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  1. #1
    Lee_1978's Avatar
    Lee_1978 is offline Member
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    Autoimmune disease and cycling T3

    I have Hashimoto's, which to those who don't know, is an autoimmune disease, whereby the body's immune system perceives the thyroid gland as a foreign body, thus attacking it, which slowly destroys its function, resulting in low T4/T3 levels. I am currently on 75 mg of thyroxine ED, which works adequately, and I'm thinking of adding a course of T3 to my next cycle and wondered if this is safe practice, and if so, what kind of dose would be effective. I've done a bit of research about cycling with T3, which has yielded useful results, but there is scant information pertaining to how T3 effects those who use AAS and already have a compromised thyroid gland. Any advice from fellow thyroid disease sufferers would also be great.

  2. #2
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    I have Hashimoto's, which to those who don't know, is an autoimmune disease, whereby the body's immune system perceives the thyroid gland as a foreign body, thus attacking it, which slowly destroys its function, resulting in low T4/T3 levels. I am currently on 75 mg of thyroxine ED, which works adequately, and I'm thinking of adding a course of T3 to my next cycle and wondered if this is safe practice, and if so, what kind of dose would be effective. I've done a bit of research about cycling with T3, which has yielded useful results, but there is scant information pertaining to how T3 effects those who use AAS and already have a compromised thyroid gland. Any advice from fellow thyroid disease sufferers would also be great.
    I have the same thing, although I'm not sure if it was misdiagnosed... the medical system here in Canada is not that great as far as follow ups once they put you on a script. blood work once in awhile, almost impossible to get referred to a specialist...anyways....if you have blood work showing tsh above midrange then adding T3 is probably not going to be too much of a problem. you should get your T3 levels checked first, I don't know what you mean by cycling T3 as Thyroxine converts to T3 and it is the more dominant of the two and usefull for optimum performance of the autoimmune system.

    my dosage of thyroxine is 50mcgs a day, and my tsh hovers around 3, but doc wont increase my dosage, as I believe alot of what I have read the tsh should be about 2 or less, if Im on thyroxine, why not shut it down,
    and I am not sure if running at 50 mcgs is even worth running. I do supplement with 50 mcgs of T3 everyday (self prescribed) as well, and I dont have any increase in body temp or raised T3 in bloods.

    again, what is the reason for cycling?
    start at 50 mcgs, and stay on it.
    watch bloods and increase if unhappy with levels.

  3. #3
    Lee_1978's Avatar
    Lee_1978 is offline Member
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    Thanks for the reply, maybe i should have been clearer - I will adding T3 to my next AAS cycle, and I was inquiring as to what dosage to run.

    I am like you, although I'm on medication, my TSH levels recently came back as 2, and as you quite rightly pointed out, in a treated person, TSH levels should be lower - under 1 to be exact! I'm hesitant to run a higher dose, as I don't think it'll be effective, so I'll just monitor my thyroid levels for awhile longer.

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