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Thread: Finally seeing some results

  1. #1
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is online now Anabolic Member
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    Finally seeing some results

    As some of you may know, I was complaining of not seeing any results after 9 weeks on 450 mg/week of Sustanon and Test C.

    You may also know that at that level my total T levels were around 1900 and free t 40-something. Not great.

    Since I got on a new “protocol,” meaning a different brand, thanks to you know who you are, I’m noticing a lot more changes. I’m currently about 16 weeks in doing 500mg/week Test E, and 100 mg prop EOD. Taking .5 mg Arimidex a week, split in two.

    I notice more details in my body, my shoulders are rounder, and my arms have more and bigger veins. People are saying I look bigger without knowing what I’m doing.

    So basically I was just taking underdosed gear and I also probably need more gear than the average beginner due to my starting size. I appreciate eveeyone who helped me, you know who you are. It’s turned around a bit for me. My next question is going to be, how do I maintain this on TRT (can I)?!?
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  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Bragging to someone
    what your going to want to do is to maintain this upward trend as long as you can, that way you acclimate to your new gains and will thus be able to sustain them when you return to TRT.
    so basically, don't suddenly pull off your current protocol just because you hit a certain "number" in regards to weeks. go by your body and your progress and how you feel. you'll know when its time to get back to just a TRT dose. don't just pull the plug cause you hit week "10" for example (or some other predetermined number). ride it out and acclimate to the gains train.

  3. #3
    Arcânn's Avatar
    Arcânn is offline Associate Member
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    Good to see that you're getting some results! How's it feel?

  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is online now Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    Good to see that you're getting some results! How's it feel?
    It makes me wonder how I worked out for so many years and saw almost no results for the last 7 years. Only results I got were joint pain and tendonitis in both elbows. I was basically spinning my wheels and wasting time.

    I feel good, but it’s subtle. No crazy sex thoughts or euphoria like some experience. I’m still me. No real increase in aggression. Not even much in the way of strength. Like I said, I have tendonitis and joint pain so it’s hard for me to lift even my natty max. I’m probably a little stronger than 2 months ago, but I’ll never know.

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