, but just out of curiosity sake i went to CVS just to see if i could cut my waiting times in the future plus i had to pick up alcohol wipes...

    Anyway, i go to the pharmacy and ask them for the syringes, they immediately ask me if i have a prescription, I tell them i do but why are they asking because in California the department of health states that i don't need it, they say oh its just for verification blah blah blah have you ever filled a prescription here i said yep, he checks my info, didn't think he expected me to already be a customer... says ummm well i still can't sell them to you, i say i need the manager ... pharmacist comes by and says its cvs policy and without a prescription she can't sell them to me, i explain that CVS policy doesn't override California state law or the California board of health.... ask for the manager, manager comes over, SHE UNDERSTANDS... shes asking the pharmacist why... pharmacist says she's uncomfortable and has the right to refuse, this is where i get pissed off...

    I'm a very healthy young looking guy, very clean cut and well dressed always, i look nothing like a drug addict, so I'm confused and super offended by this "policy" the manager is a little itritated with the pharmacist at this point and has my back, pharmacist still refuses... I end up saying fuck it and just leave

    I don't understand the logic, the board of health and state of California has put this in place to prevent disease, so basically the pharmacist is ultimately saying fuck you and if you get aids or a fucked up disease because of her simply wanting to be judgmental, what if i was a drug addict? .... how does that make any sense to judge a person based on absolutely nothing but her ignorance.

    Sorry for the rant guys I'm just venting lol still irritated and its been a few hours .
    I fully understand. Out here in the midwest I go to buy ephedrine and I get smart ass comments and dirty looks and I even had one try to give me a lecture. They do it because every piece of white trash meth cooker buys it to make their shit.
    I use it with caffeine and asprin as preworkout and the dicks judge me as a tweeker?
    Have these assholes seen a methead before!? I come in tne pharmacy looking like a brick shithouse moving slow and have my id ready and they somehow think I might be cooking that shit that makes everyones teeth fall out and turns them into a skeleton that looks like someone gave too much coffee to a squirrel? Fuck I have never even had a cavity! Its one of the most irritating things in the world to me, when a pharmacist knows best or "doesnt feel right". Good rant sir.
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  3. #3
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Part of the failed war on drugs mentality. They believe that denying something to an individual such as needles will reduce the chance of you using. In reality, as you know, it will not. You are committed to using and will find another place to get them or worse yet, share needles or use ones not up to the same standard as a pharmacy. If every pharmacy banned needles altogether, people would just end up getting them on the black market and transfer the money to 3rd parties, gangs etc.

    Not a very personal answer but this way of thinking is why that lady thought it was the moral thing to do. In reality the war on drugs is a complete failure and most countries are successfully switching to a legalized approach. I live in Canada and we had the same theory but are switching away from a prohibition model. The good old U S of A loves a "good fight" and a "war on drugs" lol. Anyways, it was BS and I can see why you would be pissed
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  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Compare all that with NY City who wants to set up "safe injection" locations for addicts where they supply the needed ancillaries.....
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Compare all that with NY City who wants to set up "safe injection" locations for addicts where they supply the needed ancillaries.....
    The thing is there's supposed to be the same places here in Cali too, they have places you can go to get free needles and alcohol swabs and all that but the pharmacies are supposed to sell them to you no questions asked per the California dept of health, i also found out that disposal is supposed to be free and there's multiple places you can take them and a majority of the sharps kits you buy in the store have prepaid postage to send them to a facility.... i just don't get how if I'm buying alcohol swabs and a sharps box, taking all the normal safe precautions i get judged and treated like an addict, which if I was an addict wouldn't it make sense for you to want to sell me needles so you know i don't go around spreading diseases and shit like that lol so backwards

    Still ranting sorry, i guess i just still feel some kind of way about this whole situation which i shouldn't because my pins are in the mail and all is good. It's moreso just the principle i guess.

