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  1. #1
    TiduZ1492 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2017

    Psych + other side effects, considering 1st cycle

    Considering doing a first cycle with test-e (plus hcg pct AI) and have some questions I haven't found the answers to:

    1. How risky are the psychological (mood) side effects for someone with bipolar disorder. I had a manic episode 10 years ago on an antidepressant.. how would Test-e compare?
    2. I have hair thinning at the front of the hairline which seems to have stopped with taking finasteride 1.25 mg daily. How effective would the finasteride be while taking test-e?
    3. How much would it cost for all the stuff I listed for a 12 week cycle in Canada?
    4. How much would my behavior and thinking be changed while on it? Roid rage ??

    Also, should I work out a lot more while on it? More volume?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by TiduZ1492 View Post
    Considering doing a first cycle with test-e (plus hcg pct AI) and have some questions I haven't found the answers to:

    1. How risky are the psychological (mood) side effects for someone with bipolar disorder. I had a manic episode 10 years ago on an antidepressant.. how would Test-e compare?
    I have a family member that suffers from PTSD. He's on gabapentin and zoloft. He's been cycling for a number of years with no apparent psychological issues. As a matter of fact, he has mentioned to me that his sense of well being has increased. I don't know about your specific medical condition and the drugs you are taking.

    2. I have hair thinning at the front of the hairline which seems to have stopped with taking finasteride 1.25 mg daily. How effective would the finasteride be while taking test-e?
    Finestride prevents the Test from converting to DHT. That's the hormone that's trying to give everybody the samurai haircut. If you're doing a Test only cycle, your hairline should be fine.

    3. How much would it cost for all the stuff I listed for a 12 week cycle in Canada?
    Sorry, no price checking or source discussions on the public forum.

    4. How much would my behavior and thinking be changed while on it? Roid rage ??
    IMO, roid rage is an urban myth. If you're a good guy before AAS, you're a good guy on AAS. If you're a dick before AAS, you're a bigger dick on AAS.

    Also, should I work out a lot more while on it? More volume?
    Hard to comment on this since you haven't listed your workout.
    Welcome to the forum, you ask some good questions. This is also a must read:

  3. #3
    TiduZ1492 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2017
    Thanks for the answers.

    My current workout is 3 days a week, once a week per muscle group, always 12 reps with highest weight possible. Two minutes between sets (switched recently from four minutes).
    # sets
    Chest 11 (5 incline, 5 bench, 1 flies)
    Back 11 (6-7 seated row, 4-5 lateral pulldown)
    Shoulders 10 (5-6 shoulder press, 4-5 lateral raises or front raises)
    Triceps/Biceps 6 each (tricep cable pulldowns with the rope, dumbell curls, preacher curls)
    Abs 6 (on abs machine with high weight and good form, feet in the air)

    Despite doing pretty similar workouts each week I still get fairly sore afterwards. I recently increased the number of sets I do by 1-2 per muscle group and that seems to make me more sore.

    The reason I ask is because I know elite bodybuilders spend 5 hours a day in the gym, which is obviously not possible for someone not taking steroids (and other things).

    Another question I have is about the blood work. Do you simply go to your family doctor, tell them you're taking steroids, and ask for the blood work? Could they report this to your employer?
    Last edited by TiduZ1492; 02-26-2017 at 09:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TiduZ1492 View Post
    Considering doing a first cycle with test-e (plus hcg pct AI) and have some questions I haven't found the answers to:

    1. How risky are the psychological (mood) side effects for someone with bipolar disorder. I had a manic episode 10 years ago on an antidepressant.. how would Test-e compare?
    2. I have hair thinning at the front of the hairline which seems to have stopped with taking finasteride 1.25 mg daily. How effective would the finasteride be while taking test-e?
    3. How much would it cost for all the stuff I listed for a 12 week cycle in Canada?
    4. How much would my behavior and thinking be changed while on it? Roid rage ??

    Also, should I work out a lot more while on it? More volume?
    Hormones are messengers, similar to neurotransmitters (what the anti-depressant directly effects). Hormones and neurotransmitters have a profound effect on behavior. So, yeah! EXTREMELY RISKY!

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