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Thread: Most keepable compounds?

  1. #1
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Most keepable compounds?

    Was do you guys think are the compounds that offer the most 'keepable' results? Would you say the weaker the substance the more likely you are to keep gains with a proper PCT? For example Sarms like Ostarine way more keepable that a test only cycle, (since you naturally cant keep a above normal range of test) etc... Or Rad being more keepable than Anavar , etc... Obviously the wetter compounds like dbol or LGD likely to lose more since you will have more bloat... Just spitballing but...


  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    It’s really going to come down to your nutrition and training, if those two things aren’t on par your gonna lose your gains from any cycle
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  3. #3
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    It’s really going to come down to your nutrition and training, if those two things aren’t on par your gonna lose your gains from any cycle
    Agreed. I'm saying once you check those boxes...

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  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    Agreed. I'm saying once you check those boxes...

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    Anything that doesn’t cause excess bloat but the reality is when you come off of your past your genetic potential you will drop to your genetic potential
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  5. #5
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Hgh and insulin can be used year round. Cruising and blasting vs cycling will help keep gains. More time on = more keepable gains.

    Once you come off everything completely you will lose size unless your very genetically gifted. Even then, nothing compares to being on blast. If you must come off, Keep your calories up and always lift with the most possible weight and intensity. Bro science isnt always wrong lol.

    I think long term hgh is the most permanent gains. My hands and feet even grew.

  6. #6
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Most keepable compounds?

    Keepable, if your blasting and cruising you can keep a chunk if your blast isn't that outrageous..The weaker compounds would obviously be best in this way..Ime the more gear you run, the bigger you get, the harder it is to keep gains long term..keeping diet going and training intense is tough as well without your blast..I lose the aggression I had on a blast..GH isn't a big gainer, but those are gains you can keep..You wanna keep gains, don't take that much gear, focus your training on diet maximize those aspects and then when you lower or quit your dose, it's not as dramatic..If you arnt doing blast cruise , AAS that doesn't cause a complete shutdown of your hpta would give you the most keepable gains , I would speculate..anavar and primo come to mind but then your using a weaker compound and possibly running your natural test down..
    Bottom line muscle comes and goes, esp if you've had it, stay healthy and train with good form and warmup throughly, best way to have keepable gains is to never stop, never get injured or of luck
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 02-11-2020 at 11:11 AM.

  7. #7
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Keepable, if your blasting and cruising you can keep a chunk if your blast isn't that outrageous..The weaker compounds would obviously be best in this way..Ime the more gear you run, the bigger you get, the harder it is to keep gains long term..keeping diet going and training intense is tough as well without your blast..I lose the aggression I had on a blast..GH isn't a big gainer, but those are gains you can keep..You wanna keep gains, don't take that much gear, focus your training on diet maximize those aspects and then when you lower or quit your dose, it's not as dramatic..If you arnt doing blast cruise , AAS that doesn't cause a complete shutdown of your hpta would give you the most keepable gains , I would speculate..anavar and primo come to mind but then your using a weaker compound and possibly running your natural test down..
    Bottom line muscle comes and goes, esp if you've had it, stay healthy and train with good form and warmup throughly, best way to have keepable gains is to never stop, never get injured or of luck
    Yeah I managed to keep 100% of my gains after my first ostarine cycle then like 90% of a Rad and ostarine cycle after 20 years lifting naturally... On Var and winny now with 350mg/ week of test. Not sure what to expect when I come off.

    After the SARM cycles I pretty much kept everything for the most part but just plateaued out like when I was Natty. Hence why I went the PED route ...

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  8. #8
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    SARM are definitely different.Glad you got that natural base and low doses..mostly non aromatizing compounds as well..You should be able to keep most if you go to trt..

  9. #9
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    The paradox or dilemma is pretty clear, as KingKong says. The longer you stay on, the more your body becomes used to holding on to the weight you gained, but at the same time you are further damaging your HPTA, possibly causing it to take longer to recover (if it recovers). It's why I'm not a fan of cycling steroids unless you are on TRT. 20 years lifting...
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  10. #10
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    It’s really going to come down to your nutrition and training, if those two things aren’t on par your gonna lose your gains from any cycle
    What he said.
    It really does come down to that... You could run the best compound in the whole range and eat like shit and start drinking after and you will lose it all and end up in a worse shape (I have done it before lol).
    If you got a good structured cycle and nutrition and supplements are on point and you keep going the same way even when u r off (or cruising I guess), you will keep as much as possible.
    U also gotta remember that everyone is a unique case and we all react differently to different compounds so...

  11. #11
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post

    I think long term hgh is the most permanent gains. My hands and feet even grew.
    Damn... How long u been running for and what dosage?
    I keep hearing that HGH will fuck up your blood sugar and insulin sensitivity and u end up with diabetes on the long run... Do u take other stuff with it to make sure it doesn't give u negative side effects?
    Really curious about HGH and something that I want to try

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