    I'm sure most people have dealt with this at some point. Gonna stick to online purchases, bought 3 boxes of 100 for like $26 shipped. Monday is d-day!!!
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  6. #6
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    They act all weird at Walmart when I buy mine too. lol, I want to tell them if I was injecting drugs Intravenously I certainly would not be using a 23 gauge harpoon. Last time I went I asked for them and the lady looked startled and yelled back to the pharmacist "He wants syringes...what do I do?" And the pharmacist told her."...Give him the syringes." Lol. As soon as we ask we turn into the scum of the earth, the dirty looks. I think Ill shop online from now on. Cheaper and easier.
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  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
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    I had an experience in Cali similar. A coule of times.
    They asked for a prescription and I said that I had one but I was traveling and did not have it with me. Finally, we got to the syringe part and all they had was for insulin . I went to about 4 stores and the same thing.
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  8. #8
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Whats crazy though is, i can buy bronkaid all day long for my eca stack at these places just gotta show ID. Ephedrine, yeah sure here you go. It doesn't matter that its used to make meth and is a drug ... fresh needles to be safe and sanitary...nope fuck you lmao ... where's the logic?
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rt4man View Post
    They act all weird at Walmart when I buy mine too. lol, I want to tell them if I was injecting drugs Intravenously I certainly would not be using a 23 gauge harpoon. Last time I went I asked for them and the lady looked startled and yelled back to the pharmacist "He wants syringes...what do I do?" And the pharmacist told her."...Give him the syringes." Lol. As soon as we ask we turn into the scum of the earth, the dirty looks. I think Ill shop online from now on. Cheaper and easier.
    Yeah that backfires too! I ordered 100 pins and barrels pre assembled and they came in a big damn box marked syringes on every side with pictures. The two old ladys at the post office look at me weird since. Small town problems.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    So I ordered a my pins online already, but just out of curiosity sake i went to CVS just to see if i could cut my waiting times in the future plus i had to pick up alcohol wipes...

    Anyway, i go to the pharmacy and ask them for the syringes, they immediately ask me if i have a prescription, I tell them i do but why are they asking because in California the department of health states that i don't need it, they say oh its just for verification blah blah blah have you ever filled a prescription here i said yep, he checks my info, didn't think he expected me to already be a customer... says ummm well i still can't sell them to you, i say i need the manager ... pharmacist comes by and says its cvs policy and without a prescription she can't sell them to me, i explain that CVS policy doesn't override California state law or the California board of health.... ask for the manager, manager comes over, SHE UNDERSTANDS... shes asking the pharmacist why... pharmacist says she's uncomfortable and has the right to refuse, this is where i get pissed off...

    I'm a very healthy young looking guy, very clean cut and well dressed always, i look nothing like a drug addict, so I'm confused and super offended by this "policy" the manager is a little itritated with the pharmacist at this point and has my back, pharmacist still refuses... I end up saying fuck it and just leave

    I don't understand the logic, the board of health and state of California has put this in place to prevent disease, so basically the pharmacist is ultimately saying fuck you and if you get aids or a fucked up disease because of her simply wanting to be judgmental, what if i was a drug addict? .... how does that make any sense to judge a person based on absolutely nothing but her ignorance.

    Sorry for the rant guys I'm just venting lol still irritated and its been a few hours .
    Cuz people wanna be complicated and give hard time to flex the little bit off power they have. Did you say what reason. Usually I find it better to be firm non schalant and explain why I need them while I ask....something like "yeah I'm taking vitamin B intramuscular supplements and was recommended ...fill in the blank
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Compare all that with NY City who wants to set up "safe injection" locations for addicts where they supply the needed ancillaries.....
    Where I'm from they have specific hospitals that have needle exchange programs. If you use dope you take your used needles there and they exchanged the amount you gave them formnew prevent spreading diseases...they also have a bus or two that goes to certain locations and do that..I wonder if they have intramuscular needles ..
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  12. #12
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Yeah that backfires too! I ordered 100 pins and barrels pre assembled and they came in a big damn box marked syringes on every side with pictures. The two old ladys at the post office look at me weird since. Small town problems.
    Yeah man, can't fucking win lol
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  13. #13
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Cuz people wanna be complicated and give hard time to flex the little bit off power they have. Did you say what reason. Usually I find it better to be firm non schalant and explain why I need them while I ask....something like "yeah I'm taking vitamin B intramuscular supplements and was recommended ...fill in the blank
    I was super nonchalant about the whoke things as if it was routine, didn't give any reasoning but i don't think it would have mattered much with the folks i was dealing with tbh.

