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    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
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    Anybody hit a Nerve in their Deltoid via IM INJ? It's Rare? Frozen Shoulder?? Jeez

    Anybody hit a Nerve in their Deltoid via IM INJ? It's Rare? Frozen Shoulder?? Jeez

    all the vids on delt injections some by respected IFBB pro's a TRT docs make it sound like the delts are -- super easy; and I've pinned delts many times, only an injection site reaction and warmth, but that goes with the gangster life we chose, it goes away on its own or after 5 days i'm taking amoxicillin 500 mg and I never had an abcess or nerve damage in my delt.

    But very sadly and frighteningly there's this 1 vid by a medical doctor I just saw for the Very First Time Last Night, and it points out 2 danger zones and paralysis not reversed, as in I'm guess permanent paralysis

    that led me to reserch this further, and ....I saw...
    1 medical journal on-line (and there are lots that memorialize / document some poor dude's bad experience with steroids ) talk of months of pain, frozen shoulder, tissue damage due to a bad injection of a vaccine...that's of a vaccine, something they call SIRV shoulder something something etc

    Even one respected TRT anti-aging doc says don't ever pin the quads, they are suspectible to infection abcesses leading to the calves causing really really bad problems--I would surmise that the quads aren't so easy--they are Loaded with nerves and blood vessels....

    Anyway, I need to give the pecs a rest, been pinning pecs 1 x per week 250 mg of test e., when u got 2 pecs, that comes out to doing the left pec and it gets like a good 2 weeks of rest

    but even that long of a break seems to have given me some scar tissue because i did have a lingering cough that's gotten better

    So, here's the question: as long as you pin 2-3 finger lengths from the boney part of the shoulder downward from that area, long as u pin under those 2-3 finger spaces or 2-3 inches in the middle dead center of the delts, *Then if you do that, it is almost impossible to hit the 2 nerves that just last night I learned exist very close and cloudily in that general deltoid region?

    thanks for any help
    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 12-13-2020 at 09:26 AM.

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