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Thread: Question as heading to PCT

  1. #1
    Getsomehate is offline Associate Member
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    Question as heading to PCT

    Hello i just finished my 10 week cycle of test E 500mg/week. The gains were really good and i am satisfied since i didnt get a single Side effect throughout the cycle.
    Now to the question, can i use anavar for these 2 weeks that i ll be waiting till i start PCT?
    Question 2 : Can i use anavar while i am on PCT ?
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  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Var to PCT: Yes.

    Var on PCT: No. It is still suppressive.

    Later on down the road you'll learn about things like 'bridging' but it's really not something to think about yet IMO. Ninety-nine percent of us hobbyist juiceheads have no use for anything remotely resembling advanced protocols anyway.

  3. #3
    The God Himself's Avatar
    The God Himself is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As Ernst said, no, Anavar during PCT is like drinking sea water when you’re thirsty. Don’t do it, you’ll hinder your recovery. No, not telling that you won’t recover if you do so but you’ll just increase the risk of not recovering.
    Remember, your natural test production may not recover even if you do everything correctly, there is always a possibility. Even from the first cycle.
    Read the forum, you’ll see many examples, I mean “real” examples.

    If you ask me about running anavar in the bridge.. well. The answer is still no.
    2 weeks are just not worth it. Var is expensive as hell and faked a lot. You said no side effects yet and var is mild right? What if you get another compound labeled as var?
    It’s your first cycle. Keep it simple. If you want to do something still, just extend your test cycle to 12 weeks.
    Keep var for next cycles.

    Bridging is whole another subject. And var is simply not a compound I would bridge on.

  4. #4
    Getsomehate is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome thanks for the replies , much appreciated, I ll take the advice .
    The problem was that near the end of week 8 I decided to go for 12-13 weeks so I ordered sust 500 for the last 2 weeks but due to Christmas they still haven’t arrived , that’s why I said < I am good with 10 weeks as well> .
    Var was 70 euros for x50 20mg capsules but my friend gifted them for Christmas present .
    Gonna start ovitrelle now for 1-2 weeks and I have nolvadex clomid in hand .
    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Make sure you start your PCT 3 days after your last dose of Var.
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  6. #6
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    If this is your first cycle dont bother with var, especially for only 2 weeks. Save it for your next cycle. If your interested in bridging you could “safely” use hgh year round.

  7. #7
    Getsomehate is offline Associate Member
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    Much appreciated all the replies .
    Took the advice and saved the var
    Which seems to be fuckin amazing , used it 5 days and I can see small difference but it was giving me feels that i am dizzy .
    Instead of var injected 0.5ml sust500 (x2/week)and gonna go the cycle from 10 weeks to 12 .
    From tomorrow gonna be injecting pregnyl till my pct starts .
    IMPORTANT: what else can I use instead of clomid ? I have a lot of pregnyl and nolvadex and adex.
    Can I avoid it on pct ? I heard it kinda screw you up and your vision , and I already have trouble watching in a distance.

  8. #8
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Much appreciated all the replies .
    Took the advice and saved the var
    Which seems to be fuckin amazing , used it 5 days and I can see small difference but it was giving me feels that i am dizzy .
    Instead of var injected 0.5ml sust500 (x2/week)and gonna go the cycle from 10 weeks to 12 .
    From tomorrow gonna be injecting pregnyl till my pct starts .
    IMPORTANT: what else can I use instead of clomid ? I have a lot of pregnyl and nolvadex and adex.
    Can I avoid it on pct ? I heard it kinda screw you up and your vision , and I already have trouble watching in a distance.
    Clomid is fine. There is no substitute I am aware of. The reports of it messing with your vision and some of the other negative effects were mostly related to the high doses that older PCT protocols recommended. (up to 300mg!)

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Much appreciated all the replies .
    Took the advice and saved the var
    Which seems to be fuckin amazing , used it 5 days and I can see small difference but it was giving me feels that i am dizzy .
    Instead of var injected 0.5ml sust500 (x2/week)and gonna go the cycle from 10 weeks to 12 .
    From tomorrow gonna be injecting pregnyl till my pct starts .
    IMPORTANT: what else can I use instead of clomid ? I have a lot of pregnyl and nolvadex and adex.
    Can I avoid it on pct ? I heard it kinda screw you up and your vision , and I already have trouble watching in a distance.
    By switching to Sustanon you now have to wait 18-21 days before starting PCT because of the decanoate ester.

    Also injecting Sustanon twice per weeks effectively wastes a big chunk of the testoerone because of the short half lives found in the blend. On top of that because you switched at the end of the cycle you have 2 weeks of decanoate ester which is mediocre at best.

    To maintain blood levels and not waste a large percentage of the gear Sustanon should have optimally be injected every other day.

    It's quite a poor compound to cycle with. In the future you should stick to single esters either short (Prop/NE) or Long (Enth/Cyp).

    Blends are a trap. Essentially, you wasted your money buying the Sustanon and using it as you have.

    I would recommend reading the sticky threads and investing time into more research before your next cycle to maximize your potential for success.

    In the meantime, stop by the diet/nutrition section as there is lots of good information there. PCT is boom or bust. You don't want to be the guy who blew up in 12 weeks then shrunk down back to the starting weight (or lower) because nutrition is inadequate. Lots of experienced members can support you.
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  10. #10
    Getsomehate is offline Associate Member
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    So I have to wait 2 and a half weeks now . Sigh I guess I won’t have time for 2nd cycle during summer .
    Pct is sorted out .
    My nutrition is not on point but is quite good , I cover my macros with nutritious foods almost every day , cheat day doesn’t exist , only refeed days .
    So far I am 6kg up and I am lower in body fat than when I started . Can post pics
    Last edited by Getsomehate; 01-10-2019 at 06:04 PM.

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