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Thread: Best Test-P Cycle?

  1. #1
    reeceg353 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Best Test-P Cycle?

    Hi all,

    Looking to do Test-P for first time - I've had 3 previous 12wk cycles on Test-E at 500mg/wk.

    Looking at 8-10 weeks on Test-P with 150mg pins EOD... I wondered what people were running with it?

    • Does anyone run Amiridex/E2 (0.5mg E3D) or anything similar?
    • Also HCG?
    • Lastly - has anyone ran Anavar alongside Test-P?

    Keen to hear your thoughts
    Last edited by reeceg353; 01-03-2020 at 05:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Gallowmere's Avatar
    Gallowmere is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First, Test P should be pinned ED. The old 2.5-4.5 day half-life estimate on it was based on flawed math. The terminal half-life isn’t even a full 24 hours (closer to 22).

    Second, Test E is roughly 70% test, 30% ester.
    Test P is 80/20.
    So to get the equivalent of your first cycle of 500 E would only take 437.5 of P, but we’re basically splitting hairs at that point.

    Did you run an AI with your E? If not, don’t use one with P. Especially with pinning ED, you’re going to see more stable levels than with a 2x/week E pin.

    Anavar works just fine with any test ester.

  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i have always ran tesp p and always ran it eod and had zero problems.
    you will be fine eod.

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by reeceg353 View Post
    Hi all,

    Looking to do Test-P for first time - I've had 3 previous 12wk cycles on Test-E at 500mg/wk.

    Looking at 8-10 weeks on Test-P with 150mg pins EOD... I wondered what people were running with it?

    • Does anyone run Amiridex/E2 (0.5mg E3D) or anything similar?
    • Also HCG?
    • Lastly - has anyone ran Anavar alongside Test-P?

    Keen to hear your thoughts

    if your debating wither or not to run Arimidex , then you should re consider your entire cycle or at least your test dosage. if 500mg is going to cause you to need to run an AI , then don't run that high of a dosage.
    running a test only cycle, then having to run an AI with it , is defeating the purpose of what a test only cycle is for to begin with.

    Test is the best AAS at converting to Estrogen. Thats its primary purpose. so why chose to run a hormone whose purpose is to convert to estrogen, then blunt that conversion from happening in the first place. its defeating the purpose.

    its like buying a Ferrari and then putting cheap economy car tires on it and restricting its top speed to 40 miles per hour. why even have a Ferrari in the first place.

    If you are worried about estrogen sides from test , then don't run much test and add in other AAS that don't convert to estrogen in the first place . rather then having to run a toxic shitty AI , which does nothing but hinder gains.
    however, most guys can easily run 500+mg of test without estrogen issues anyhow. so you'll likely be fine at that dose.

    also keep in mind that estrogen is a powerful anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth, IGF output, HGH output, nitric oxide production, blood flow, the pump, vascular dilation, HDL cholesterol, and a host of other health promoting and muscle building tasks.

    the bro science idea that estrogen is a 'female hormone' is LONG been debunked. in fact , Estrogen IS the hormone that controls and promotes the male libido and sex drive, not testosterone itself.
    neloza likes this.

  5. #5
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    I'll add, test prop is best in daily injections.

    Eod with prop is like every 7 days with E or C.
    Gallowmere likes this.

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