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Thread: AI dosage and timing on 300test 600eq

  1. #1
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    AI dosage and timing on 300test 600eq

    Hey so my 2nd cycle is almost ready for Jan 1. Decided on 300test + 600eq 1-12 with a mild front load of 900eq for first week. Stats - 31, 5'11 200lbs ~15% bf.

    For my first cycle of 1-12 400 test i took 12.5mg of aromasin every day 1-14 of a 12 week cycle. Had no estrogen issues, did not get mid cycle blood work as I live in Canada and it's $400 for the appropriate hormone test. Did get pre and post bloodwork however when I travel to the US. Therefore, I had no symptoms but unsure of actual estrogen levels mid cycle.

    My question is - should I continue with the same AI dosage and duration? I heard starting aromasin later is better since it will suppress estrogen out of the gate before the cycle kicks in and im using long acting esters.?

    So would using it at a lower dosage and starting later be worth trying? Like weeks 3-14 instead of 1-14. Then bump it up if needed.


  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    just something of note that is worth you looking into .. EQ converts in the body into an anti estrogenic enzyme. the longer you are on EQ the more this enzyme builds up and essentially blocks estrogen . EQ has mild conversion into estrogen itself at first, but again the longer you take it it actually becomes an anti estrogen.
    so take that into consideration with the fact your only running 300mg of test. a lot of guys won't need an AI at all on that low of a test dosage.

    with those two factors, I'd definitely not even consider running an AI on such a cycle unless I was super estrogen sensitive and prone to estrogen issues and had blood work to back it up.

    your cycle of 300 test and 600 eq is going to be a very very long slow non 'note worthy' type of cycle. meaning you probably won't even feel like your on cycle for the most part (not saying thats a bad thing). Adding an AI in there if its not totally needed is just going to slow things down even more and suppress potential for growth/gains

  3. #3
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Gearheaded, not sure if I'm prone to estrogen since I have only done 1 cycle and it was just 400test running an AI the whole time. I know it's a light cycle but 400test gave me incredible results so going from that to 300test 600eq will be a bump up so I am expecting great results again. My thinking was since I respond so quickly and well to drugs (not just steroids but all the rec drugs I've tried) that a slow acting long run may be the way to go.

    Not looking for a hard hitting cycle like test deca dbol but rather slow steady keep able results and eq seemed like the way to go.

    Still feel odd not running an AI for 900mg of gear a week, I may try starting it a bit later and keeping the AI dosage low?

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Thanks Gearheaded, not sure if I'm prone to estrogen since I have only done 1 cycle and it was just 400test running an AI the whole time. I know it's a light cycle but 400test gave me incredible results so going from that to 300test 600eq will be a bump up so I am expecting great results again. My thinking was since I respond so quickly and well to drugs (not just steroids but all the rec drugs I've tried) that a slow acting long run may be the way to go.

    Not looking for a hard hitting cycle like test deca dbol but rather slow steady keep able results and eq seemed like the way to go.

    Still feel odd not running an AI for 900mg of gear a week, I may try starting it a bit later and keeping the AI dosage low?
    for a second cycle, I'm completely on board with you running test/eq for a long steady duration. I see no problem at all looking for some steady and keepable gains from this cycle. take advantage of the quality tissue you can get out of this , and just keep your diet and training on track.

    as for the AI . I would have it ready to go at a moments notice. start the cycle and assess how you feel. elevated estrogen sides are pretty easy to notice and determine, imo. and you can simply start your AI the moment you feel any such sides creeping in.
    you'd hate to leave a lot of gains on the table simply because your running an AI when its not really needed
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  5. #5
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    You could also run a low dose of nolva if you are worried. It will blunt the estrogen at the receptor but keep your levels high for growth. I run limited or no ai lately and keep a low dose of ralox (same concept as nolva). Eq is clean mellow stuff. I wouldnt sweat it

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