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Thread: Clomid use drying a cycle. Test/tren/eq 100 A-bomb

  1. #1
    z06vett is offline Associate Member
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    Clomid use drying a cycle. Test/tren/eq 100 A-bomb

    It’s your typical dosage amount with the longer ester gear. I’ve always understood on why to take nolvadex during a cycle. Gyno ect ect. AI for ester side effects. Never really understood why to add colmid to a cycle. And what benifits would that help.

    Please advise on my cycle and and the clomid use for a cycle...

  2. #2
    The God Himself's Avatar
    The God Himself is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clomid is not for intra-cycle usage. It is being used for restarting the HPTA during the PCT.
    Both nolva and clomid are selective estrogen receptor modulators. Nolva is particularly selective for breast tissue. Clomid mainly acts on receptors located in your hypothalamus and pituitary glands. It keeps the receptors busy so the estrogen cannot bind to them.
    The main reason behind is that when your glands sense too much estrogen in blood stream, they stop the LH production to lower testosterone levels hence the aromatization and estrogen levels.
    Clomid is practically very weak for gynecomastia treatment (due to its low affinity for breast tissue receptors, compared to nolva) so stick with either raloxifene or tamoxifen if you have such concerns.

  3. #3
    z06vett is offline Associate Member
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    I know with out doing blood work this would be a stupid question. But would adding an AI for a week or at least until the sides came down be beneficial. Would it just be estrogenic sides we’re talking about???

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You answered your own question without blood work who knows.

  5. #5
    z06vett is offline Associate Member
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    Negative been doing this since 2005 but I always have first timer question to ask from time to time

  6. #6
    z06vett is offline Associate Member
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    It’s just when I see diff sides or results I try to go back to the basic and see where I went wrong or weather the dosage was correct ect ect

  7. #7
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Adding an AI in the dark is just asking for trouble in my opinion
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  8. #8
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Anecdotal, but I’ve never run an AI with any test cycle I’ve ever run. As high as 750 for 12 weeks. Run TRT at 200 and don’t require it either. Have always had bloods run to back it up though. When I first started cycling it was common but I never experienced sides so I always tried to eliminate another compound, I’m not sensitive to estrogen though. Hard to paint it with a broad brush...we all handle things differently. My experience may be the same or the complete opposite to others on the board. That’s why you either gamble or hey labs done.

    As for Clomid...before I started TRT I would run it during PCT (alongside Nolva) in titration although I fucking hated the way they made me feel.
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 05-14-2019 at 02:56 PM.

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