Hi guys,

I came out of a 10 week cycle using Test P and Anavar , taking Clomid and Tamoxifen for PCT during 4 weeks. Also I used hcg during the whole duration of AAS use. Recovery has been great judging by the way I feel and by my current libido but I still didn’t do blood work. I consider myself to recover pretty easily for my past experience, even from a cycle using Deca .

I’m currently at week 5 after finishing PCT and because of time constraints and events in my personal life, the ideal time to start next cycle will be in 4 weeks, which totals 9 weeks off. I see many guys telling the rule of thumb is to wait Time On + PCT duration, which for me would be 14 weeks. Do you think is too risky to start this cycle only after 9 weeks of finishing PCT?

I’m planning to go with a Test P + Tren A cycle for 10 weeks, then PCT.

Thanks in advance.