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Thread: Smashing plateau hard

  1. #1
    Gainsthetics is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Smashing plateau hard

    Time to get big 28 year old male looking to do my first cycle this year been lifting for 10 years I wanted to know your opinion on short esters only cycle also Ive been looking at lowering my Cholesteryl and cortisol after cycle and wanted to know your thoughts on a short ester cycle
    Does anything standout in my cycle and pct that could harm me or be improved thank you for your time and hopefully helpful information 😂🤦*♂️

    1. i hear that you should run 20mg of nolvadex a day with hcg is that necessary while already taking aromasine?

    2. should I stop npp 1 week before test prop for easier pct transition?

    3. When do I stop hcg on a short ester?

    4. when do I start pct on a short ester?

    5. will a natural test booster help to recover on pct? or taking creatine increases natural test production would that help during pct?

    6. How long will cortisol and Cholesteryl stay high can I take anything to help after cycle?

    7 is pinning ED, EOD better for you rather than injecting 3 days a week on short esters?

    test prop 200-300mg 7 weeks and npp 200-300mg 6 weeks split into 3 injections a week
    Hcg for 7 weeks 250/500 iu twice a week
    Aromasine 12.5mg ED
    Caber 0.5 2 times a week
    Pct clomid 50/50/25/25
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Aromasine 12.5 ED
    Humanofort 100-400mg ED
    (Phosphatidyl Serine 800mg ED for cortisol)
    (POLICOSANOL 20mg ED Cholesteryl)
    Vitamin c 3-6 g ED for cortisol

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Test only 1st cycle is all you will need bro wat are your stats? Ht Wt bf% and you really need to read or stickys prior to running your cycle.

  3. #3
    Gainsthetics is offline New Member
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    Hey bro stats are
    H 6'0
    W 186
    Bf 9-12

    What is stickys I'm confused?
    I wanted to keep the test low and run a short cycle and thought adding npp at a low dose would increase size drastically

  4. #4
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    Just follow this. Yes you can take 20mg of nolva daily even with the aromasin , it will prevent gyno. I think most of us arent using enough aromasin. 12.5mg daily sounds low but i think im just estrogen sensitive.
    The reason you shouldnt use npp during a first cycle is because if you start having some bad sides you wont know whats causing it. If you do a basic cycled outlined above with no sides then do npp later on and have some weird side affect atleast you know its from the npp. Just hypothetical. Other than that it looks like youve done some research and have a decent grip on this. You could push prop to 8 weeks. I pin prop EOD and it works well. Start pct 2 days after your last pin. Run hcg all the way until pct.
    songdog likes this.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gainsthetics View Post
    Hey bro stats are
    H 6'0
    W 186
    Bf 9-12

    What is stickys I'm confused?
    I wanted to keep the test low and run a short cycle and thought adding npp at a low dose would increase size drastically
    A 1st cycle test only this way you know how your body will respond to test and you are only going too grow so much on each cycle.So you adding another compound is really a waste beacuse if your diet is on you will grow like a weed.Plus you don't need to run a 19Nor on your 1st couple cycles it's a waste.

  6. #6
    Gainsthetics is offline New Member
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    I'm pretty much at my natural genetic potential I just want to put on and keep around 16 pounds
    I've heard a debate about needing more juice to stay over natural potential without juicing again which I'm not willing to do if I lose the gains or keep them I won't be juicing again anytime soon
    I don't see myself doing a 2nd or 3rd cycle in the future!
    So you're telling me I will make great gains from test prop 300 mg a week for 6/7 weeks over 200mg npp and 200mg test prop 6-7 weeks? I would've said that my gains would be at least 30-40% greater from what I've heard

  7. #7
    Gainsthetics is offline New Member
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    12.5 aromasin and 20mg of nolvadex isn't over kill? Could I just up the aromasin to 25mg ED or is it vital for gyno prevention to use nolvadex with the hcg ?

  8. #8
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Everyones different, you might not need the nolva but its up to you. Best bet is to get bloodwork mid cycle. 300mg/week isnt enough if you ask me. Ugl gear is often underdosed too. Go for 500mg/week test only and you will grow like a weed and probably keep alot of it if your diet and training remain perfect. I dont see the point in doing 1 cycle and never doing it again. Its not worth the risk IMO. This stuff is a lifestyle.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gainsthetics View Post
    I'm pretty much at my natural genetic potential I just want to put on and keep around 16 pounds
    I've heard a debate about needing more juice to stay over natural potential without juicing again which I'm not willing to do if I lose the gains or keep them I won't be juicing again anytime soon
    I don't see myself doing a 2nd or 3rd cycle in the future!
    So you're telling me I will make great gains from test prop 300 mg a week for 6/7 weeks over 200mg npp and 200mg test prop 6-7 weeks? I would've said that my gains would be at least 30-40% greater from what I've heard
    Bro you don't have too worry about your natural potential you are only doing your 1st cycle quit listening too these guys in the gym.500mg test will do the trick when you get big like a pro BBer then you got to run higher doses.Run the least you can for as long as you can it's easier on your body and you got a lot of room too grow before you will need a lot of aas bro.You are over thinking things and keeping 16lbs is a dream bro!
    Last edited by songdog; 10-15-2017 at 11:39 AM.

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