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Thread: My cycle

  1. #1
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    My cycle

    Referred by a member to post my cycle and get pointers.

    Week. substance/amount frequency
    1. Dbol30mg/sustanon1000mg ed/ew
    2 Dbol30mg/sustanon1000mg ed/ew
    3 Dbol30mg/sustanon1000mg ed/ew
    4 Dbol30mg/sustanon1000mg ed/ew
    5 Dbol30mg/sustanon1000mg ed/ew
    6. Sustanon1000. Ew
    7 Sustanon1000. Ew
    8 Sustanon1000. Ew
    9. Hcg1500. Ew
    10. Hcg1500. Ew
    11. Hcg1500. Ew
    12. Clomed100/nolva60. Ed
    13. Clomed100/nolva40. Ed
    14. Clomed50/nolva20. Ed

    Ed=every day
    Ew= every week

    I split sus twice per week and keep adex on hand for signs of gyno. I'm also running hgh for the first 8 weeks. I can't afford a 6 month cycle of gh so I run it when I cycle test

  2. #2
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    What are your stats and cycle history?

  3. #3
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Thought thread title said "1st cycle"
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-26-2017 at 12:17 AM.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With a gram of test you should run the ai not wait for problems.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What are your stats and cycle history?

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    With a gram of test you should run the ai not wait for problems.

    OP if you let your e2 elevate by not taking an AI while on 1g of test and dbol you will have serious issues.

    As stated previously, we need your stats and previous cycling experience to give proper advice.
    Last edited by numbere; 02-25-2017 at 09:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    Sorry for the confusion. It's one gram a week not per day. Ed(every day) was intended for dbol and ew (every week) was sustanon . So I'm doing like 1.15 ml every other day. It's not my 1st cycle. I'm 5"7' 200lbs and like 12-14% bf because my diet has been dampened a bit. My previous cycle was the exact same minus the somatropin. I'm only not switching my test because I had enough left over for a full cycle. I gained 30 lbs on this cycle a couple years ago

  8. #8
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    Also I've never ran an AI or eblock unless I had sensitivity in my nipples. Ie I wake up with sore tits and pop adex. I've never had gyno. And I only take hcg at the end and have had no issues

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You do know that just beacuse you can't feel it don't mean something isn't wrong.And having too high E2 it can cause cancer but you do wat pleases you.
    Last edited by songdog; 02-26-2017 at 09:31 AM.

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You could do blood work before and then 3-4 weeks in to check your estrogen levels im sure you'd be shocked at the numbers whether you feel it or not.

  11. #11
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    What's the best way to get blood work? My doc won't just let me test what I want. And there's pro bodybuilders that stand by an opinion saying taking test and hcg is counter intuitive and to only take ai when negative signs arise because estrogen plays an important role in muscle building. If I'm trying to be a pro bodybuilder I definitely want to do what they do not what Internet forums say I'm suppose to do.

  12. #12
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    What's the best way to get blood work? My doc won't just let me test what I want. And there's pro bodybuilders that stand by an opinion saying taking test and hcg is counter intuitive and to only take ai when negative signs arise because estrogen plays an important role in muscle building. If I'm trying to be a pro bodybuilder I definitely want to do what they do not what Internet forums say I'm suppose to do.
    The best way to get blood work depends on your location.

    Just because your a pro BB doesn't mean that you know hormones or that you're healthy internally.

    While it is true the body needs e2 to function too much e2 is terrible for your cardiovascular system and one of the most unhealthy issues that can happen on cycle.

    The goal while on cycle is to keep e2 within range by using an AI.

    Heck most guys on physician perceived TRT of 150mg/week of test or less take an AI to keep e2 within range.

    Hcg mimics lh.

    Lh signals the leydig cellsof the testes to produce test.

    This means that if you use hcg while on cycle your testes never fully shut down and stop producing test.

    This greatly enhances you chances at resetting your HTPA during PCT and supplies your body with other important hormones that are not produced without the precursor lh.
    NACH3 and songdog like this.

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    ^^^^what numbere said.

    Plus, pro bodybuilders (or even the biggest guys in the gym) are usually the most uneducated people when it comes to cycling safely.
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  14. #14
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    What keeps your ai from lowering your estrogen too low? That's the theory of why they only take it when needed, to prevent too low of estrogen which is equally if not more bad for your body as too high of estrogen. And people are controversial over the hcg thing because taking test tells your balls to shut down and taking hcg turns them back on which is confusing the body and some believe it has had a negative impact on their t levels

  15. #15
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    What keeps your ai from lowering your estrogen too low? That's the theory of why they only take it when needed, to prevent too low of estrogen which is equally if not more bad for your body as too high of estrogen. And people are controversial over the hcg thing because taking test tells your balls to shut down and taking hcg turns them back on which is confusing the body and some believe it has had a negative impact on their t levels
    What keeps it from lowering it too low is;

    Blood work, and proper dose amount and frequency.

