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Thread: low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics)

  1. #1
    orion565's Avatar
    orion565 is offline Associate Member
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    low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics)

    Plan on running a mast/var/primo stack and 250mg weekly test. Also if you could judge my body fat % that would be great. Let me know what you guys think?

    low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics)-pic_1.jpg

    low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics)-pic_2.jpg

    low enough body fat to run mast/primo/var stack (pics)-pic_3.jpg

  2. #2
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    BF% looks fine, always tough to tell but I’d say easily in the 10% range (that’s if you don’t have a fat ass and legs ).

    Nice work and good luck with your goals

  3. #3
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Stack looks great. Mast at 400-600mg would benefit you greatly and be your primary androgen. (The Anavar and Primo are just anabolic ). You could even lower Test and increase primo if you wanted.

    Tricky to gauge BF as it's only showing half your body and the front only. I would guess somewhere between 9-11%
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    now go eat some donuts and lift some heavy ass weight....
    powerlifting awaits!!!!!

    (Sick of all these lean guys making me look fat....)

  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    the idea that Mast or Primo has to be run when BF% is low is total bullshit . you know that Primo is given to premature born infants (whats their BF%) because it helps with protein synthesis to a high degree, and MASTeron is given to women with breast cancer (whats their BF%)... "MAST" means "Breast", thats why masteron is called MASTeron. its an androgen that blunts progestin receptors in breast tissue. you really think body fat % has anything to do with the design of these drugs ? nope

    now can drugs have a more apparent cosmetic effect if your body fat levels are low. sure. but thats every steroid .

    I guarantee you that 500mg of Tren ace per week is going to have more cosmetic effects if your 7% body fat in prepping for a contest then if your 20% bf and prepping for a powerlifting meet.
    but that means absolutely nothing in regards to the biological effects that Tren has on the body. its all the same no matter what your BF% is. again its only 'cosmetic' and visual (meaning you can see things more clearly in the mirror).
    Tren is going to dry you out and make you hard and full no matter what your BF% is.. its just when your BF% is lower you can more clearly see these cosmetic effects happening in the mirror.

    anyhow thats my rant on this topic.

    as far as mast, var, primo goes . all great compounds. great stack. the Mast is going to act as your main androgen, the primo is going to be your main anabolic and provide a ton pf protein synthesis even in a calorie deficit, the var is also going to be an anabolic but also provide CP up regulation and thus 'fuel' workouts as a performance enhancer.

    should go well for you. but its not going to be near as "cosmetic" or physique altering as other stacks. if your worried about your body fat % being low enough to run these drugs, then your obviously running this cycle for cosmetic and physique altering effects.
    theres much better stacks and options you can go with if thats your primary goal

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    on a side note - one of the only AAS that body fat % plays a role in is just plain old Testosterone . most all other AAS it does not play a role at all because most other AAS don't aromatize into estrogen . the Aromatize enzyme is located within fatty tissue. the more body fat you have the more potential you have for aromatization and converting test into estrogen.. and yes this can alter how your physique looks.

    now this isn't necessarily a bad thing at all . lots of guys say you need to be low BF% before ever running any type of cycle because if your BF is high you'll convert too much estrogen.
    this is ridiculous of course. because for one most drugs available to us don't aromatize in the first place, and second because estrogen is an anabolic health promoting hormone in the first place and something we generally will want more of when on cycle (ie, if adding muscle is the goal of your cycle).
    if your body fat % is higher, and you convert more estrogen its quite likely that you'll put on more muscle.

    this is also displayed in biology and evolution.
    why is the aromatase enzyme located in and related to fatty tissue? why is it that the more body fat you you'll convert more estrogen?
    why is it that if you get extremely lean, like 4% bf, that your estrogen lill naturally crash?
    because estrogen is the hormone that drives the Male libido and is responsible for procreation.

    mammal species naturally know that during times of famine and starvation when they can't feed themselves they should not be procreating and having offspring that they cannot feed either. super low BF% is a biological sign of starvation. your estrogen levels shut down and thus so does your libido and ability to even have sex.
    this is why the Aromatase enzyme is located/related to body fat levels.
    when your in a time of 'feast' and not famine, when your well fed and healthy and body fat % is high, then you'll convert more estrogen and have a strong libido and drive to procreate

    so really , only Testosterone itself is the only drug that Body fat % plays any role in
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-10-2019 at 11:09 AM.

  7. #7
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    So is it myth that guys with high body fat percentage will aromatize more easily when using AAS?

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    So is it myth that guys with high body fat percentage will aromatize more easily when using AAS?
    no its somewhat valid. higher body fat% means more Aromatase enzyme and more potential for conversion to estrogen... but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. again, estrogen controls the male libido and plays a huge role in procreation and evolution of our species.
    higher body fat (within healthy levels) generally is a biological signal that your consistently well fed and surviving well in life and you can procreate and have children and provide for them. you'll have a thriving libido.
    being extremely lean, and thus having very low levels of estrogen is a biological signal that your in starvation mode. your libido will be low and your sexual function may actually shut down to keep you from procreating and having children.
    JaneDoe, Chark and jchc86 like this.

  9. #9
    orion565's Avatar
    orion565 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. I will post some progress photos soon.

  10. #10
    Chark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    on a side note - one of the only AAS that body fat % plays a role in is just plain old Testosterone . most all other AAS it does not play a role at all because most other AAS don't aromatize into estrogen . the Aromatize enzyme is located within fatty tissue. the more body fat you have the more potential you have for aromatization and converting test into estrogen.. and yes this can alter how your physique looks.

    now this isn't necessarily a bad thing at all . lots of guys say you need to be low BF% before ever running any type of cycle because if your BF is high you'll convert too much estrogen.
    this is ridiculous of course. because for one most drugs available to us don't aromatize in the first place, and second because estrogen is an anabolic health promoting hormone in the first place and something we generally will want more of when on cycle (ie, if adding muscle is the goal of your cycle).
    if your body fat % is higher, and you convert more estrogen its quite likely that you'll put on more muscle.

    this is also displayed in biology and evolution.
    why is the aromatase enzyme located in and related to fatty tissue? why is it that the more body fat you you'll convert more estrogen?
    why is it that if you get extremely lean, like 4% bf, that your estrogen lill naturally crash?
    because estrogen is the hormone that drives the Male libido and is responsible for procreation.

    mammal species naturally know that during times of famine and starvation when they can't feed themselves they should not be procreating and having offspring that they cannot feed either. super low BF% is a biological sign of starvation. your estrogen levels shut down and thus so does your libido and ability to even have sex.
    this is why the Aromatase enzyme is located/related to body fat levels.
    when your in a time of 'feast' and not famine, when your well fed and healthy and body fat % is high, then you'll convert more estrogen and have a strong libido and drive to procreate

    so really , only Testosterone itself is the only drug that Body fat % plays any role in
    Thanks for the detailed explanation GH. Expands upon a few things I’ve learned from you.
    GearHeaded likes this.

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