07-10-2018, 09:22 PM #1
Arimidex Dosage
I'm doing 500mg Test C a week with .5mg Arimidex a day. I'm still feeling a little nipple sensitivity. Is it normal for those that are sensitive to aromatization to do 1mg a day? It seems like a high dose to me from what I read. I know it should start working in a day and I've been taking the Adex daily for a week or so. I don't want to crash test but also don't want to risk gyno. I am in week 2 and have 4 weeks to get bloods drawn.
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.5mg of adex a day is a ton. Your estro must be low at that dose. The nipple sensitivity might be in your head. Most guys will run .25 every other day. You can run a low dose of nolva if your worried
07-10-2018, 10:12 PM #3
Yeah I'm doing 10 mg of Nolva for a few days now. Will gyno develop through mere sensitivity, or when it's painful that's when I should worry?
BTW, I'm a guy who was on 210 mg of Test C running it solo for the first time ever and was experiencing pain in nipples.
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07-11-2018, 10:29 AM #4
I'm not experiencing any of the fatigue of high dosages of Adex either...
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07-11-2018, 10:39 AM #5
Is it pharmaceutical grade arimidex ? From a legitimate pharmacy? Sounds off mate that is a ton of arimidex.
07-11-2018, 12:48 PM #6
Monster Labs. Never read anything bad about them.
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07-11-2018, 01:52 PM #7
I’m definitely E sensitive so when I run my first cycle I’ll probably be using .5 eod
You may have some underdosed adex. Gyno is lumps or puffyness of nipples. “Tingling” isnt gyno. Its probably just your body reacting to the hormone adjustment. However gyno is not black and white. Let us know what the bloodwork shows
07-11-2018, 03:25 PM #9
The truth about AI dosages is that it can vary greatly from person to person. However, it is very common for people to overdo it because they're guessing instead of getting blood work done. A good friend of mine takes 1mg Adex DAILY as prescribed by his doctor based on his blood work. He's currently running 500mg test, 450 tren , 75 proviron btw (to put it into context).
Now, if he were to come on here and ask if he's doing the right thing he would get inundated with people telling him his dose is way too high. And tbh, until recently, I would have been one of those people. EVERY single human body is different, and to what extent varies, but none of this is "one size fits all."
Having said that let's focus on your issue. You're clearly estrogen sensitive so you'll want to start your AI a solid week before you start your cycle so your serum levels won't get too high once the test kicks in (for future ref). One would think since it's cyp that you have a few weeks before you need to worry about estrogen sides but, contrary to popular belief, our levels are supraphysiological the day after a shot of cyp or enanthate ....It just doesn't build up to it's max level until approx 3 weeks..If you're estrogen sensitive it won't take long before enough test has detached from the ester to cause probs.
What I would suggest to do right now is up your nolva to 40mg ed, do not increase your Adex YET as you don't want to crash your e2.
Go get blood work done immediately. Everything else you do after increasing your nolva will be based on that! You're increasing the nolva to prevent any further aromatization to occur, because itchiness IS an indication that gyno is forming.....even if it's slight, over time it will become noticeable so it's important to stop it in its tracks.
Would be cool if you updated us after blood work cause we can learn from this. I'd really like to see where your e2 is and how much Adex you'll need to suppress it.
(Check this out too pretty interesting)
Effect on Estradiol: Mean serum concentrations of estradiol were
evaluated in multiple daily dosing trials with 0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 10
of arimidex in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer.
Clinically significant suppression of serum estradiol was seen with
all doses. Doses of 1 mg and higher resulted in suppression of mean
serum concentrations of estradiol to the lower limit of detection
>The recommended daily dose, ARIMIDEX 1 mg, reduced estradiol by
approximately 70%
>within 24 hours and by approximately 80% after 14 days of daily
dosing. Suppression of
>serum estradiol was maintained for up to 6 days after cessation of
daily dosing with ARIMIDEX 1 mg.
* to clarify, Nolva does not stop aromatization but rather blocks the estrogen from binding. So you can't crash your e2 from taking Nolva which is why you should up the nolva and leave the Adex alone until a doc tells you otherwiseLast edited by AlphaMindz; 07-11-2018 at 03:29 PM.
07-11-2018, 03:35 PM #10
Exactly ... AI dosage and the body isn’t black and white . Different people are more sensitive to E the. Others which requires more Ana.
And people need to consider some using certain compounds like mast for example , it actually lowers E while dbol raises E so in short ....
-always get blood work
-always have AI on hand
-always do your Hw on the compounds you use.
07-11-2018, 06:32 PM #11
Do the feeling I get in my notes isn't constant. Does that mean anything?
You said get bloods now. Obviously my blood levels will be higher in a few more weeks, so should I do it now just to measure E2? What would that do for me if I need to get the bloods done at 6 weeks anyway? Thanks for the help. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
07-11-2018, 07:41 PM #12
Above first sentence was supposed to be: the feeling I get in my nipples isn't constant. Does that mean anything?
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07-30-2018, 12:07 AM #13
No…For me there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when it bothers you. Somedays it may be mornings it irritates you, others mid -day or afternoon; then somedays none at all. Everyone reacts dif. however. I never had any estrogen related sides from age 29 till around 37-38 and everyone will as they get older. Hope you have your BW by now. You’ll never get good milage from a car with no fuel gauge!
