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Thread: HCG after TRT use

  1. #1
    CAADsprint is offline Junior Member
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    HCG after TRT use

    Get right to it.

    300mg trt about 9 months ago. Worked. Felt like Superman. Depression gone anxiety minimized.

    Titrated down to 150mg so receptors don't get used to high dose from beginning

    150mg weekly and I might as well have not been on TRT. Felt the same.

    HCG ran out.
    Never got more HCG
    Testicles went to healthy size marbles

    Been off for about a month maybe more
    Just finished yet another Prednisone taper (two weeks)

    First the testicles came back within a week. Fat. Then Prednisone. Testicles slightly shrank.

    Testicles came back towards end of taper

    Got with girlfriend two nights in a row.
    Testicles are back to medium.

    Since it's been about 5 weeks since last shot and the taper of Prednisone just ended two days ago.

    Should I get HCG and Nolv to make sure the nuts and Testosterone levels have a sure shot of quick recovery?

    Is it true that Clomid alone can help recover the nuts and/or testosterone ?

    Doing a body flush and have appointment with Endo in September.

    After/during HCG treatment I'm going to strictly use only HGH and Cardarine as I go back to "natural"

    Have plans to DEFINITELY jump on healthy dosed TRT/HCG and anti estro + blood donations/self blood withdrawal at home.

    Will throw orals and/or AAS injects on top of TRT for fun (think vintage age cycling).

    Have no problem choosing TRT as lifestyle choice when the RIGHT DOSE (150MG weekly to low, probably do 200mg+ to 250mg). I know anything above 300mg and it's borderline cycling.

    This time an extreme inventory supply and Endo on speed dial will be in place. Regardless if it's scripted Test or underground Test.

    If I do HCG recovery is it
    1000iu 10 days straight
    Drop to 750mg 4 days straight
    500 3 days straight
    250 2 days straight

    200 weekly for two weeks then done?
    Really want to secure natural testosterone and testicular activity

    Honestly this wouldn't be brought up if it wasn't for predisone taper right after last shot (asthma)

    Criticism accepted. I damn did it without HCG

  2. #2
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why do a clomid/nolva restart/TRT if you’re going to get back on again?

    just run 200 mgs and pull bloods in 3 weeks

    I ditched hcg and arimidex years ago and don’t miss either. Medium balls are just fine. You have a girlfriend, most likely they’ll be in her purse anyways.

    As far as predinisone...don’t worry about it all. I’ve had to be on numerous courses and it does nothing to your trt schedule.

    Can certainly run a PCT with Nolva/clomid for 4 weeks and then pull labs. HCG isn’t critical in my opinion but can help kick the boys back into gear. Many variables.

    I guess my concern is why do a restart if you’re meeting with an endo to get back on trt? Clomid and nolva are harsh and a restart isn’t necessary if you’re going to resume hormone therapy.

    My thoughts anyways.

    If you run PCT. something like nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50.
    HCG 500 iu’s twice weekly. Start about two weeks after your last test shot
    Cylon357 likes this.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    As far as predinisone...don’t worry about it all. I’ve had to be on numerous courses and it does nothing to your trt schedule.
    Totally agree.

    Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory.
    It is not an AAS.

    It is not suppressive to your HPTA.
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  4. #4
    CAADsprint is offline Junior Member
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    Well the plan was to be off for 6 months at least. But this has me thinking. Drop the HGH and go back to TRT with Dbol as a start.

    A question of that is dosage. @150mg/ew I'd rather just be natural. Will 200mg/ew be a sweet spot? As long as I start the HCG therapy along side in the long run virtually same results?

    Is 200mg really a rational dose? So many I hear cruise or trt like at 100mg - 150mg. Again criticism super welcome. More learning gets done I feel. Anyway thanks for the advice.

  5. #5
    Chark's Avatar
    Chark is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    Is 200mg really a rational dose? So many I hear cruise or trt like at 100mg - 150mg. Again criticism super welcome. More learning gets done I feel. Anyway thanks for the advice.
    From what I understand 200 is the upper limit of what is considered TRT. Guys taking 300/wk and calling it TRT...they’re ON, that’s a baby cycle. You’d have to go by your own bloodwork but 200 has most people at the upper UPPER limit of the range aka a 20 year old with high test levels, over 1000. 100-150 is test REPLACEMENT therapy.

    Disclaimer: this is all from my reading/listening about TRT. I don’t have personal experience

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It’s all a mute point without bloodwork. And also I assume you mean HCG and not HGH

    Dbol will throw off your labs as it will spike your E2.

    Again, you need bloodwork. Throwing around dosages is a shot in the dark.

    I’m on 200 a week and my total test ranges right at 1000 which is where I like to be, also keeps my free test and estrogen in range. Again, bloodwork backs it up.
    almostgone likes this.

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