    I've got a shit ton of them coming in the mail now so i should ve good for a while. I just wanted to see if maybe it'd be possible and hassle free, doesn't hurt to try right? Lol lesson learned.

  14. #14
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Where I'm from they have specific hospitals that have needle exchange programs. If you use dope you take your used needles there and they exchanged the amount you gave them formnew prevent spreading diseases...they also have a bus or two that goes to certain locations and do that..I wonder if they have intramuscular needles ..
    We have those here too

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Where I'm from they have specific hospitals that have needle exchange programs. If you use dope you take your used needles there and they exchanged the amount you gave them formnew prevent spreading diseases...they also have a bus or two that goes to certain locations and do that..I wonder if they have intramuscular needles ..
    Fuck yes aint nothing like some heroine a inch and a half in your glute! Mmmm....mmmh! Lol I have no idea! That is very messed up.
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  16. #16
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Fuck yes aint nothing like some heroine a inch and a half in your glute! Mmmm....mmmh! Lol I have no idea! That is very messed up.
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  17. #17
    evanescent is offline Banned
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    I was in drug & alcohol rehab recently (alcohol specifically). Steroid abuse is a huge issue, hence why they're probably reluctant.

    Just order online.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    I was in drug & alcohol rehab recently (alcohol specifically). Steroid abuse is a huge issue, hence why they're probably reluctant.

    Just order online.
    I think steroid abuse has nothing to do with addiction. The addiction is in bettering ones body at any cost. I have seen several recoving rec drug addicts on here explain how it was helping them beat their addiction.
    Its hard to want to go out and get plastered when you know it will cost you 5lbs that you ate and worked like hell to gain. Its hard to continue smoking when you need to do cardio. Now if you have decided to quit heroine etc and two weeks in start into a new lifestyle that consumes every extra minute you have and makes you work for it, well, that is replacement behavior and there is nothing better to beat addiction.
    I used to get drunk as hell three times a week or more and smoked for fifteen years. Now I rarely drink and haze myself for two days afterward if I do and I quit smoking...
    If there is a steroid addiction out there bodybuilding is what is the actual addiction. I personally believe it is the best addiction a man can have. What a beautiful life to live!
    Not condoning two grams a week of tren etc.. but the media considers any use abuse and thats just not true.
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  19. #19
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    "Steroids are not an addiction! Cocaine is an addiction! Have you ever sucked dick for cocaine!?"

    Slightly altered line from movie: half baked

    Nooo need to comment on that evanescent....
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  20. #20
    evanescent is offline Banned
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    Sadly in Australia we have these coconut monkeys from the pacific islands who take some tren then go out and punch someone in the face and kill them.

    Luckily the wider public is still blaming it on alcohol and meth.. but the truth will come out soon and make life worse for AAS users.

    Yes that was mildly racist. And yes I'd suck dick for cocaine, steroids , or a half eaten slice of pizza
    Last edited by evanescent; 02-12-2017 at 12:26 PM.
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  21. #21
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    So I ordered a my pins online already, but just out of curiosity sake i went to CVS just to see if i could cut my waiting times in the future plus i had to pick up alcohol wipes...

