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Thread: test propionate dose?

  1. #1
    polti5678 is offline New Member
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    test propionate dose?

    my first cycle test prop eod 100mg the question is this enought to make gains like 10-15lbs? in 8 weeks? hmm my mate told me prop 8weeks and winstrol low dose with hcg at the end and than finish with nolvadex , he said i dont need arimidex and clomid cuz is good stuff and he done the same cycle without problem?

    as i know i need hcg 250iu 2x week and arimidex 0,25mg eod and than clomid and nolva 5 days after last pin

  2. #2
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Understand , you and your friend are two different people... what effects him will not effect you the same.

    Some people atomize more then others which means some may have to take more AI then others or not even take it at all.
    Getting bloods before, mid and after are key for knowing how your body responds to certain things . As far as everything else , go by your normal routine and not what someone tells you do too.
    What works for one may not work
    For you ...

    Go to the sticky threads on your typical cycle protocol

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  3. #3
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Imho, prop is a daily injection drug

    You can't argue with blood level graphs.

    Eod prop gives a trough 70% lower than peak
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  4. #4
    Kay kay is offline Associate Member
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    In my opinion I’d run 150mg eod or 75mg Ed for a first cycle.

  5. #5
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Is this your first cycle or first cycle with prop ?

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  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    10 lbs in 8 weeks with test prop and winny is absolutely doable . IF you want to keep that 10 pounds though, make sure your PCT, training and nutrition are optimized
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  7. #7
    polti5678 is offline New Member
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    gonna be my very first cycle

  8. #8
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by polti5678 View Post
    gonna be my very first cycle
    My personal opinion bro , I’d go with a longer ester like Enanthate or cyp. And do your typical twice a week

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  9. #9
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I’d be willing to bet you will not enjoy so many injections on first cycle just get Test E or C as suggested above.

  10. #10
    Stevenh93 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by polti5678 View Post
    my first cycle test prop eod 100mg the question is this enought to make gains like 10-15lbs? in 8 weeks? hmm my mate told me prop 8weeks and winstrol low dose with hcg at the end and than finish with nolvadex , he said i dont need arimidex and clomid cuz is good stuff and he done the same cycle without problem?

    as i know i need hcg 250iu 2x week and arimidex 0,25mg eod and than clomid and nolva 5 days after last pin
    I've been using prop 125mg eod as my first cycle. I've put on 9 pounds in 6 weeks. Eating 3500 calories a day of quality foods meeting macro needs. I'm sure you can do it If you optimize your diet according to your body.

  11. #11
    CAADsprint is offline Junior Member
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    Prop is outstanding but it may hit you all at once. Side effects could come on just as fast as it acts. Like hair loss, acne, etc etc. like you could just one day explode with acne all over your rear shoulders and back. I mean... it's literally like 50 zits grow over night. Literally. The double edged sword with how fast it acts is if things go south just as fast as it acts. it could be out of your system within 4 days. How you'd recover from side effects? The answer is in experience and precautions. Part of that precaution could be to stick with an Ester.

    All of this is just my $0.02. Take it or leave it.

    You could definitely use arimadex up to 1mg EOD. In doing so you know for solid that you'll suppress your Estrodial levels. Pull bloods midway thru cycles and cut back accordingly. Yes. 1mg EOD will eat some potential gains BUT with 75mg of test prop Everyday I'd be damned if it wasn't astonishing for a first cycle. Running arimadex at .25 EOD or E3D is ideal since you need some estrogen to build muscle and look full. However starting at 1mg EOD isn't the end of the world and could stop unwanted bloating, acne and whatever else sides. Just food for thought

  12. #12
    Testlolblast is offline Associate Member
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    In my opinion 100mg eod is good to go in your case (it's far more than a usual trt dose). If it's your first cycle and you have good training experiece results should be noticeable with this dosage because of it's half-life duration.

  13. #13
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by polti5678 View Post
    my first cycle test prop eod 100mg the question is this enought to make gains like 10-15lbs? in 8 weeks? hmm my mate told me prop 8weeks and winstrol low dose with hcg at the end and than finish with nolvadex , he said i dont need arimidex and clomid cuz is good stuff and he done the same cycle without problem?

    as i know i need hcg 250iu 2x week and arimidex 0,25mg eod and than clomid and nolva 5 days after last pin

    If you eat correctly and your training is 100% then 10-15lbs in 8 weeks is very possible, especially this being your 1st cycle.

  14. #14
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Dont run 1mg of adex oed. You will crush your e2 and feel like crap. Adex is powerful stuff. .25mg eod is plenty. Even thats too much for some guys

  15. #15
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    -Couch is right, ED is the way to go. The peaks and valleys are ridiculous EOD
    -100mg prop is way too much. A standard cycle is 500mg week first time. Cyp and prop have different ester weights. ~60-65mg ED is closer to a standard 500mg/week cyp cycle
    -Why do you want to pin so often on your first cycle? KISS: keep it simple stupid
    (I'm not calling you stupid, its just a saying)

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    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 10-24-2018 at 04:52 AM.

