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Thread: gonna start test today... not a cycle though

  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    gonna start test today... not a cycle though

    Well gents

    It's been literally years since I've been off the sauce, and if some of you have followed my other posts, I've gotten fat AF and tried everything to lose the fat, even DNP .

    Yet I'm still 30lbs over weight and this lock down didn't help my psyche at all. I bought a total gym off FB market for 100 bux and I managed to workout for about a week until I got depressed again.

    My fat loss on DNP was about 10 lbs, and I was planning on getting more and doing it at the effective dose for a month, but I think this fat is hormonal fat. I know calories in and calories out matters, but I believe firmly, some parts of fat on the body are stored due to genetic and also hormones triggering them.


    My wife is pregnant due to IVF ,and shes about 8 weeks now. If anything bad happened, God forbid, we actually don't think we'd try again. Thus, there is no reason left to wait. It would be months of grieving and getting the process started again, and we are just getting older, so... I can sauce it up again.

    However, I'm not going to go full blown cycle... I'm think of just doing 250 cyp. When I used to take 200mg of cyp, my levels went to 1500 (that was pharm grade.) This time its UGL, but its a good source.

    I'm hoping the test does several things... 1. motivates me again 2. helps in fat loss in SOME way 3. I can gain more whle in lockdown so when the gyms reopen in NJ (perhaps in a few weeks) I'll be in decent shape compared to what i am now.

    You guys thinks perhaps I shouuld start at 100 or 125mg instead. That would, in theory, jack my levels up to 750 levels. Currently my test levels are around 300.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 04-27-2020 at 10:25 AM.

  2. #2
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    well, just did my first shot, doing this SubQ... I wouldn't run a cycel SubQ but def good for TRT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If you are just trying to be at healthy normal levels then 80-100mgs is enough.

    If you want help retaining muscle while on a diet then 200-250mgs is plenty.

    If your natty test level is 300 then 100mgs would help you put on some muscle.
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  4. #4
    MegaMeatMan's Avatar
    MegaMeatMan is offline Junior Member
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    Be sure to get proviron . Take 50mg a day. Its crazy...

    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    I'm just gonna introduce on thing at a time
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  6. #6
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
    xxblazenlowxx is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    If you are just trying to be at healthy normal levels then 80-100mgs is enough.

    If you want help retaining muscle while on a diet then 200-250mgs is plenty.

    If your natty test level is 300 then 100mgs would help you put on some muscle.

    160mgs a week put me around 850
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxblazenlowxx View Post
    160mgs a week put me around 850
    when did you get blood work done?
    was it pharmaceutical test or UGL?

    80mgs once a week puts me at about 550 5 days after my injection.

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Well gents

    It's been literally years since I've been off the sauce, and if some of you have followed my other posts, I've gotten fat AF and tried everything to lose the fat, even DNP .

    Yet I'm still 30lbs over weight and this lock down didn't help my psyche at all. I bought a total gym off FB market for 100 bux and I managed to workout for about a week until I got depressed again.

    My fat loss on DNP was about 10 lbs, and I was planning on getting more and doing it at the effective dose for a month, but I think this fat is hormonal fat. I know calories in and calories out matters, but I believe firmly, some parts of fat on the body are stored due to genetic and also hormones triggering them.


    My wife is pregnant due to IVF ,and shes about 8 weeks now. If anything bad happened, God forbid, we actually don't think we'd try again. Thus, there is no reason left to wait. It would be months of grieving and getting the process started again, and we are just getting older, so... I can sauce it up again.

    However, I'm not going to go full blown cycle... I'm think of just doing 250 cyp. When I used to take 200mg of cyp, my levels went to 1500 (that was pharm grade.) This time its UGL, but its a good source.

    I'm hoping the test does several things... 1. motivates me again 2. helps in fat loss in SOME way 3. I can gain more whle in lockdown so when the gyms reopen in NJ (perhaps in a few weeks) I'll be in decent shape compared to what i am now.

    You guys thinks perhaps I shouuld start at 100 or 125mg instead. That would, in theory, jack my levels up to 750 levels. Currently my test levels are around 300.
    No. 250 is good. But remember the AI. Or run 400 mg DIM ed.
    Some will say estrogen controll is unneccessary on 250 test. I disagree, spesially when ur fat.
    And specially when ur depressed. Higher e2 would boost the depression like a mf.
    But most likely your depression is from 300 ng/dl. Not other things.

    Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    I’m around 850 total test on 150 mg/week, taken on the day of injection before injecting every 3.5 days). I was also on HCG then, so it’s likely a lot lower without HCG for me.

    Julius, if your total test is as low as it is now, no wonder you’re having trouble with your weight. However, I don’t think it’s purely hormonal. If you are honest with yourself, do you maintain a clean diet consistently? Do you stop eating 2 hours before bed? Do you limit your carbs, and eliminate them before bed? Do you ever binge eat?

    I ask because one of my best friends always claims genetics and whatnot, but every time I’m around him, he eats twice what I eat and he’s 5” shorter. He overdoes everything. He thinks he’s just eating normally, but in fact he overeats. Every time he overeats he stretches his stomach, which means next time he eats he’ll need to eat more to feel full.

    I guarantee if you start eating salads with tuna and a slice of whole grain bread for every meal, you will lose a ton of weight in 2 months. It truly is calories in calories out, but some people are lucky and can eat a lot and not get fat. You and I are not one of those people.

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