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Thread: everything you need to know to recommend

  1. #1
    m815 is offline New Member
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    everything you need to know to recommend

    hey everyone, new to the forum. here goes..

    five years ago i decided to take control of my health and lose weight. at 5'9 and 275lbs. i bought a treadmill and counted calories, including 5 calorie drinks. i ate the same food over and was sure to use the treadmill 4x my calorie intake. it worked, in 90 days i lost 90 pounds and i have kept it off this entire time!

    the back story is when i am stressed, i know i crave sugar/bad food. i still indulge now and then but when i do i feel sick so it isn't often. i've always been able to eat a lot... like an insane amount. i can eat two large pizzas by myself and go, whats for lunch? i went to a doctor and started taking a b50 complex vitamin and phentermine. it really does help my appetite!!! i have taken that pill everyday since and i can tell you, if i skip that pill... there better not be food in sight.

    about two years ago my long term girlfriend and i called it quits after almost 10 years. that being said i came to the conclusion about a year ago perhaps my test levels had fallen quite a bit due to a mild depression. i went to the dr, sure enough they were really low. the dr perscribed a 1.0 ml injection of testE once a week and i decided to get a gym membership. i started waking up every morning at 4:45am and trying 3-5 times a week to go to the gym. i do construction work daily so somedays, it's just too tax'ing on my body if i know the kind of work i have to do later on.

    i should mention i am 35 years old, 5'9, and 172lb as of today. waist goes between size 30-34. i use the app 'fat secret' and record my weight daily and know certain foods i eat make my damn waist jump[corn beef or pizza... my two favorites] test levels as of today are 474. all blood work shows im healthy as can be according to doctors. dont smoke[never have]. i occasionally drink but during this focusing i am going to try really hard to have sobriety to make this happen.

    now while my weight hasn't changed too much i can tell my muscle mass has and my arms are looking better, chest, shoulders, etc. however, i can't seem to get rid of the last bit of stubborn waist line(muffin top) and i have always wanted abs. i can get the center line, my top two, but thats it. i would like to keep the same frame, lose the muffin, gain muscle. i understand completely losing weight and gaining muscle dont work together, i do not want to be a bodybuilder, different goal entirely.

    about 6 months ago i tried sarms and i must say, i was impressed! i have tried rad-140, lgd4033, sr-9009 and mk-677. i was having issues with my wrist due to moving a piece of furniture and nothing seemed to fix the sprain until i started taking the sarms! i do take a multi vitamin daily, bcaa's after training, and try to feed my body protein when i come home from the gym. i stay extremely hydrated to the point where i have tested for diabetes to be sure there is nothing wrong with my thirst. i think i just sweat it out (its not uncommon for me to drink 2-3 gallons of fluid a day).

    a few weeks ago i finally said, 2020 = new me again!

    i ordered testE, dball, clen , and for the end some clomid. i am hoping it lands before the first of the year.

    my routine as of right now is this:

    wake up, take a hyde preworkout and wash down my phen and b50. go to gym, come home, take bcaas and some sort of protein, go to work.

    after dinner i take my multivitamin(plus a zinc pill because im around dust/demo debris... could be bullshit but works for me). on sundays after a shower i take the perscribed test amount.

    i am trying to figure out the best time frames to really make this achieve my goals and my best me. some times say timing doesnt matter however its been my experience with everything in life- timing is everything.

    so my questions are:
    inject the higher level of test every 3 days to keep consistency or just twice a week?
    i am likely going to take the dball 3x a day, thoughts?
    best times to take the four sarms? (recap- RAD-140, SR-9009, MK-677, LGD-4033)?
    spacing of clen will likely have to be in the late afternoon as i do not plan to stop the phen

    recap goals:
    lose muffin, shed body fat to show muscle without losing muscle, gain smalll amount lean muscle

    i am an extremely picky eater, to the point where foods touching/certain colors i just dont do.
    that being said my diet basically consists of plain hamburgers with just bbq sauce, plain chicken breast, turkey tacos[turkey meat, soft shell, chipotle sauce... thats it]
    about once a week ill eat a cheese pizza or a frozen pasta meal
    protein pancakes, potatoes, rice, protein bars, protein cookies
    thats it... thats literally all i eat you are missing nothing

    workout plan:
    lifting 3-5 days a week
    min 20m cardio
    min 10 sauna on gym day
    busting out treadmill before dinner
    some youtube ab workouts

    id appreciate any positive advice from people with experience. i always try to help people in my trade because i remember someone helping me when i didnt know or did not have in depth knowledge. if theres more missing info you need, just let me know! i do plan to record the results just not sure if i want to video or photography, i know when i lost the weight on the treadmill five years ago it was a huge huge motivator! cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    you don't need clomid for PCT since you are on TRT.