    Anyway, i go to the pharmacy and ask them for the syringes, they immediately ask me if i have a prescription, I tell them i do but why are they asking because in California the department of health states that i don't need it, they say oh its just for verification blah blah blah have you ever filled a prescription here i said yep, he checks my info, didn't think he expected me to already be a customer... says ummm well i still can't sell them to you, i say i need the manager ... pharmacist comes by and says its cvs policy and without a prescription she can't sell them to me, i explain that CVS policy doesn't override California state law or the California board of health.... ask for the manager, manager comes over, SHE UNDERSTANDS... shes asking the pharmacist why... pharmacist says she's uncomfortable and has the right to refuse, this is where i get pissed off...

    I'm a very healthy young looking guy, very clean cut and well dressed always, i look nothing like a drug addict, so I'm confused and super offended by this "policy" the manager is a little itritated with the pharmacist at this point and has my back, pharmacist still refuses... I end up saying fuck it and just leave

    I don't understand the logic, the board of health and state of California has put this in place to prevent disease, so basically the pharmacist is ultimately saying fuck you and if you get aids or a fucked up disease because of her simply wanting to be judgmental, what if i was a drug addict? .... how does that make any sense to judge a person based on absolutely nothing but her ignorance.

    Sorry for the rant guys I'm just venting lol still irritated and its been a few hours .
    The same exact thing happened to me at every CVS Walgreens and Rite Aid

    What's more upsetting is I bought my 23 gauge 3 milliliter 1.5 inch syringes six or seven times from a Walgreens the 8th time I went in they refuse to sell me them

    But they said they had no problem telling me insulin syringes .3 milliliter 1/2 inch 31 gauge

    I said that makes no sense if someone's going to do heroin they're not going to shoot up with a fucking vacuum cleaner of a needle they're going to use an insulin needle yet you'll sell me the actual and I'm showing you my trt script it's just I don't have a prescription for the needles because my protocol has changed and I inject myself every week instead of once a month

    After I got really pissed long story short I'm not allowed back in any of those pharmacies
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    Sadly in Australia we have these coconut monkeys from the pacific islands who take some tren then go out and punch someone in the face and kill them.

    Luckily the wider public is still blaming it on alcohol and meth.. but the truth will come out soon and make life worse for AAS users.

    Yes that was mildly racist. And yes I'd suck dick for cocaine, steroids , or a half eaten slice of pizza
    Lol! Ew! My brother recently beat up someone for playing pornography in the same room his twin girls were in.
    He was an older guy so my brother hit him in the cheek bones with his finger knuckles (something my dad taught him about not killing someone). Put me to thinking about what would happen if I hit someone right now.
    I must say I would do what I could to avoid hitting them and it would probably be me resorting to an arm bar or hold on them. The thought of punching someone and killing them is pretty scary. I dont want that lol!

  23. #23
    evanescent is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Lol! Ew! My brother recently beat up someone for playing pornography in the same room his twin girls were in.
    He was an older guy so my brother hit him in the cheek bones with his finger knuckles (something my dad taught him about not killing someone). Put me to thinking about what would happen if I hit someone right now.
    I must say I would do what I could to avoid hitting them and it would probably be me resorting to an arm bar or hold on them. The thought of punching someone and killing them is pretty scary. I dont want that lol!
    We just have lots of angry young idiots who punch complete strangers. Seriously we have separate "One-punch" manslaughter laws as a result of it and the act has been rebranded as "coward punching". But Australia is backwards as fuck, it just worries me because I'm the sort of loud-mouth little smart ass that's probably going to eat one of these knuckle sandwiches one day.

    Maybe I'm a bad person but I actually giggled at the old grandpa playing porn infront of kidlets..

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    We just have lots of angry young idiots who punch complete strangers. Seriously we have separate "One-punch" manslaughter laws as a result of it and the act has been rebranded as "coward punching". But Australia is backwards as fuck, it just worries me because I'm the sort of loud-mouth little smart ass that's probably going to eat one of these knuckle sandwiches one day.

