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Thread: Thoughts on using DHT blockers to treat acne...

  1. #1
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Thoughts on using DHT blockers to treat acne...

    I'e been struggling with cystic acne on my back for a couple of months now. It started several weeks after getting on good ol' deca durabolin and my back hasn't been the same since. I had zero issues with test, tren , winny, and mast, but seems like nandrolone triggered something cause approx 3 weeks in my back lit up like a mine field.

    Interestingly, the breakout coincided with discontinuing the masterone so it seems like I threw a delicate balance off when I pulled that drug. It's ironic cause I pulled it due painful pumps I was getting in the gym and I didn't wanna stop the nandrolone since it was just kicking in so I pulled the mast, but apparently I chose the wrong compound to pull lol.
    Then again, this may have happened regardless as the nandrolone continued to build up in my system....

    First thing I did was trying controlling it with more showers and washing my back more often, changing shirts, showering right after I sweat, hitting the beach and getting in salt water. Those things would help for a brief time but the second I wavered on one of them it would come back just as bad or even worse! So clearly the root cause was still very much at work.

    So I started trying different things. I upped my dose of adex which actually helped a lot. I've heard people tell me estrogen has nothing to do with acne and others say it certainly can so erring on the side of caution I tried upping it and it made a noticeable difference so there may be some merit to that theory. Even if it isn't the estrogen directly, maybe high estrogen effects a different hormone which in turn causes it. Who knows!? The human body is so damn complex.

    Anyway, at this point in time I'm off everything except for test and proviron . I'm letting everything clear my system and give my body a break to let things normalize. The acne has gotten a bit better but it's still an issue. I'm thinking that maybe the nanrolone triggered something involving DHT which I know is the common cause of acne in men. I'm exploring different options and had an idea that maybe running a DHT blocker would help the root cause..??

    I did some research and my theory seems to hold some water. Has anyone used a DHT blocker to successfully treat acne.??

  2. #2
    PT1982's Avatar
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    I wouldn't take anything to block it. That would defeat the purpose. Maybe consider not using a dht derivative. I like them too much to give to on them, so I got on accutane and I've never had any sign of cystic acne since. I struggled with it for well over 20 years and it cleared up immediately. I can run anything I want and have no worries about a break out. My cystic acne wasn't AAS induced, but it did get much worse when I was on anabolics.

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    So you want to start a dht blocker while taking a dht analog? How does that sound?

  4. #4
    geezuschrist's Avatar
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    High estrogen = awful bacne for myself
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    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So you want to start a dht blocker while taking a dht analog? How does that sound?
    Well I'm only on test right now..Oh you mean the proviron ?? I would stop the proviron if that's the case and run something else appropriate while taking the DHT blocker.

    Acne Treatment is listed as a use for DHT blockers I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this...?

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Well I'm only on test right now..Oh you mean the proviron ?? I would stop the proviron if that's the case and run something else appropriate while taking the DHT blocker.

    Acne Treatment is listed as a use for DHT blockers I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this...?
    Yeah, stopping the proviron is a smart option, its useless anyways.

    Go to the doctor and ask for antibiotics if its bad. If its not that bad ask your gf to do the hibiclens, and towel rub everyday.

    Look for a beauty salon with blue light treatment, not the stupid face masks, thats too weak.

  7. #7
    Quester's Avatar
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    There are topical DHT blockers for acne. Try a TRT provider and/or a compounding pharmacy that takes TRT meds. They often show what they provid on their websites. Find out what it is and go ask your doctor for a script.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yeah, stopping the proviron is a smart option, its useless anyways.

    Go to the doctor and ask for antibiotics if its bad. If its not that bad ask your gf to do the hibiclens, and towel rub everyday.

    Look for a beauty salon with blue light treatment, not the stupid face masks, thats too weak.
    You really think proviron is uselss BB? By itself I don't think it does a whole lot but it works great to blunt estrogen and prolactin and also makes the test dosage more efficient. It's subtle but effective, for me anyway.

    Thanks for the hibiclens suggestion I'm gonna add that to my shower routine am and pm. I bought this fancy sponge on a stick that has an exfoliating surface so on days I'm not at my girl's house I can just scrub my own back with the hibiclens. And I've heard people talk about the blue light therapy but I had no idea where to find it so I'm gonna check some local salons to see if I can find a place I can go to regularly...Maybe a few times a week.. I wonder how much something like that costs and how much time it takes.....?

  9. #9
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    There are topical DHT blockers for acne. Try a TRT provider and/or a compounding pharmacy that takes TRT meds. They often show what they provid on their websites. Find out what it is and go ask your doctor for a script.
    Ok good tip, thanks. So topical DHT blockers are the way to go you think? It does sound like a better option cause then I don't have to stop the proviron . Plus I'm about to start a blast here in about a week or so and I have 2 DHT based compounds in my cycle so as BB mentioned, it prob wouldn't be a good idea to run those while taking a DHT blocker, but I don't know.. Anyone have experience with this?

    Has anyone taken DHT blockers to treat acne OR been on DHT blockers on cycle and what was your experience with it?? Did it effect your cycle in any way? Did you notice less acne even thought that may not have been the reason you were taking it? Please share experiences, thanks!

  10. #10
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    You'll have to look into it. Topical Finasteride (0.01%). I wouldn't get anything with an oil base as it would block pores.

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    You really think proviron is uselss BB? By itself I don't think it does a whole lot but it works great to blunt estrogen and prolactin and also makes the test dosage more efficient. It's subtle but effective, for me anyway.

    Thanks for the hibiclens suggestion I'm gonna add that to my shower routine am and pm. I bought this fancy sponge on a stick that has an exfoliating surface so on days I'm not at my girl's house I can just scrub my own back with the hibiclens. And I've heard people talk about the blue light therapy but I had no idea where to find it so I'm gonna check some local salons to see if I can find a place I can go to regularly...Maybe a few times a week.. I wonder how much something like that costs and how much time it takes.....?
    yes, proviron is useless, except if you are in the last weeks of prep wanting to get as hard as you can with already very thin skin.

    Proviron is also exceptionally good at making you bald.

    EDIT: Dont use chlorhexidine daily. Its a preoperative skin disinfectant...
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 07-02-2018 at 03:27 PM.

  12. #12
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    I wouldn't take anything to block it. That would defeat the purpose. Maybe consider not using a dht derivative. I like them too much to give to on them, so I got on accutane and I've never had any sign of cystic acne since. I struggled with it for well over 20 years and it cleared up immediately. I can run anything I want and have no worries about a break out. My cystic acne wasn't AAS induced, but it did get much worse when I was on anabolics.
    Thanks for the input. I'm keeping accutane as my ace in the hole in case ALL else fails because it's so harsh I'd really prefer to not have to resort to such a toxic drug...But it may end up being necessary..

  13. #13
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    yes, proviron is useless, except if you are in the last weeks of prep wanting to get as hard as you can with already very thin skin.

    Proviron is also exceptionally good at making you bald.

    EDIT: Dont use chlorhexidine daily. Its a preoperative skin disinfectant...

    Yeah the proviron really helped me regain healthy sexual function so I can't leave it in the trenches now after it just saved my ass lol, but I can totally understand a lack of enthusiasm for that drug. It's a very subtle but powerful drug IMO but I agree that men with male pattern baldness in their genes should use it sparingly cause it can def accelerate that process.

    Good to know about the hibiclens before I start lathering that shit on lol! I'll make sure to do research on the proper way to use it.

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