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  1. #1
    Men in Black's Avatar
    Men in Black is offline Junior Member
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    Unhappy Test Enan and Hypothyroidism

    Is it possible to develop hypothyroidism from the use of Test Enan 250mg/week for 2+ years straight?

    I believe I might have developed hypo
    I am extra sensitive to cold and get sick more often whenever it is cold, I gain weight incredibly fast especially in the winter.

    If I get my blood work test
    What should I look at and what do normal levels of T3, T4, TSH look like?
    I need help please

  2. #2
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    When altering hormones in the body anything is possible...I've personally never heard of this happening so my opinion is that something else is causing these issues. Are you still on the test or have you come off? Cause coming off after 2 years COULD cause all kinds of problems and then it would make more sense that you're hormones are all fucked up but if you're still "on" then it would very much surprise me that you're suddenly having these problems from test.

  3. #3
    Men in Black's Avatar
    Men in Black is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    When altering hormones in the body anything is possible...I've personally never heard of this happening so my opinion is that something else is causing these issues. Are you still on the test or have you come off? Cause coming off after 2 years COULD cause all kinds of problems and then it would make more sense that you're hormones are all fucked up but if you're still "on" then it would very much surprise me that you're suddenly having these problems from test.

    Still on and plan to continue forever as testosterone helped decrease my anxiety and depression, it’s like a high for me tbh
    I started noticing I am intolerant to cold(sneezing,cough etc) and started gaining weight to the point my stomach bloats in the winter(mostly water weight) since last year.

    Oh forgot to mention that I don’t lift, this is for TRT purposes( I am well aware TRT doses are at 150 but I prefer 250 as it helps my mind)
    I am really scared because I fear there might be some damage done, thyroid is an important hormone for functioning normally. I have only ever used test Enan at 250mg/week and used clen for 10 days at max and then dropped

    Should I get blood work done? If yes, what should I look at that will verify if I have hypothyroidism or not

    I read elevated estrogen can inhibit thyroid function also and on my test levels, I believe estrogen would be high compared to a natty persons even if I take asin

  4. #4
    geezuschrist's Avatar
    geezuschrist is offline Associate Member
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    Why you are on 250mg a week and don't lift baffles me. I know you say it helps depression etc. but that's a high dose for even someone lifting! You should really start exercising mate

  5. #5
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes you always wanna get blood work done man even if you're not having a problem. Often times one can get ahead of problems by knowing what their bw looks like.

  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Only want to tell is by blood work. You need to get it done at a min of 1 year if not twice a year. Your getting older and you want to catch stuff before it becomes an issue. BTW, the older you get the easier it is to put on weight in the winter.

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