    Maybe I'm a bad person but I actually giggled at the old grandpa playing porn infront of kidlets..
    I will probably go to prison for killing some dick bag that wanted to fight.
    The dirty grandpa thing doesnt fly with my brother. The guy earned it. His girls are 9 I believe. It is considered a child sex crime the guy will get prosecuted too. The prosecutors here dont really give a damn if you beat the piss out of a pervert that does shit in front of kids. The police came after the guys daughter called them and they did a fine job.
    Last edited by Obs; 02-12-2017 at 12:51 PM. Reason: Clarification of an improperly punctuated sentence.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    The same exact thing happened to me at every CVS Walgreens and Rite Aid

    What's more upsetting is I bought my 23 gauge 3 milliliter 1.5 inch syringes six or seven times from a Walgreens the 8th time I went in they refuse to sell me them

    But they said they had no problem telling me insulin syringes .3 milliliter 1/2 inch 31 gauge

    I said that makes no sense if someone's going to do heroin they're not going to shoot up with a fucking vacuum cleaner of a needle they're going to use an insulin needle yet you'll sell me the actual and I'm showing you my trt script it's just I don't have a prescription for the needles because my protocol has changed and I inject myself every week instead of once a month

    After I got really pissed long story short I'm not allowed back in any of those pharmacies
    Yeah that definitely makes no sense, I've just told myself to not try to find the logic because there isn't any lol at this point i accept what I'm doing and what comes with it, at the moment i was pretty pissed off but in hindsight eh fuck it there's worse shit to worry about. Its still shitty though and backwards as fuck
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  26. #26
    evanescent is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I will probably go to prison for killing some dick bag that wanted to fight.
    The dirty grandpa thing doesnt fly with my brother. The guy earned it. His girls are 9 I believe. It is considered a child sex crime the guy will get prosecuted too. The prosecutors here dont really give a damn if you beat the piss out of a pervert that does shit in front of kids. The police came after the guys daughter called them and they did a fine job.
    Wow. Over here that's considered a pre-requisite for joining the catholic church and entering high level politics.

    Work on your anger mister... Unless we're going to end up in the same prison, in which case I'll start plucking my eyebrows and calling myself Shirley.
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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Lol! Ew! My brother recently beat up someone for playing pornography in the same room his twin girls were in.
    He was an older guy so my brother hit him in the cheek bones with his finger knuckles (something my dad taught him about not killing someone). Put me to thinking about what would happen if I hit someone right now.
    I must say I would do what I could to avoid hitting them and it would probably be me resorting to an arm bar or hold on them. The thought of punching someone and killing them is pretty scary. I dont want that lol!
    When i was 17 i punched a guy and he had a brain aneurysm, was unconscious for almost 8 mins, i thought i killed him, i just got out of juvenile hall and now was going to do 3-5 years as an adult because of that fight. I was lucky to have a judge that was into helping troubled youth opposed to just throwing them away and so i was given the option to join the military, i went to the Air Force at 17 and it was the best thing to ever happen to me, changed my life.

    I now try to avoid all fights at any cost because i know how bad shit can get and fast, but if i was your brother i would have done the same shit, i have daughters and that shit is a definite no no.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    Wow. Over here that's considered a pre-requisite for joining the catholic church and entering high level politics.

    Work on your anger mister... Unless we're going to end up in the same prison, in which case I'll start plucking my eyebrows and calling myself Shirley.
    Lmao! Your a funny guy, I have too many kids for prison, dont want them remembering me that way.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    When i was 17 i punched a guy and he had a brain aneurysm, was unconscious for almost 8 mins, i thought i killed him, i just got out of juvenile hall and now was going to do 3-5 years as an adult because of that fight. I was lucky to have a judge that was into helping troubled youth opposed to just throwing them away and so i was given the option to join the military, i went to the Air Force at 17 and it was the best thing to ever happen to me, changed my life.

