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Thread: First cycle - Questions & Concerns

  1. #1
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    First cycle - Questions & Concerns

    Greetings community.

    I am new on the forums obviously, and on steroids . I have started my first cycle approx 4 days ago and I have certain questions and concerns about various things. I do know that most of you will request stats, so all that I can give you is my weight and age, and maybe a picture later on if need be. I am 19 years old, and I weight approx 213 lbs.

    To begin with, I've been working out since a was a boy, not all the time though, I couldn't last more than 3 months in the gym due to boredom but lately I've had a change of heart, been visiting the gym since I was 16, for 2-3 months, then stopped, then 4 months after I decided to give it another go, lasted 2 months, stopped again, and I kept going. Approx 7 months ago I've had a change of heart (I've been working out non stop for 7 months for now) and decided to take it a little bit seriously, been training with supplements for 7 months and I decided to give steroids a shot.

    My trainer, asked me what my goal was and how exactly I wanna sculpt my body, I want to be both big(ish) and look cut at the same time, I don't wanna be a huge as body builder, but I don't wanna look cut with an 8 pack and be small, so let's say, I wanted something in between.

    Due to the fact that I am going to college and I'm gonna have to move soon, I decided to try an oral only cycle, I know that most of you might judge me for that decision, I've done my homework, liver toxicity and all, effectiveness, but I just couldn't do needles right now because I wont have the time to finish it, because I wont have anyone to help me out, since I am gonna move. Anyway, my trainer gave me dianabol , and winstrol , orals of course. I know the difference between those two, and I told him dianabol is for mass, though winstrol is for cutting, and I asked him how it's going affect my body and how I am going to look, and he just said that dianabol has a tendency to absorb fluids, and winstrol is against that, thus I would gain lbs, but it would be mass, and that I would look a little bit cut, but he said that he didn't know how it would affect my body since it is my first cycle. I've looked it up, certain people said that taking two orals is stupid and dangerous for your liver, and others said that it is a terrible beginner cycle, though there were some people claiming that they've tried it and that it went well.

    I'm going to tell you what my trainer told me about the dosages:

    1st week - 30 MG of DBall and Winstrol every day
    2nd week - 40 MG of DBall and Winstrol every day
    3rd week - 50 MG of DBall and Winstrol every day
    4rth week - 20 MG of DBall and Winstrol every day

    He did state that a 4 week cycle is a short one, and that I wouldn't gain that much, he also claimed that PCT would not be needed because the cycle is small and there's nothing to worry about, and that it would be a waste of money. I kinda do not agree with him though, because safety is number one priority for me.

    Lastly, when it comes to liver protection, he gave me milk thistle and asked me to take two capsules per day, though he stated that milk thistle wouldn't be needed either because my cycle is small and it's not serious stuff, even though from what I've read dianabol is quite toxic, and I am going with two orals so I insisted on taking it. Each capsule is 300mg as far as I know, he told me that milk thistle might hinder gains due to the fact that it might destroy some of the dianabol and winstrol that I am taking, and he recommended me to do a no milk thistle cycle.

    I also wanted to ask you people, what should I expect from that cycle, because I'm on my 5th day and I don't feel that different, afaik I don't feel that stronger at the gym, there are certain times when I do but it might be phycological, I don't know, and as far as gains, I haven't seen anything. I have also started doing aerobic 30 minutes per day when I started my cycle, also tried to adjust diet and eat a little bit healthier to burn fat. Also, I work out every single day expect Sundays

    Sorry for the long text, I just wanted to tell ya the full story so that you could judge, if you require some more info from me I'll do my best to provide, I just want to know your opinion on this, as in, on the things that I have mentioned, cycle, milk thistle, gains, etc etc.


  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your trainer is a fucking idiot!
    No test?
    Two toxic compounds at once?
    No pct?
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  3. #3
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ok, i decided not to put my first comments because your trainer is not a trainer and should not be giving advice.
    You are too young to cycle. You have th epossibility of screwing yourself up. You are stopping your natural test production and worse yet, for this cycle???. This is absurd. I realize that everyone has a right to make their own decision, but when you have silly people giving advise, i just cannot refrain from commenting.
    You need NAC for liver not milk thistle. Two orals at a time is dangerous in itself. Yes, alot of people do it, but I do not recommend it.
    Please do not take this against you... You did the right thing by asking, but in the future research first before following what anyones advise. Please read the sticky steroids and the young.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    About testosterone , it is injectable, and I wanted to stay away from injectables for now, not because I am afraid of needles, I just can't do it right now, about the orals, he said that it would be ok, his words, based on the research I did realize that the cycle is toxic, but I though that with the milk thistle it could help, again, based on what he told me, I do not drink alcohol at all, and drink a lot of water to help my liver, about pct, he did say that I shouldn't do it even though I want to, I will tell him, though I do not know what it is that I am supposed to get after that cycle...

