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Thread: Travelling with Gear

  1. #1
    champpro1 is offline New Member
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    Travelling with Gear

    Leaving next week from New Zealand to Australia to Asia for a month
    Currently have 6 weeks left of the cycle on Test E and Tren . so 2 vials only.

    Is there any way i can take the gear and needles/syringes without shipping? As i cannot ship to the place as others are staying there.
    I was thinking of wrapping it in newspaper and hiding it under checked luggage

    really don't want to lose the hard earned gains

    any solution would be really helpful..thanks

  2. #2
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Damn all that international sh*t bugs me out a little. If you were flying domestic I'd say throw it in a pants pocket and fold it up in your checked luggage as I've done this many times with no problems. However, I was flying domestic.. I doubt you'll have a prob cause you can say you have a script and I doubt they're gonna investigate a couple bottles of gear, but I can't in good conscience tell you that you'll be fine cause I honestly don't know.

    I'll say one thing though... IF you do decide to bring it DO NOT wrap it in newspaper and make it look all sketchy lol. Just put it in with your toiletries or in a pocket of a pair of pants... If for some crazy reason they actually confront you on it you just say your doctor prescribed it and you forgot it was in there and offer to throw it away... Again, I'm not saying you should bring it, but if you do that's how I would do it (and have done it many times but NOT international). Good luck man

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    It's a risk you will take, bad planning though. It does not really matter whete you put your pins ect as it will get picked up by the scaner then your arse will collapse.
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  4. #4
    champpro1 is offline New Member
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    Then im fucked lol.. What can i do to mantain gains for a month?

  5. #5
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    do not fly in Australia with that shit.

    I travel domestic with no problem, but international.

    I watch locked up abroad, no fvcking way

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by champpro1 View Post
    Then im fucked lol.. What can i do to mantain gains for a month?
    throw a bunch of VAR or Tbol or oral Primo in an empty bottle of aspirin (the Tbol I use looks just like an Aspirin). that will maintain your gains for a month. won't need an AI or anything with those. Your test levels will fall off after a few weeks, but no biggy, just pin test the day you get back

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