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  1. #1
    Noob_monkey is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Curiosity killed the cat?


    Alright so im on my 4th week now of 150mg test a week.

    Im curious about upping the dose... What kind of dose can give what kind of results ( with thw least ammout of sides )

    How long could i run a higher dose, how often would it be wise to go back down.. Im guessing 10 - 12 weeks.

    In the grand scheme of things, how long could i do this for.

    I knew that once i had that initial first pin things would go this way.. Just went about it with a low starting dose.

    Also i have a predisposition to push things as far as i can.
    For a long time this was with drugs and alcohol..
    I have that monkey off my back now... Im not sure if im looking to replace that with something new.

    This feels like a much healthier route anyways.

    Any advice or words of wisdom would be great.

    Also i have a appointment with a urologist 17th November.
    So if i were to bump up the dose now, when would i need to reduce it again to get a 150mg level result... I imagine the bloods would be done 25th November.

    Maybe i just need someone to talk some sense into me..


  2. #2
    DustMan is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    You shouldn't cycle longer than 16 weeks, makes it harder for the HPTA to recover, need a more aggressive PCT, and you are less likely to fully recover.

    150mg is TRT dose, you could stay on that for life no problem, some people on this board talk about their TRT protocols like 300mg test, 200 deca , 200 primo, plus orals lmfao, apparently they are on it for years, so it's based on the individual, monitor your bloods or else you're just guessing.

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