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  1. #1
    Dazhy's Avatar
    Dazhy is offline Junior Member
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    HELP.Mental issues after tren cycle.

    Hello ,in summer i run a cycle from a show.
    The cycle consist of 100eod of tren , 250mg test per week and winnie at the end.
    I remember on cycle my libido was pretty down but didnt care because i was focus on the prep/show.

    When i come off i start to feel very down/depressed(but is weird because my life is much better now) and some Side affects like depersonalisation, suicidal thoughs detachment and irrational thoughts. You feel like your not part of yourself, distant if you like , and panic attacks. And its rare af because in the end i feel good but at the same time feel this.

    My pct end last month. Take nolva and clomid and make an HUGE MISTAKE( DONT RUN HCG PR EPCT , AND CABER DURING CYCLE) i do cycles before (test deca etc )and recover very well and feel great on pct (i use hcg in these cycles while the sters clears).

    Last week i start to notice some sensitivy in my nips and feeling puffy , so i go to my local chemistry and buy caber.

    Im pretty sure this is because i didnt run caber on cycle and hcg at the end(yeah i know i was an idiot). Seratonine plays a role when prolactine go up so im sure i feel these due to dopamine and prolactin.

    Talk to my doctor and we will do a bloodwork but at the moment he put me on Wellbutrin because i have attention deficit since im a kid , and took ritalin and adderal but this is a very good drug to stabilize dopamine and work like antidepressant , is an stimulant.

    Today i talk with and OG BODYBUILDER and he tell this:

    Run caber 0,25 x2 per week , 3-4weeks.
    Run Adex 0,25 x 2 per week , 3-4weeks

    Then hit another cycle and run CABER 0,5 x2 per week and USE HCG (and if you can HMG too)at the end of the cycle , later do pct etc.

    Is like a RESET on my body.

    Thoughs? some guys fix this problem (shutdown poor pct)with this way but im on shock due to jump on gear for recover better and faster at pct is like
    Last edited by Dazhy; 10-07-2018 at 06:53 AM.

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I see zero reason to run Arimidex a month after you already did PCT.. it can definitely make you feel worse. the small amount of Testosterone your producing right now needs to have some conversion to estrogen (as estrogen is a key hormone for libido AND mental health). Arimidex is just going to F that up.

    you should really get your blood work done before you go throwing a bunch of drugs at this problem .

    what did you run for your anti-estrogen for your show , and what all did you run for PCT and the dosages and duration ?

    on a side note - anytime you run Tren and if you have any prolactin effects from it , you should definitely add Masteron to your tren cycles as it helps blunt prolactin effects on receptor sites . and of course you can run caber as well

  3. #3
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    Don't self medicate with anything before you know your baseline numbers. Like Gear say, you need to have blood work done.

  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    You got Mac Miller for your pic, you must be young I'm assuming. I know, I'm from the Burgh. I felt like you (depersonalization, suicidal thoughts, distant, panic attacks) before I found out I have low-medium testosterone . I personally don't see the point of running cycles and then coming off and losing your gains (slowly but surely) - but that's just me. I'm in week 6 of my cycle, going into trt right after, and I can't say I feel very much different (though I'm not running tren and only a moderate dose of test). If you're going to be cycling steroids , I would say just get off this cycle and wait until you're ready to be on for life then just blast and cruise responsibly.

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazhy View Post
    Hello ,in summer i run a cycle from a show.
    The cycle consist of 100eod of tren , 250mg test per week and winnie at the end.
    I remember on cycle my libido was pretty down but didnt care because i was focus on the prep/show.

    When i come off i start to feel very down/depressed(but is weird because my life is much better now) and some Side affects like depersonalisation, suicidal thoughs detachment and irrational thoughts. You feel like your not part of yourself, distant if you like , and panic attacks. And its rare af because in the end i feel good but at the same time feel this.

    My pct end last month. Take nolva and clomid and make an HUGE MISTAKE( DONT RUN HCG PR EPCT , AND CABER DURING CYCLE) i do cycles before (test deca etc )and recover very well and feel great on pct (i use hcg in these cycles while the sters clears).

    Last week i start to notice some sensitivy in my nips and feeling puffy , so i go to my local chemistry and buy caber.

    Im pretty sure this is because i didnt run caber on cycle and hcg at the end(yeah i know i was an idiot). Seratonine plays a role when prolactine go up so im sure i feel these due to dopamine and prolactin.

    Talk to my doctor and we will do a bloodwork but at the moment he put me on Wellbutrin because i have attention deficit since im a kid , and took ritalin and adderal but this is a very good drug to stabilize dopamine and work like antidepressant , is an stimulant.

    Today i talk with and OG BODYBUILDER and he tell this:

    Run caber 0,25 x2 per week , 3-4weeks.
    Run Adex 0,25 x 2 per week , 3-4weeks

    Then hit another cycle and run CABER 0,5 x2 per week and USE HCG (and if you can HMG too)at the end of the cycle , later do pct etc.

    Is like a RESET on my body.

    Thoughs? some guys fix this problem (shutdown poor pct)with this way but im on shock due to jump on gear for recover better and faster at pct is like
    Its impossible to tell what to do. Wait for the bloods. Then we will se whars wrong and find your rigth protocol.

    I also would like to say that ritalin and adderal decreases your total testlevels.
    And it could contribute to feeling bad.

    Actually the growing use of ritalin etc is one of the main factors for metrosexualization and the fall of mens testosteronlevels last 100 years.

    Kids are given ritalin too often cause they show signs of just being men.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-09-2018 at 11:03 PM.

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