View Poll Results: Which test to run

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  • sust 300mgs eod

    2 33.33%
  • test prop 100mgs eod

    4 66.67%
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Thread: Considering a Short Burst

  1. #1
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Considering a Short Burst

    Hey guys its been awhile since I've been here, but I'm glad to be back. I'm considering a short burst cycle and wanted to ask for some feedback. I've read mixed things on dosage but it seems to me that a higher dosage would be better. What do you guys think would be better:

    sust 300 eod for 4-6wks or
    test prop 100mgs eod for 4-6wks

    Haven't ran a multi-estered test before but looks like it might be the way to go. This will be my 3rd cycle and have had great success with simple test only cycles. Looking forward to the feedback!

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome back!

    The problem with sust is the slow esters will make you have to wait more time for the PCT. If you are on TRT thats not much of a problem but still I would prefer prop as it is much more predictable.

  3. #3
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    thanks for the reply. I think 100mgs eod for a short burst cycle is a little low. Maybe 200mgs eod? That's just a lot of gear to inject lol.

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    if you went with a Sustanon with its longer esters, you'd be better off with a longer 10 week run. if you only want to go 6 weeks or so then I'd go with test prop.

    having said that, I think there are way more effective and less side effect options out there then going with a test only cycle

  5. #5
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    such as what Gearheaded? I'm open to suggestions

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    such as what Gearheaded? I'm open to suggestions
    plenty of steroids out there that were designed to be better then test with less side effects.. drugs that are 3x as anabolic , yet have no estrogen side effects, dht side effects, prolactin issues, gyno, etc. etc.. some of these drugs actually make testosterone work better in the body and take away side effects.



    take VAR for example.. its over 3x as anabolic as test, with no estrogen conversion, and has the ability to bind up SHBG and increase more free testosterone to be used for muscle building. you would have to have 3x as much Test to = the anabolic effects of VAR.
    so it makes sense to just run a very small dose of test with a fairly decent dose of VAR, and these drugs can be effective for short 6 week runs.

    50mg EOD test Prop
    50mg Per day VAR

    far more effective with far less side effects then high dose test only cycle. lots of examples I could give you with the drugs I listed above, but you get the point
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  7. #7
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    OhGeez is offline New Member
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    Anavar is one of the compounds that's most interesting to me for a first cycle where performance and some lean gains are the goal: it's class 1, can support lean gains, doesn't aromatize or cause water retention.

    Obvis it's not "the gold standard" of a test-based only first cycle....

    Am I crazy for thinking of this kind of 1st cycle?
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  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhGeez View Post
    Anavar is one of the compounds that's most interesting to me for a first cycle where performance and some lean gains are the goal: it's class 1, can support lean gains, doesn't aromatize or cause water retention.

    Obvis it's not "the gold standard" of a test-based only first cycle....

    Am I crazy for thinking of this kind of 1st cycle?
    its absolutely one of the best drugs to start with imo. I'll go against popular internet forum lore and say it can be a stand alone first cycle no problem. no test needed. yeah yeah I'm a heretic.
    if you know what your doing you can minimize shut down to a degree and run a VAR only cycle as a first cycle and not only be just fine, possible better off then if you did a 500mg of test and AI first cycle.

    VAR, with HCG , and testosterone support supplement, for 8 weeks (maybe a low dose serm to further trick the brain into keeping test going). very few if any side effects. pure anabolic effects, has fat burning properties as well, dry lean gains (for those interested in that look)
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  9. #9
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    OhGeez is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    (maybe a low dose serm to further trick the brain into keeping test going).
    Oh those pesky serms. I gotta start figuring those out. Seems that there's a lot more BS around serms than AAS.

    ALSO: science progresses, medicine progresses. The first doctors that questioned leeches were considered heretics (literally). So you've got good company, GH.

  10. #10
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    So I've ran Tbol with test before with great gains. I'm just a little concerned about doing a Var only cycle. Off the top of my head, i'd probably start with something like 60mgs ed for 4wks and see what that does. I'd probably do some clomid and or nolva afterwards just in case. Thoughts on that?

  11. #11
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    So I've ran Tbol with test before with great gains. I'm just a little concerned about doing a Var only cycle. Off the top of my head, i'd probably start with something like 60mgs ed for 4wks and see what that does. I'd probably do some clomid and or nolva afterwards just in case. Thoughts on that?
    you could run a VAR only cycle with the right ancillaries. but you've ran test before, so why not just run a low dose test with the VAR ? unless your curious on how you'd do running a VAR only cycle. but you'd need to run HCG and a test support supplement to keep some natural test production going while doing the cycle.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    So I've ran Tbol with test before with great gains. I'm just a little concerned about doing a Var only cycle. Off the top of my head, i'd probably start with something like 60mgs ed for 4wks and see what that does. I'd probably do some clomid and or nolva afterwards just in case. Thoughts on that?
    I've run many var only cycle with good results. In the 70's the East Germans ran a doping program that consisted of short burst cycles followed by short rest. The got good results and were able to avoid detection. They mostly took orals as they were assimilated quickly and came out of the body quickly.
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