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Thread: My first cycle

  1. #1
    akt808 is offline New Member
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    My first cycle

    Hey guys, I’m 28 y/o 5’8” and currently 160 lbs lean. I been lifting for the past 5 years but been taking the last 2 very serious by dialing in my nutrition and have gotten some decent results regarding strength and body composition. I want to jump on my first cycle with test e only at 300mg per week split into two injections. I have arimidex if needed and clomid for pct. I just want some honest opinions on this and what would you do differently. Thanks

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Up the test

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  3. #3
    akt808 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply! I just oredered some nolva and waiting on that to come in. Still have to find a reliable source for hcg but I’m sure I’ll find some soon enough. Not in a rush at all to start my cycle.

  4. #4
    akt808 is offline New Member
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    In your opinion, would it be okay if I just ran 300mg per week on my first cycle to see how I will react to the compound and if everything goes well run the standard 500mg per week on my second cycle?

  5. #5
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    its not worth shutting yourself down at that dose.

    Raise the dose to 500 split into 250 twice a week.

    Add the nolva for PCT. I love that you are not in a rush, wish more were like that. Once you get everything and have a good understanding you will begin and love it. Keep us posted to the progress.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by akt808 View Post
    In your opinion, would it be okay if I just ran 300mg per week on my first cycle to see how I will react to the compound and if everything goes well run the standard 500mg per week on my second cycle?
    You can do what you want. But when you almost double the one on your second cycle you will need to re-establish how you react to the compound because the higher the dose the higher the risk of side effects.

    I wouldn’t run less than 400mg pew week if I were you. Top end TRT patients can take 200mg per week just to get to normal levels.

    Your first cycle should be the most productive in terms of gains so don’t waste it by being too low.

  7. #7
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it's properly dosed testosterone then IMO 300mgs per week will bring someone with fresh receptors quite far above their natural levels somewhere around 1,300-1,500 or so....I've been around 2,000 ng/dl on 500mgs a week so I'd imagine 300mg would be enough for a first timer, although I realize it's not typically recommended because unfortunately a lot of the gear people buy (especially newer guys) is under dosed stuff...

    So 300mg of ugl gear MAY very well be a waste of your time if it isn't a true 300mg of test. Also, your starting levels have to be taken into account. I made sick gains on one shot of enanthate per week but I also had a natural level of 286. So relative to my natty levels my body was getting a lot of exo test and I was able to make nice gains. If you have high levels for your age then it would prob be more effective to take a dose of 500mgs a week, but if you're in the 400-600 range which is likely then 300mgs of test will def give you benefits. It's nice to have the option to increase the dose because many people hit a wall on cycle and can't make anymore gains and that happens because they start out at the max dose and don't increase as their bodies build a tolerance.

    If you know your source well and you trust their formulas and dosing then 300mgs is a fine starting dose IMO and you can always increase the dose if your gains plateau. If you start at 500 then you have no where to go because you don't wanna go higher than 500mg on a first cycle. I realize that this isn't common advice and I don't mean to go against anyone else's advice but I feel this is a good approach for first timers. Starting on lower doses is perfectly fine and should be encouraged IMO.

  8. #8
    akt808 is offline New Member
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    Thank you guys for all the input! It means alot coming from all of the experienced members. I am def not in a rush to start this cycle, I have been researching hard for the past few months and I am not 100% comfortable yet to start anyway.

    I am also very nervous being that it’s going to be my first cycle (not sure if that’s a good or bad thing). The gear that I have won’t expire for a couple years anyway so I got plenty time.

    My main concern is coming off the cycle and how well my body will recover and how I will feel (mentally and physically).

    As far as sides go for nolva and clomid, what are your experiences with the two? I’ve read some people had some nasty sides while some had little to no sides.

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by akt808 View Post
    Thank you guys for all the input! It means alot coming from all of the experienced members. I am def not in a rush to start this cycle, I have been researching hard for the past few months and I am not 100% comfortable yet to start anyway.

    I am also very nervous being that it’s going to be my first cycle (not sure if that’s a good or bad thing). The gear that I have won’t expire for a couple years anyway so I got plenty time.

    My main concern is coming off the cycle and how well my body will recover and how I will feel (mentally and physically).

    As far as sides go for nolva and clomid, what are your experiences with the two? I’ve read some people had some nasty sides while some had little to no sides.
    Nolva and Clomid are paramount for recovery and raising your T levels back up without being on TRT. That is just the hard facts that has been proven in the medical community. Nobody knows how your body will recover, not even you. That's part of the risk of using steroids - some people recovery fine, some people end up on TRT for the rest of their life from one cycle. There are 101 variables, several of which are out of your control such as genetics. This is part of the reason why bloodwork before cycling is extremely important. It''s not like you are writing the SAT's and other peoples results affect the percentile you fall under. Every drug has a range/spectrum and where someone else falls is irrelevant to how your body will react. If 100 people on this forum tell you they had no side effects on Nolva/Clomid that doesn't make it any more or less likely you won't experience some degree of side effects, if any.

    The common mistake people make when they start "researching" is they don't invest the time into understanding the pharmacology behind the drugs. Nolva and Clomid weren't created for bodybuilders that is just a side effect that came to be from happenstance. It doesn't take long on google to learn PCT = Post Cycle Therapy and everyone talks about Nolva and Clomid, but if you don't know what a SERM is and how it actually interacts in the male body you aren't doing yourself any favors. Just blindly following information that has been parroted 100 times over is not going to work in the long term.
    Last edited by Windex; 09-06-2018 at 04:10 AM.
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