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Thread: Test + EQ advice

  1. #1
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Test + EQ advice

    I haven't been active here in years but I'd like some opinions.

    I'm 50, male. I have used test (p,e, and c), deca , and tren in the past. I am currently 6 weeks into a test-p only cycle. This is my 6th cycle. Either because of the gear I received or my body's tolerance, I've had to up my dose to 900 mg/wk to get the same effect. (side note: I am not convinced that this is actually test-p; it's behaving more like enanthate or cyp -- I didn't feel like i was fully on cycle until early in the third week and I had high e2 symptom, even before upping the dose and using an AI, which I usually dont need with test-p only).

    I've decided to stack so that I can reduce the test dose. I love deca but decided to try EQ. I've never ran it before and am planning on using 500 mg/wk since that is in the normal dosage range and my vials are 250 mg/mL.

    I have two questions:
    1) do you think that 500 mg/wk test-p and 500 mg/wk EQ are a good substitute/match for 900 mg/wk test-p?
    2) also, since the undecylenate ester has a much longer half-life than proprionate, should I taper the test down after a week of pinning the EQ? ex: continue 900 mg/wk test for the first week I pin EQ, then start to taper my test from 900 to 500 (or 700,etc) mg/wk as the EQ becomes available in my system? or is that overthinking it?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    DustMan is offline Associate Member
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    Stay away from EQ it's a low quality inferior steroid , and avoid Undecylenate esters in general, they have a 100 day half life, you'll never recover from your cycle since the last drops of EQ will still be getting metabolized a year later. It takes several half lives for drugs to functionally clear your system.

  3. #3
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DustMan View Post
    Stay away from EQ it's a low quality inferior steroid, and avoid Undecylenate esters in general, they have a 100 day half life, you'll never recover from your cycle since the last drops of EQ will still be getting metabolized a year later. It takes several half lives for drugs to functionally clear your system.
    I am not sure where this information was obtained, however it is incorrect. The 1/2 life of the undecylenate Esther is 14 days, not 100. I think what you were referring to is the time of detectability however they are entirely different animals.
    EQ is essentially dirty testosterone . I personally use it when I want to go high on testosterone but want to limit the conversion to estrogen, which makes it an excellent selection for those that are gyno prone.
    Let’s say you want 800 test... you can take 500 test and 300 EQ . EQ aromatizes at about 1/2 the rate of test. .
    EQ has been involved in the baseball steroid coverup and became famous for its use for enhancing race horses.
    It does have its place and being called a low inferior steroid is a personal opinion . EQ is not going to get you huge quick and is more of a steady muscle and strength builder. I do use it but as a stack and not the main component of a cycle, however I do know others that love it and will use it as a main component. You will get more of a hardened muscle as opposed to smooth because of the limited water retention.

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  4. #4
    Tovarasu's Avatar
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    This guy`s video explains about EQ, has a lot of good vids.
    Last edited by Tovarasu; 11-05-2020 at 10:05 AM.

  5. #5
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Would there be a difference between 500 Test + 400 EQ or 300 Test + 600 EQ?


    Last edited by bloodchoke; 11-05-2020 at 11:33 AM.

  6. #6
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am not sure where this information was obtained, however it is incorrect. The 1/2 life of the undecylenate Esther is 14 days, not 100. I think what you were referring to is the time of detectability however they are entirely different animals.
    EQ is essentially dirty testosterone . I personally use it when I want to go high on testosterone but want to limit the conversion to estrogen, which makes it an excellent selection for those that are gyno prone.
    Let’s say you want 800 test... you can take 500 test and 300 EQ . EQ aromatizes at about 1/2 the rate of test. .
    EQ has been involved in the baseball steroid coverup and became famous for its use for enhancing race horses.
    It does have its place and being called a low inferior steroid is a personal opinion . EQ is not going to get you huge quick and is more of a steady muscle and strength builder. I do use it but as a stack and not the main component of a cycle, however I do know others that love it and will use it as a main component. You will get more of a hardened muscle as opposed to smooth because of the limited water retention.

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    Would there be a difference between 500 Test + 400 EQ or 300 Test + 600 EQ?


  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Eq gets a bad rep because of how slow acting it is. It won't blow you up like deca , and nowhere near like tren . Some people have bad sides from 19-nor group steroids , EQ is a good option for someone like that who doesn't want to have to pop caber like candy to keep from having milk squirting man tits.

    It raises red blood cell count as good or better than any steroid other than Epo so it helps a lot with endurance. Good on a cutting cycle to help with the hours of cardio. At the same time EQ makes me and a lot of other people hungrier than a poor fat man at an all you can eat buffet, so thats the downside of cutting with it.

    If you decide to run the higher dose just go ahead and plan on donating blood every 4 to 6 weeks, to keep the RBC down a little. Add baby aspirin to your routine as well to keep the blood from thickening too much.

    I also wouldn't run eq for anything less than 14 weeks since it is so slow acting.
    charger69, Yard_Dog and bloodchoke like this.

  8. #8
    DustMan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am not sure where this information was obtained, however it is incorrect. The 1/2 life of the undecylenate Esther is 14 days, not 100. I think what you were referring to is the time of detectability however they are entirely different animals.
    EQ is essentially dirty testosterone . I personally use it when I want to go high on testosterone but want to limit the conversion to estrogen, which makes it an excellent selection for those that are gyno prone.
    Let’s say you want 800 test... you can take 500 test and 300 EQ . EQ aromatizes at about 1/2 the rate of test. .
    EQ has been involved in the baseball steroid coverup and became famous for its use for enhancing race horses.
    It does have its place and being called a low inferior steroid is a personal opinion . EQ is not going to get you huge quick and is more of a steady muscle and strength builder. I do use it but as a stack and not the main component of a cycle, however I do know others that love it and will use it as a main component. You will get more of a hardened muscle as opposed to smooth because of the limited water retention.

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    Wow huge mistake on my part, I thought he said undecanoate, and apparently the half life for it isn't 100 days it's 33, I even wrote Undecylenate back out to him, triple wrong. Thanks for correcting me.
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  9. #9
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    If you decide to run the higher dose just go ahead and plan on donating blood every 4 to 6 weeks, to keep the RBC down a little. Add baby aspirin to your routine as well to keep the blood from thickening too much...
    This is some of the best advice I've ever received -- thank you. I've been running 500 test / 500 EQ
    I donated blood today. It was the first time donating in relation to cycling. I instantly felt incredibly better. I've been battling serious fatigue and sleep interruptions -- like an hour or so, more than once per night. After 3p, I've been useless and my training has definitely suffered. Also, the heels of my feet have been sore like they're bruised. All of these are symptoms of high RBC count; I learned this only after I Googled it, after I felt so much better. The foot pain was gone immediately. I had felt like my entire body was congested and tight and I feel lighter (in a good way) and energized. Thanks again, Scotty!
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  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
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    EQ does not work well for me I am very experienced and have had no good results from it. I’ve quit cycles several times while taking EQ it makes me feel like crap even compared to high tren . I have EQ on hand I will literally give away. I’ll never buy it again.... truly I gave it enough chances.
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