  16. #16
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    -Couch is right, ED is the way to go. The peaks and valleys are ridiculous EOD
    -100mg prop is way too much. A standard cycle is 500mg week first time. Cyp and prop have different ester weights. ~60-65mg ED is closer to a standard 500mg/week cyp cycle
    -Why do you want to pin so often on your first cycle? KISS: keep it simple stupid
    (I'm not calling you stupid, its just a saying)

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    Who actually pins everyday? That seems insane. Must have a needle fetish. Gains are not worth it.

  17. #17
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Who actually pins everyday? That seems insane. Must have a needle fetish. Gains are not worth it.
    It's not about gains, it's about keeping your levels consistent.
    If you're going to take that approach, why pin cyp twice a week? Why not do once a week? Or every other week?

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  18. #18
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Who actually pins everyday? That seems insane. Must have a needle fetish. Gains are not worth it.
    often times I pin way more then once a day. especially when I'm running things like Synthetine on top of my AAS. it adds up quick.

    example - in one day..

    pin 1 - 5iu HGH
    pin 2 - 5iu insulin
    pin 3 - 50mg tren ace
    pin 4 - 100mg NPP
    pin 5 - 50mg Dbol oil
    pin 6 - 4ml Synthetine
    pin 7 - 10iu insulin
    pin 8 - 15iu insulin

    thats daily.. then there are EOD or multiple times a week pins like Test (1gram per week = 4 more injects per week) added on top of the daily insects and perhaps a one or two times a week shot of Deca or EQ... Then of course there are extras, like currently trying to stretch my biceps fascia, so I'll inject 2-3cc of hylaronic acid in there a few times per week as well , AND I'll have to hit each head of the bicep , so thats 4 separate injections each time I do it. so now your looking at 12 or so daily injects.

    this is NOT uncommon at all.. and I'm just an average gym rat and personal trainer.

    IFBB pro Nick Trigili once said after he retired that the one thing he was most glad of in retirement was not having to inject himself 15-30 times PER DAY.

    yeah , bodybuilding is kinda an extreme sport
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-24-2018 at 01:54 PM.

  19. #19
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Hmm just replied to your post Gear and I don't know what happened to it.

    Anyway I was jokingly asking if you happen to be Bostin LLoyd (lol).

    I was saying how I don't mind injecting HCG , or non-oils, as I don't feel anything from that. If I injected oils everyday I'd run out of my 4 spots (shoulders and thighs). I guess for more advanced guys like you, it can build up and it's not so crazy anymore. 15-30 times is absolutely crazy though!

    Just got a surprise vial of test prop so I might be injecting EOD for a few weeks, begrudgingly. I've been watching Nick Trigili for about a year - seems like a good dude. He cracked me up last night in his latest vid titled "Being big sucks" or something like that. He was talking about being discriminated against at nightclubs and grocery stores for being too big lmao. I was like what dude??!?

  20. #20
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Bostin Loyd will inject 3CC in multiple body parts per DAY.. I will only inject 3cc in my glutes or lats. everything else like biceps, triceps, pecs, front delts, etc.. I don't go over 2cc (usually just 1cc most days).
    but hey Bostin is known as "team 3cc" so guess he has to live up to that 3cc image huh
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  21. #21
    balance is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Bostin Loyd will inject 3CC in multiple body parts per DAY.. I will only inject 3cc in my glutes or lats. everything else like biceps, triceps, pecs, front delts, etc.. I don't go over 2cc (usually just 1cc most days).
    but hey Bostin is known as "team 3cc" so guess he has to live up to that 3cc image huh
    Would be hard to not hit vein but do people actually pin forearm?

  22. #22
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Would be hard to not hit vein but do people actually pin forearm?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_338.jpeg 
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    its easy to see the veins, you just pin around them

    kidding,, but I've been contemplating pinning my outter forearm/ brachi radialis
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  23. #23
    balance is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	174637
    its easy to see the veins, you just pin around them

    kidding,, but I've been contemplating pinning my outter forearm/ brachi radialis
    Interesting I have been wondering about this. I noticed quite a few people say calves were a no go due to pain, so I just figured forearms would be equally bad.

  24. #24
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Interesting I have been wondering about this. I noticed quite a few people say calves were a no go due to pain, so I just figured forearms would be equally bad.
    depends a lot on the compound used.. I get zero pain from Test e, deca , npp. so if I hit forearms it would be with those.. now with something like tren suspension, no way cause that shit hurts (I generally pin tren suspension in my lats cause they handle injections the easiest for me).

    you never want to pin a 'virgin muscle' that you've never pinned before with a more harsh compound , like winny, test prop, suspensions etc.. always hit it with something like test e or deca or something really smooth
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