07-30-2018, 10:36 AM #14
07-30-2018, 10:46 AM #15
No, it doesn't really mean anything. It's usually not a constant thing... The very fact that you're getting itchiness or sensitivity means you're def experiencing aromatization, even if it's a small amount. IMO it's good to catch it early and not wait until your nips are sore as shit and you feel a lump which is what's next if you don't treat it.
Correction -Nolva does not stop aromatization as I alluded to in previous post. To clarify, Nolva will block the receptor site at the mammory gland (behind nipple) so estrogen cannot bind to it and cause probs. Only an AI will actually lower estrogen, but that's why I suggested upping the Nolva so we can at least prevent any further binding of estrogen (when you're feeling itchiness or soreness it's because estrogen in binding to the gland) and after BW when we know how high your estrogen is then we can have a better idea of what dose will be effective for you, but even then it will take some trial and error to find the sweet spot dose to get you e2 at the perfect level.
To answer your question, yes, you can wait to do bloods but I hope you've increased your Nolva to stop any further aromatization...Once we get bloods we'll up your AI to appropriate dose.
07-30-2018, 12:45 PM #16
So here is my blood work: sensitive E is 36.9. That is with .5 Adx ED. What you guys think??
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07-30-2018, 01:19 PM #17
07-30-2018, 02:48 PM #18
Isn't it still a bit high? I know estrogen is higher at night and I got this test in the morning, and it's usually closer to the end of the day that I feel the irritation, so what should I do? I can't imagine taking more Arimidex ... I'm not trying to kill myself with the sides from that either. I am actively making it a point to lose body fat too at this point.
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07-30-2018, 03:53 PM #19
Yeah it's a tad high. I would add 75mg provirion split 3 times a day (25mg's each dose) and that should help bring it down without having to increase your Adex.
Great job on taking initiative and getting this done. You're a good example of how this stuff should be treated.
Adding the proviron will also help you with other things as well so it's a great addition IMO I'm harder and more defined since I started running it and no more issues with prolactin either (which is why I started it but also lowers estrogen)
*We wanna get it down around 20-25 IMO that is the sweet spot.
07-30-2018, 06:15 PM #20
07-30-2018, 11:19 PM #21
I'd really like to take less Adx while on cycle...
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07-31-2018, 09:03 AM #22
Try lowering your test then. Try running only trt levels of test and stacking compounds on top of that based on what your goals are. Do your research and stay away from drugs that aromatize heavily and stick to dry compounds. A nice addition would be equipoise as it is very similar to test with little to no estrogen increase. A common approach is to use EQ to "fill out" the rest of your test dosage (ie. If you wanna run 500mg test, instead run 200mg test and 300mg of EQ to reach your 500mg). Your overall gains will be a bit slower but nice and and dry so you look hard year round (assuming you bf is low enough). You can still grow nicely that way, it's just a slower path.
I myself have issues with estrogen and prolactin so I have to be careful with how I stack drugs and what dosages I take. My current stack is test, eq, primo, and proviron cause I had to improvise. What I WANTED to run was test, anadrol /dbol , and nandrolone as I wanted to run a "wet" bulking cycle to put on some real weight as I need to get bigger if I'm going to compete. But I'm just not willing to deal with the side effects I'm sure to experience based on recent events so I had to carefully consider my other options.
Due to recent issues with acne and sexual disfunction I had to reevaluate what compounds will make sense for me to use to achieve my goals. The route I've chosen is def the slower route, but with enough calories and clean macros I'll still make nice gains on the compounds I've chosen... So my point is "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" lol. You'll be fine man, add the proviron in and lower your test dose and you should feel better, and EQ is a great way to bring up your androgen levels without also increasing estrogen. Good luck.
07-31-2018, 10:57 AM #23
Thanks bro. This was my first cycle so that's why I was going test alone. Boy I'm glad I did! Otherwise I wouldn't know for sure what my body was reacting too. I will probably finish this one out and re evaluate. I have deca and dbol but not sure I want to go that route after this.
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07-31-2018, 10:01 PM #24
Would you suggest running EQ on a first cycle? I ask because I'm already going to be starting my first cycle at 350mg test just because I'm very very cautious of the sides, particularly acne and gyno. The gyno I'm sure I can prevent, if I'm even susceptible to it, but the acne I think is inevitable. I'd love to take a lower dose of test and add EQ to "fill it out"......if that's not a horrible idea.
08-10-2018, 09:13 PM #25
AlphaMindz;7398819]I like that analogy!
Yeah, It just popped into my head as i was finishing up, go figure...Very true though
08-10-2018, 09:25 PM #26
Yeah, It's totally fine to ad EQ, very mild ( if not the mildest injectable) But you really need to go 12-16 weeks on it for benefits. It's slow but one of the best lean muscle producing hormones with nil water retention and aromatization. I believe the collagen synthesis is around twice that of Deca and 3x that of Test. IDK if there is definitive proof yet that Deca helps "Lube" the soft tissue around joints but the 300% increase in collagen synthesis sure won't hurt. I would do 400 mg per week w/350 mg of T and titrate up if you like to 600 mg/wk. Good luck.
08-10-2018, 09:28 PM #27
Your first cycle should be ONE compound and one compound only and MAYBE an oral for a kick start if you know what you are doing.
Keep it simple ... test 500 a week and see how you react.
Eat good , train hard ... know your goals . Learn as you progress and pay attention to how your body responses.
If you are scared to do something , then re think your decision. Don’t half ass it.
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08-10-2018, 09:41 PM #28
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