    You don't need rad-140, SR-9009, mk-677, lgd-4033, clen , dbal, etc to tone up.

    You are doing way too many drugs IMHO.

    Eat some fruits and vegetables.

    Simply up your test on your cut....
    KINGKONG, almostgone and Cylon357 like this.

  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah, I'd practice the 2xweek (every 3rd day) dosing for test on and off cycle.
    Also, non processed foods and more fruits and veggies but thats for gen health not specific to a cycle.
    And, logging things and keeping a rigid schedule can help some a lot. I think it does help me.
    Congrats on what you have achieved and keep it up!
    Obs, almostgone and KINGKONG like this.

  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not a fan of cycling steroids . I waited until I semi-legitimately needed them before I hopped on. I would imagine that seeing great results and then going into a testosterone deficit immediately after would make most people pretty depressed. That said, I do prefer injecting every third day instead of Mon/Thurs or whatever. I used to split my week up in 3.5 days exactly. So one day I was injecting at 12 at night, the other at 12 in the afternoon. That was too complicated. I don't mind e3d especially if I'm on a cycle... off cycle I do Sub-Q TRT doses and those things are uncomfortable for 3-4 days, so I might only do them at 3 or 4 day intervals.
    Obs, Quester and Gallowmere like this.

  5. #5
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I'm not a fan of cycling steroids. I waited until I semi-legitimately needed them before I hopped on. I would imagine that seeing great results and then going into a testosterone deficit immediately after would make most people pretty depressed. That said, I do prefer injecting every third day instead of Mon/Thurs or whatever. I used to split my week up in 3.5 days exactly. So one day I was injecting at 12 at night, the other at 12 in the afternoon. That was too complicated. I don't mind e3d especially if I'm on a cycle... off cycle I do Sub-Q TRT doses and those things are uncomfortable for 3-4 days, so I might only do them at 3 or 4 day intervals.

    I'm with you. On trt, I'm doing Wednesdays and Sundays but I don't worry to much if it is am or pm.
    And, yeah, the sub q leaves a bruise so 3xweek dosing just seems unnecessary. Plus, it is hard to figure out when to take the Adex.
    Obs likes this.

  6. #6
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    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I'm with you. On trt, I'm doing Wednesdays and Sundays but I don't worry to much if it is am or pm.
    And, yeah, the sub q leaves a bruise so 3xweek dosing just seems unnecessary. Plus, it is hard to figure out when to take the Adex.
    Never on the adex in most cases.
    Gallowmere likes this.

  7. #7
    Nitmare67 is offline Junior Member
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    1st How many MG of test are you currently running? Not ML. Need to know the mg per ml and calculate.

    2nd - Thats way too much crap to take and if doing so you will likely have a bad experience due to mismanaging one of the many possible side effects. Play it smart and use the KISS rule - Keep it simple stupid. Up your test some... I dont believe you need 500mg a week but many do it and like the results. I run a constant dose of 250mg a week split between 2 shots and my test levels are always over 1500 and free test is near 40. If you stick with that dose you will most likely be fine, run some blood work so that you understand whats going on with your levels and E2. As OBS said you dont really want to use an AI but some people need to when they start pushing high amounts of test. Manage the symptoms, dont just take an AI because you think you need it or heard it somewhere. Adex for example is bad for you're cholesterol, besides estrogen needs to be elevated if test is elevated.. Helps build muscle also and helps your sex drive. Hormones are about balance not cookie cutter numbers. Be safe and patient, run blood work. Post here for help.
    Gallowmere and HoldMyBeer like this.

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