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  1. #1
    Fakeit is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018

    First cycle with winstrol, what are the chanses of hairloss?

    Hey guys.

    I'm planning on running some winstrol on my cutting cycle in order to compete later on. I've studied the side effects of it and a lot of people say it will hit hard on your hair line if you have baldness in your genetics.

    I've checked around in my family to see the amount of hair they've got at older age. Grandparents on both my mother and my father's side have very thick hair and none of them have gone bald. My uncle on my mothers side has very thick hair and a beard to go with it. None of them have gone bald.

    I believe that my chances of going bald aren't too high but will winstrol affect the hairline in some manners despite all this?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Fakeit; 03-20-2018 at 01:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Winstrol is DHT derived. If you have a predisposition for hair loss, you could lose some hair. I haven't had any problems with Winstrol.

  3. #3
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    I had slight loss from a few weeks of anavar . nothing to cry about. almost seemed to come back

    I think I've lost more hair and got acne worse during PCT than from actual compounds

  4. #4
    Grumpo is offline New Member
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Fakeit View Post
    Hey guys.

    I'm planning on running some winstrol on my cutting cycle in order to compete later on. I've studied the side effects of it and a lot of people say it will hit hard on your hair line if you have baldness in your genetics.

    I've checked around in my family to see the amount of hair they've got at older age. Grandparents on both my mother and my father's side have very thick hair and none of them have gone bald. My uncle on my mothers side has very thick hair and a beard to go with it. None of them have gone bald.

    I believe that my chances of going bald aren't too high but will winstrol affect the hairline in some manners despite all this?

    Thank you.
    I have a receding hairline and have ran Winstrol. Moms side of the family is bald, dads side has great hair. I didn’t notice any difference after one month at 50mgs/day.
    But I wasn’t paying attention, if my hair falls out it would have fallen out eventually anyway so fuck it.

    I think that’s the only logical way to approach the matter. Finestride May help but the sides are nasty and hair treatments are expensive af. If your all that concerned try something else and avoid dht compounds.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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