  16. #16
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    What keeps your ai from lowering your estrogen too low? That's the theory of why they only take it when needed, to prevent too low of estrogen which is equally if not more bad for your body as too high of estrogen. And people are controversial over the hcg thing because taking test tells your balls to shut down and taking hcg turns them back on which is confusing the body and some believe it has had a negative impact on their t levels
    People say this because they dont understand what HCG is and does in the body. Very weird to say that testicles will get confused, to get confused testicles needed to have brain cells lol

    Read this if you want to learn:

  17. #17
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    All good points. Let's get some actual critique then. Post what cycle you believe I should take with those compounds listed and your statistical experience with the cycle. Ie add in the hcg and adex numbers and don't forget the hgh.

  18. #18
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    What keeps your ai from lowering your estrogen too low? That's the theory of why they only take it when needed, to prevent too low of estrogen which is equally if not more bad for your body as too high of estrogen. And people are controversial over the hcg thing because taking test tells your balls to shut down and taking hcg turns them back on which is confusing the body and some believe it has had a negative impact on their t levels
    Bro for someone who says they have cycled before you have very lil knowledge this is all basic stuff one should know prior too running their 1st cycle.In all fairness to yourself and your body take the time and do some reading and how many cycles have you ran?

  19. #19
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    This is probably my 5th or 6th cycle. To assess my reaction to compounds I only started with one and slowly added more to my plan on following cycles. I know all the basic stuff of what to take and why to take it. I've never had access to get labs. I've just always been told to only take ai when you need it and there's no need to input it in your regimen. And when a 5'8" 300 lb man with abs is giving me pointers I'm going to listen. Which is why I'm asking for legitimate criticism and experiences. No hurt is asking for opinions. I'm willing to try a regimen with ai included then next cycle with out and record the stats.

  20. #20
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I didn't use to include AIs in my blasts before because I can't get gyno due to an old gyno op. Many a blood test revealed I had very high e2.
    You could clearly see I was on AAS simply by looking at the elevated e2.
    I didn't feel this was any problem for a while and saw no reason to include AI.

    But over the years that view has changed.
    I've noticed that as long as I don't crash e2 (and I find that easy to avoid),
    I feel much better with AIs.
    I've also seen on blood tests that my cholesterol profile isn't worse with an AI. (I only use arimidex )

    Most important though, with arimidex the chance for high BP is much much less.
    I feel less bloat, no effect on gains, and feel better overall with e2 in check.
    I still go without AI at times, but I always fall back to them.
    It's simply better.

    This is quite a change for me cause I was sceptical to AIs.
    The estrogen causes cancer argument never caused me concern.
    E2 is way higher in women than men on AAS without AI, and AAS are probable carcinogens as well, but even if I disregard that, I'm becoming more and more a proponent of AI use. I see. I reason not to, unless you use too much.

  21. #21
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    So with a gram per week of test, what's a good dosing schedule for adex? .5g eod? 1g eod? Some people argue low estrogen or ai raises cholesterol but doctoxin8 has the opposite experience. There's also an argument that estrogen aids in gh production so taking ai and lowering estrogen lowers gh levels. The negative effects of high estrogen are fat and water retention, which can be mitigated, and gyno. Which is why most say only take ai when you get sensitive tits. Why reduce your gains if you don't have sides?

  22. #22
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Probably 0.5mg rod yes but only bloodwork a few weeks in will confirm that. Here is a little reading for you as you think fat and water retention are the only side effects.

    'Most' people who take aas do so dangerously without proper precaution.

    Run your Hcg from week 1 until 3 days before the start of PCT.

    Start your PCT 18 days after your last test injection of

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  23. #23
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    ... The negative effects of high estrogen are fat and water retention, which can be mitigated, and gyno. Which is why most say only take ai when you get sensitive tits. Why reduce your gains if you don't have sides?
    Taking an AI will not reduce your gains.

    Again the most dangerous side effects from elevated e2 are cardiovascular in nature.

    You can feel gyno forming but you can't fell a blood clot forming until it's too late.

  24. #24
    Elite17 is offline New Member
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    Frequency and quantity of hcg ? I usually run 5000iu across a 3 week period before pct as mentioned.

  25. #25
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elite17 View Post
    Frequency and quantity of hcg? I usually run 5000iu across a 3 week period before pct as mentioned.
    250ius x 2 per week.

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