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  1. #1
    R2D1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Cycle Length versus Sport Schedule

    Hi. I’m wanting to create cycles based on a one year plan for my amateur sport. In doing my research, I came across the “steroid cycle and stacks” page of this awesome website.

    In particular I find interesting the comment under “advanced athletic cycle”:

    Some athletes need a cycle to support weeks of activity, while others are simply building up to one event

    My in season is more or less once a week over 9 months. I don’t know if it’s wise to mix longer and shorter cycles over a one year period and adjusting them based on which phase of training I am in.

    As the page on athletic cycling and stacking suggests - I don’t want to bulk up. I do want to reduce injuries and faster recovery from injury. I believe the cycle and gear recommended is exactly what I am after - but now would like opinions on adjusting the cycle based on my off, pre and in season training.

    Although the quote is from the “advanced athletic cycle”, I would prefer to follow the more basic version to start with.

    Some stats:

    43 year old male
    Sport specific training 5 x per week with 1 x a week dynamic stretching.
    84kg (185lbs), target weight 80kg (176 lbs)
    176cm (5 foot 9 inch)

    I previously have done two cycles of cypionate (200mg / 10 days) for 10 weeks then 12 weeks. Took AI during, then a 2 week break followed by 2 weeks 20mg nolva, then 2 weeks 10mg nolva. I now realise some of the mistakes I made with the above cycle and in my research to adjust cycle length to match playing schedule, I have come to this site.

    In order to try and match my off cycle at times of less stress on my body, I was thinking of doing:

    Off gear during Off season / recovery from end of in season (11 weeks)

    Pre season: same program as “athletic cycle”, using test prop (due faster acting), reduced to 6 weeks 0.25 AI every 3rd day. Then 8 weeks pct (2 weeks off, then 2w 20mg nolva then 2w 10mg nolva, then 2w nothing). When to start winstrol ?

    In season maintenance cycle: 9 weeks 200mg cypionate / week. 0.25 AI every 3rd day. Then 11 weeks pct. repeat once more to go to end of in season and start again.

    I could follow the 12 week plan as described in the web site. But I feel the pct would be too long and I would be prone to injury either at some point during in season or pre season.

    Thanks for any help, regards

  2. #2
    R2D1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    I guess not much interest for this type of schedule. FWIW, here’s the link to the athlete cycle. I guess 12 weeks on and 14 weeks off would work ok. I would plan to be entering “in season” on the last pin (?).

    Also if only 100mg every week, may as well stick with the cyp. My only issue is my last 2 cycles were 12 and 10 weeks on roughly 200mg / week and I thought I was getting a bit big for what I wanted. This is 100mg cyp and 200mg nandrolone - Cutting back on the weeks would then have an effect on winstrol benefits. Any thoughts on that appreciated.

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