    I now try to avoid all fights at any cost because i know how bad shit can get and fast, but if i was your brother i would have done the same shit, i have daughters and that shit is a definite no no.
    Im glad they didnt send you to the pen. That sucks but I am glad it worked out. Bet the guy that got hit was looking for it too.
    I have no idea how many people my brother has knocked out in similar situations but he has never gone down for assault and he never did it without a reason. He is luckily slowing down and calming himself.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Lmao! Your a funny guy, I have too many kids for prison, dont want them remembering me that way.
    Plus I'm not ready for the responsibility of being your prison tranny-baby-bubba-momma.

    Y'all need anger management!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    Plus I'm not ready for the responsibility of being your prison tranny-baby-bubba-momma.

    Y'all need anger management!
    Ew! I will use my hand! I can do it forever! I did it my entire marriage! Ahhaaha! No buttholes for me!
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  32. #32
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    I like to go to the pharmacy and order a couple of 100 syringes now and then.
    It's when I only buy 10-20 I get the weird look.

    One place they gave me a lot of hassle though, something about their policy.
    I said fuck it, just give me a box of 100 2mls, 100 23G'a, 100 25G's and I'll be out of your hair. Well, the manager had to come. He eventually tried to say they didn't want junkies without saying those words, so I simply said "oh, u don't want junkies?", and the pharmacist was "what are u going to be using them for?"
    The manager, PC all the way said "you can't ask him that!"
    I just rolled my eyes and said;
    " you know, some I'm gonna use for MT-2, some for testoviron , some for pregnyl, some for somatropin, some for... various shit. Problem?"

    So he said, ok here's a box of 100 2mls. (And was about to fetch the other stuff) when they listed the price.
    I didn't get a discount for buying boxes, so I was like:
    "Shit, no discount?! What is this? Now you've wasted my time, good day to you gentlemen and ladies!"
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    I like to go to the pharmacy and order a couple of 100 syringes now and then.
    It's when I only buy 10-20 I get the weird look.

    One place they gave me a lot of hassle though, something about their policy.
    I said fuck it, just give me a box of 100 2mls, 100 23G'a, 100 25G's and I'll be out of your hair. Well, the manager had to come. He eventually tried to say they didn't want junkies without saying those words, so I simply said "oh, u don't want junkies?", and the pharmacist was "what are u going to be using them for?"
    The manager, PC all the way said "you can't ask him that!"
    I just rolled my eyes and said;
    " you know, some I'm gonna use for MT-2, some for testoviron , some for pregnyl, some for somatropin, some for... various shit. Problem?"

    So he said, ok here's a box of 100 2mls. (And was about to fetch the other stuff) when they listed the price.
    I didn't get a discount for buying boxes, so I was like:
    "Shit, no discount?! What is this? Now you've wasted my time, good day to you gentlemen and ladies!"
    Hahahaha, the discount part! All that and then wait no discount? Fuck it lmaooooooooo

  34. #34
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Im glad they didnt send you to the pen. That sucks but I am glad it worked out. Bet the guy that got hit was looking for it too.
    I have no idea how many people my brother has knocked out in similar situations but he has never gone down for assault and he never did it without a reason. He is luckily slowing down and calming himself.
    Yeah definitely glad too man and it was warranted I'm not a bully or a malicious person. The guy was bullying this kid that had autism, i tried to be nice about it. He took my kindness for weakness i suppose and got what he was looking for. I don't regret that decision one bit but it was one of the most nerve wracking times of my life as i waited for him with the police to become concious, i was sitting there thinking fuck i just killed this dude my life is over and at that moment some pretty dark shit goes through your mind let me tell you.

    I actually saw the guy later in life and we talked and he apologized to me which was weird and i apologized to him and we went our separate ways.
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    So I ordered a my pins online already, but just out of curiosity sake i went to CVS just to see if i could cut my waiting times in the future plus i had to pick up alcohol wipes...

