Hi guys, im currently into my 3rd week of tren and test cycle. When i finish the 8 weeks I will do a cruise for 2 weeks and then blast again, I was thinking about a 5 week blast, because I have no more weeks after that to bulk and I have to start cutting after that. So my goal with the 5 week bulk cycle is to "give the final size touch".
I have been reading about short 5 weeks cycle blasts. I will use orals and injectables.
I was thinking to use 2grams test prop, 2 grams NPP, 1.5g tren, 100mg dbol a day. And possibly adding humalog.
Note that I would ONLY use such ammount of drugs because its only a 5 week cycle, I would never do it for longer.
So what do you guys think? Anyone done anything like that?