    I do not take this against me, I am starting to realize that it is a little bit silly... what would you suggest me to do? Should I finish the cycle as instructed, with the dosages that he gave me, and just ask him to do PCT, and increase the milk thistle dosage or get something else, I've got two people telling me that my "trainer" is shit, also safety was number one priority for me and I did tell him that I just wanted to do ONE cycle, I do not want to get involved, I just wanted to do one, to try it out, see the results, and that would be the end of it, which is why I tried to stay away from injections and keep it short, I obviously don't want that to screw myself over, but what should I do with the things that I have got, and what should I expect from that "cycle"

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Just stop this ridiculous cycle immediately. You'll be fine. Do not listen to this trainer as his knowledge is limited and he obviously does not have your best interest in mind. Delete his contact info from your phone.

    Stick around here. Enhance your knowledge.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro not only have you not been training long enough you are only 18 and aas can and will due serious damage to your endo system and get rid of that clown who calls himself a trainer.

  7. #7
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    I see... so that cycle is a no-go. If I were to stop, is there anything else that I'd need to do? PCT? Or something, and if I were to continue, with the gear that I've got, could any of you suggest me a way of continuing this so called cycle, with minimal health risks and maybe some gains? I literally spent 180$ for that stuff, health is above cash, I know, and that's not about the cash, I just wanted to see some results you know... Also, in terms of health, if I were to continue this, and as soon as it's over do PCT, would there be any risks? Considering my age, could one cycle hurt me that bad? I never planned to do more than one cycle anyway.
    Last edited by Zanyon; 07-22-2017 at 05:23 PM.

  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You just don't get it. Everyone is telling you to stop and you are asking if it is OK to continue??
    All it takes is one cycle and you can be screwed up for life. It could be one, it could be 100, or it may not happen that you screw yourself up. At your age, your likely hood is much higher. IMO not worth the risk. Your cycle won't provide any long lasting results.
    I am 50 years old and have low test (169) and cannot get TRT because the risk is too high (says my endo). Live my life of fatigue and lack of sex drive at 18. I actually started cycling after I had low test.
    Also, if you do not like needles, then AAS is not for you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    I see. If I were to stop immediately would I need to do PCT or anything else?

  10. #10
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    Dbol shuts down your natural test thats why you need to also inject test dbol and winny are two very toxic orals that will fuck your liver dry with a porno dick your "trainer" is retarded get rid of him ASAP ....

    With that said, you are only 19 and although you say youve been training since you were a boy, realistically youve only been training 7 months. Steroids isnt your answer bro, hard work and some will power is what you need. You need to build a solid base and learn how to prorperly train first and be consistent, 7 months is great but most guys go 5+ years natural before they even think of steroids and you arent even willing to inject so all roads just point to this not being for you at this time.

    Theres no way to continue the cycle unless you want to fuck yourself up for life, i say that as seriously as i can because it is what you are doing bro, stop taking the pills ...ASAP

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Just stop what you are doing, no need for a PCT. don't ever speak to your trainer/dealer again.

    You can learn all you need here but, as said above you are too young to be even considering AAS.

    Read these

    And hit up our diet section, that is where you need to be and what you need to focus on.
    Richard Cabeza and songdog like this.

  12. #12
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    Alright. Just woke up, decided to stop taking the pills, will talk to my trainer and tell him that I've had a change of heart, as for the gear, I'll just... throw it away? Since I am currently around 220 lbs, not fat, muscular-ish, I'll try to work with my diet and train naturally for the time being, I'll stick around here, educate myself.

    Thank you for waking me up honestly, I am 80 percent happy that people just saved my ass from something that would possibly screw me up, and 20 percent sad for not seeing dem gainz, but as I said, health above all.

    I appreciate it, ty for taking your time to read this and reply.

    P.S You are sure nothing else is needed? If I stop now, everything will go back to normal? Been on gear for 4-5 days approx.
    Last edited by Zanyon; 07-23-2017 at 03:15 AM.

  13. #13
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you bout the gear from your trainer, I would ask him to refund your money. He shouldn't have advised you to purchase that

  14. #14
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    IMO you learn from your mistakes. If you opened the containers then take it as a loss or sell it at a discount. I will not buy opened/used stuff from a stranger.
    It was your decision to buy them and no one held a gun to your head. You, and only you, are responsible for your actions.
    I feel for you, but you made the decision.
    Been there, done that, and learned quickly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  15. #15
    Zanyon is offline New Member
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    Yeah there's no way of being refunded, all I can do is stop and throw the pills away...

    Thank you for your honest replies, I want to believe that the reason why you think that it is a bad idea to continue is the cycle itself aswell, not just the fact that I am 19 years old, I said that because, if the time ever comes, I'd make sure not to consider a similar cycle.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am 50 years old and have low test (169) and cannot get TRT because the risk is too high (says my endo).

    Is your endo retarded or is there some type of other significant health issue?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #17
    808dreams is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanyon View Post
    Yeah there's no way of being refunded, all I can do is stop and throw the pills away...

    Thank you for your honest replies, I want to believe that the reason why you think that it is a bad idea to continue is the cycle itself aswell, not just the fact that I am 19 years old, I said that because, if the time ever comes, I'd make sure not to consider a similar cycle.
    Both are bad.

    1) Too young, wait till your 25
    2) first cycle should be test only 500 per week

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