    Anyway, i go to the pharmacy and ask them for the syringes, they immediately ask me if i have a prescription, I tell them i do but why are they asking because in California the department of health states that i don't need it, they say oh its just for verification blah blah blah have you ever filled a prescription here i said yep, he checks my info, didn't think he expected me to already be a customer... says ummm well i still can't sell them to you, i say i need the manager ... pharmacist comes by and says its cvs policy and without a prescription she can't sell them to me, i explain that CVS policy doesn't override California state law or the California board of health.... ask for the manager, manager comes over, SHE UNDERSTANDS... shes asking the pharmacist why... pharmacist says she's uncomfortable and has the right to refuse, this is where i get pissed off...

    I'm a very healthy young looking guy, very clean cut and well dressed always, i look nothing like a drug addict, so I'm confused and super offended by this "policy" the manager is a little itritated with the pharmacist at this point and has my back, pharmacist still refuses... I end up saying fuck it and just leave

    I don't understand the logic, the board of health and state of California has put this in place to prevent disease, so basically the pharmacist is ultimately saying fuck you and if you get aids or a fucked up disease because of her simply wanting to be judgmental, what if i was a drug addict? .... how does that make any sense to judge a person based on absolutely nothing but her ignorance.

    Sorry for the rant guys I'm just venting lol still irritated and its been a few hours .
    Yet he has no fucking problem giving your kid Amphetamin, jabbing your grandparents with aluminum or your 28 y/o cousin with oxy for his "back pain," lol

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Yet he has no fucking problem giving your kid Amphetamin, jabbing your grandparents with aluminum or your 28 y/o cousin with oxy for his "back pain," lol
    Exactly lol

  37. #37
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    I had to do this once when a shipment on pins got delayed and I ran out. I ended up taking 3 used pins to the ER and they exchanged them for me. They did offer to check me into rehab. And they did make me feel like I was doing something horrible. But they did give me the pins.

    This was in Cali.
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    I had to do this once when a shipment on pins got delayed and I ran out. I ended up taking 3 used pins to the ER and they exchanged them for me. They did offer to check me into rehab. And they did make me feel like I was doing something horrible. But they did give me the pins.

    This was in Cali.
    Its just a shitty feeling to be looked at and judged like that, but shit at least you got yours. I was supposed to start my cycle today but couldn't cause I'm waiting on pins in the mail.
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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Its just a shitty feeling to be looked at and judged like that, but shit at least you got yours. I was supposed to start my cycle today but couldn't cause I'm waiting on pins in the mail.
    When I was starting into gear for the first time, there was a law then (in my state) that if you bought a certain amount of syringes, they could check on them. Police would come out and ask you what they were being used for and ask to see how many you had. I assume it was a scare tactic but they did a checkup on my aunt after she purchased a bunch for her daughters allergy shots.

    Anyway... I wasnt going to be doing that so I would buy them at the feed store a few at a time. Nice huge fullsized cow needles... My first injection half the test shot right back out the enormous pin hole.

    Thank God I dont have to do that again.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    When I was starting into gear for the first time, there was a law then (in my state) that if you bought a certain amount of syringes, they could check on them. Police would come out and ask you what they were being used for and ask to see how many you had. I assume it was a scare tactic but they did a checkup on my aunt after she purchased a bunch for her daughters allergy shots.

    Anyway... I wasnt going to be doing that so I would buy them at the feed store a few at a time. Nice huge fullsized cow needles... My first injection half the test shot right back out the enormous pin hole.

    Thank God I dont have to do that again.
    Holy fuck!!! How'd that feel ? Shit man that must've been a mix of emotions lol

    I've been anxious as fuck, my pins won't be here till fucking Friday fml i was supposed to start today and I'm already a wreck over here, just so ready to get started you know. But eh its a few days i can wait, well i have no choice lol
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