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  1. #1
    petemitchell30 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2016

    Cholesterol on AAS...How bad does YOURS get?

    Mine was on the higher end last time I got it checked, prevented me from adding winstrol to my cycle (which I know, I know, is a cholesterol nightmare.). I'm actually cutting my current tren cycle short at 6 weeks to take some time off and try to increase the good and decrease the bad cholesterol. Currently doing niacin at 1500 a day (yes the flushing kind) as well as krill oil (heard that work better than regular fish oil) Dr. Told me everything else (excluding statins, which I don't want) is snake oil.

    I understand that cholesterol will be somewhat elevated on AAS, but my question to you guys, do you have a point, a set number if you will, of when enough is enough and you cut it off?
    I know some use total cholesterol, some use HDL and LDL specific numbers, etc....

    I'm talking about for you personally. What is/are your, "OK I'm DONE. Time to terminate or at least back off this cycle #'s"?

  2. #2
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    I take statins. It's been over 400 with HDL as low as 7

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