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Thread: Contemplating my first blast and cruise

  1. #1
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
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    Contemplating my first blast and cruise

    Hi. I have been doing TRT for a year now. I get blood tests regularly. My t levels are consistently in the normal zone (for a 20 year old). I am 46. I was at 263 now I’m at approx 750. It has done me wonders and helped me beat depression, get healthy and my sex drive is outstanding (this was completely destroyed by ssri’s and low t). My blood pressure is now good due to medication and my hematocrit is back to normal due to diet and quitting smoking. I think I’m ready to do my first blast.

    I was thinking of upping my test-e from 2x45mg a week to 2x100mg, does that sound like a sensible first blast to you?
    My biggest question is, how high should I let my testosterone levels go above physiological levels? 1200? 1400? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

    P.S. I have my arimidex already just incase my estrogen goes up. It never as yet though.

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  2. #2
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    how did your 440 lbs over head press for 8 reps go?

  3. #3
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    how did your 440 lbs over head press for 8 reps go?
    Never happened. I injured my right arm and have been forced to concentrate on other areas for a while. Last Friday I managed 5x200kg.

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  4. #4
    basepro is offline New Member
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    I would say...don't get greedy things are going good now for you - no sense in going overboard.

    Maybe start w 2x60-75ish mg and see if that does the trick.

  5. #5
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    200mg is upper level trt. Why not 400-500mg. Dont think youd see a lot from that.

    My levels were 1500ng/dl at some point when starting trt and i didnt get cycle gains

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    anoxicblaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basepro View Post
    I would say...don't get greedy things are going good now for you - no sense in going overboard.

    Maybe start w 2x60-75ish mg and see if that does the trick.
    Ha. Well, like many people I want to look massive for a while. I’m naturally big but not in the body builder way. I fancy looking like a monster before I’m too old to do it. Maybe take some photos so I can say “I looked like that once “ when I’m old.

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  7. #7
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    200mg is upper level trt. Why not 400-500mg. Dont think youd see a lot from that.

    My levels were 1500ng/dl at some point when starting trt and i didnt get cycle gains
    That surprises me. Especially as I noticed gains in muscularity and performance just going from 236 to 750.

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    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    That surprises me. Especially as I noticed gains in muscularity and performance just going from 236 to 750.

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    I didnt look low t or suffer from low strength,muscle mass despite blood tests between 200 and 300ng /dl.

    I may be an oddball. But perhaps one of more seasoned guys will jump in. But personally ill be starting with 500ish mgs of test on top of my nebido

    Ive saw other sites recommend 250mg for a first cycle and heard of people being successful but i figure since its going to be your best and most respinsive cycle, hit it hard with enough test without going overboard.

    Just be careful if you choose to cycle mate. I remember the complications you had starting trt. (your swollen hands and bp issues)

    Health over everything if you want to be able to show those pictures to your grandkids when youre older

  9. #9
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I didnt look low t or suffer from low strength,muscle mass despite blood tests between 200 and 300ng /dl.

    I may be an oddball. But perhaps one of more seasoned guys will jump in. But personally ill be starting with 500ish mgs of test on top of my nebido

    Ive saw other sites recommend 250mg for a first cycle and heard of people being successful but i figure since its going to be your best and most respinsive cycle, hit it hard with enough test without going overboard.

    Just be careful if you choose to cycle mate. I remember the complications you had starting trt. (your swollen hands and bp issues)

    Health over everything if you want to be able to show those pictures to your grandkids when youre older
    I never found out what the swollen hands things was about. I have cut down massively on alcohol. It hasn’t happened again since I posted about it. Odd. I think my diet has helped massively. As far as I know it couldn’t be any better. I take a few supplements too. I use too to make sure nothing clashes. Great site.

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  10. #10
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I didnt look low t or suffer from low strength,muscle mass despite blood tests between 200 and 300ng /dl.

    I may be an oddball. But perhaps one of more seasoned guys will jump in. But personally ill be starting with 500ish mgs of test on top of my nebido

    Ive saw other sites recommend 250mg for a first cycle and heard of people being successful but i figure since its going to be your best and most respinsive cycle, hit it hard with enough test without going overboard.

    Just be careful if you choose to cycle mate. I remember the complications you had starting trt. (your swollen hands and bp issues)

    Health over everything if you want to be able to show those pictures to your grandkids when youre older

    Okay, my first blast so to speak was just 250mg test e for 12 weeks, then 500mg each 2.week, and at week 20 I was also putting in 50-100mg winstrol depot pr week. I grew like a weed but I was young.

    Now 250mg a week doesn’t do me much, but I don’t need that much either. But if blasting id like maybe 500mg a week now, with 20-50mg of an oral for 4-6 weeks in there.

    Once you blast and cruise you don’t really need that high dosages IMO, but I do need higher dosages than when younger.
    Still, 500mg T, add in 250mg nandrolone or 400mg equipoise (Yes this drug is quite ok when cruise/blasting), and then alternate use of an oral, f.ex do 50mg drol a day for 3-4 weeks and then wait a little before next oral or you can do pulsing.
    With pulsing I’ve found that If the injections are already giving me a good kick, then adding in just small doses like 20-30mg tbol/winstrol/Dbol will act with great synergy.

    My point is that you can blast hard, and run higher dosages which will total over 1,5grams pr week and this works great, but it’s also tiresome.
    Or you can run blasts that are more moderate. And in these moderate blasts you can still chuck in 50mg Ana drol x3 a week to push a little without much hassle of sides.

    I just think that with blast and cruise you’re really much more free than normal when running compounds in a cycle.

  11. #11
    Medic 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    Ha. Well, like many people I want to look massive for a while. I’m naturally big but not in the body builder way. I fancy looking like a monster before I’m too old to do it. Maybe take some photos so I can say “I looked like that once “ when I’m old.

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    You’re never to old my friend I am 44 and getting up there in size you can do it for sure lots of hard work but worth it.

  12. #12
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
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    I’m struggling to beat my PB’s for the first time now. I’ve upped it to 2x90 per week. See if it helps.

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