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Thread: Mild bulking cycle

  1. #1
    jneder's Avatar
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    Mild bulking cycle

    Hey everyone, new to the forum here. Here’s an idea I have for a low-key bulking cycle. I’m not looking to blow up too fast, just a nice boost. I’m 27 years old, 175lbs, been training for about five years, more seriously in the last year. Just started with a pro coach to get some more hands-on instruction. I did a cycle in Feb-March with Test E 500mg/week, which was fine, but my diet wasn’t great and my training definitely could have been better. My intention with lowering the dosage is to really focus on good diet and training and not use the gear as too much of a crutch, and not be too hard on my system. So this is what I’m thinking:

    10 Week Cycle:
    Test E 250mg/week
    Deca 300mg/week (week 1-8)
    Anavar 50mg/day

    Question 1) Do I need to run an AI with these numbers? If so, at what dosage and frequency?

    Question 2) I have some HCG on hand that I’d like to incorporate; I’ve never used it. I understand it can be useful towards the end of the cycle to avoid a big crash, which would be ideal. Any advice as to dosage and frequency?

    Question 3) Is a standard Nolvadex PCT adequate for this kind of cycle?

    I’m still about 6 weeks out from starting, so I have plenty of time to figure this out. Let me know what y’all think.

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    AI for test-e is aromasin or adex. If your already going to take anavar then go with adex, if no anavar go with aromasin for its effect on shbg.
    Anavar is harsh on liver, take NAC.
    The test is low but your probably taking it to ward off the supression form the deca , which it will do at that dosage (just a little higher than a TRT dosage).
    AI for deca it is cabergoline (dostinex) or prami, people say Prami is harsher. It is best to keep the caber on hand in case you start to experience sides, if so, you will be able to recognize them by their neuor-emotional aspect.
    Also, it wouldn't hurt to get some topical minoxidil to prevent hairloss. That cycle isn't as bad for hair loss as others but, who wouldn't want to be safe?
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  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
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    Pin HCG 350IU twice a week and yeah, Nolva is fine. Some say Nolva isn't good because of some interaction with deca but there isn't anything to it.
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  4. #4
    jneder's Avatar
    jneder is offline New Member
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    Thanks Quester. I didn't realize that the test and deca require two different AIs. Should I run those continuously throughout the cycle, or just if I experience sides?

  5. #5
    jneder's Avatar
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    One more question: Is this Test/Deca ratio ok? I understand that test is usually run 1:1, or 1.5 test to 1 deca. I'm thinking the Anavar will pick up the slack, but just want to make sure. I don't want to be lacking testosterone while running deca.
    Last edited by jneder; 06-15-2018 at 07:22 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jneder View Post
    One more question: Is this Testeca ratio ok? I understand that test is usually run 1:1, or 1.5 test to 1 deca. I'm thinking the Anavar will pick up the slack, but just want to make sure. I don't want to be lacking testosterone while running deca.
    The whole test/deca ratio is really more about personal preference and how you feel. Guys who say you have to run it one way or another are misinformed. I run my test/ deca often and run my test higher than my deca at 700/500. Ive run it both ways but just feel better with higher test. If you run at least 150-200mg or above with test you should be fine. Your 375/wk is fine and may work for you or you may find that you prefer somewhere in the range of 500+/wk while on deca. Trial and error
    I wouldnt suggest runnin deca 8wks. I usually dont even start to see effects until maybe wk 4 or 5 when its just gettin going. Its more effective at a 12+ wk cycle. You would be comin off right when its getting into its swing.

    Like quester said- i would keep a normal regimen of your ai- aromasin or adex. Then get some caber or prami to ward off the side effects from prolactin in case you have an issue from the deca. I use prami but it is harsher than caber- will make you nauseous when you first start to use it. Caber is easier to use but for some can be harder to find legit caber. And enjoy your gains

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Deca for 8 weeks is a waste of your hormonal health, its a slow compound and it only starts to shine after 7-8 weeks. This also applies for PCT, you will have to wait minimum of a month before PCT.

    Also nandrolone shuts you down completely on the 1st pin, if you dont want or are not ready (which you shouldn't on your 2nd cycle) for TRT you should not mess with it.

    If you want a mild cycle you should do test+oral, which will be more than enough for your objective if the diet and training are on point.

    Please dont call cabergoline AI. AI means aromatase inhibitor, cabergoline is a dopamine agonist, there is a huge difference...

  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Deca for 8 weeks is a waste of your hormonal health, its a slow compound and it only starts to shine after 7-8 weeks. This also applies for PCT, you will have to wait minimum of a month before PCT.

    Also nandrolone shuts you down completely on the 1st pin, if you dont want or are not ready (which you shouldn't on your 2nd cycle) for TRT you should not mess with it.

    If you want a mild cycle you should do test+oral, which will be more than enough for your objective if the diet and training are on point.

    Please dont call cabergoline AI. AI means aromatase inhibitor, cabergoline is a dopamine agonist, there is a huge difference...
    Mr B.B. knows what he is talking about and gave solid advice.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  9. #9
    jneder's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info guys. The more I do my research the more I’m thinking of dropping the deca altogether. MR BB you make a great point about doing an oral. Is dbol 50mg/day for weeks 1-4 good with 250mg/week test e? I’m keeping levels low because I don’t have the opportunity to get blood work done, and I want to err on the side of health. Thanks again.

  10. #10
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jneder View Post
    Thanks for the info guys. The more I do my research the more I’m thinking of dropping the deca altogether. MR BB you make a great point about doing an oral. Is dbol 50mg/day for weeks 1-4 good with 250mg/week test e? I’m keeping levels low because I don’t have the opportunity to get blood work done, and I want to err on the side of health. Thanks again.
    Increase the test to 400mg/week.

    50mg of dbol is pretty hefty if its good dbol, you are going to need more AI during the time you take dbol. Personally luv 30mg of dbol 1 hour before training, take it together with mini-aspirin for insanely painful pumps.

  11. #11
    jneder's Avatar
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    Ok. How much AI? I can get adex in 1mg tabs, is .5mg EOD during Dbol weeks sufficient? Or 3mg/week?

  12. #12
    El darsh is offline New Member
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    I think 0.25 every other day is good.

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