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Thread: Pregnenolone, DHEA, neurosteroids

  1. #1
    DustMan is offline Associate Member
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    Pregnenolone, DHEA, neurosteroids

    So when we use AAS without HCG , our testicular function becomes suppressed, and our testicles don't only produce Test, they also produce several other compounds including an enzyme that allows the cleavage of cholesterol into Pregnenolone.

    Pregnenolone is known as the "master hormone", it's neuro protective, makes us feel good, converts to DHEA, which does more of the same, and has a cascading effect to most of our other hormone systems. The natural answer is "HCG" because that turns on the testicles again, and everything should(?) be back to normal.

    So why do guys that take HCG also take either Pregnenolone, DHEA, or both? Do any of you guys take pregnenolone/DHEA? Can you attest to this "feel good" sensation that comes with it?

    I'm considering buying some Pregnenolone and trying it out, unfortunately I'm having a hard time finding a good deal on it, most of it is criminally low dosages here in Europe, should I even bother if I'll be starting HCG soon?

    Bonus question: is it worthwhile for post-menopausal women to take pregnenolone or is it worthless since the ovaries aren't producing Estrogen anymore?
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  2. #2
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    Ive read articles about the drawbacks of not using hcg , and not just the fertility related drawbacks.

    Lots of guys cruise without hcg and i dont reallt hear about changes in mood or euphoria. I cruise without it and i only cycle it in sometimes if i want to impress the woman with a big pornstar load on her chest (sorry to be graphic but thats the only benefit in my book).

    As for fertility i never want kids so i couldnt care less. Never heard of taking these other compounds your describing. Id love to hear your thoughts on it if you get your hands on them.

  3. #3
    DustMan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Ive read articles about the drawbacks of not using hcg , and not just the fertility related drawbacks.

    Lots of guys cruise without hcg and i dont reallt hear about changes in mood or euphoria. I cruise without it and i only cycle it in sometimes if i want to impress the woman with a big pornstar load on her chest (sorry to be graphic but thats the only benefit in my book).

    As for fertility i never want kids so i couldnt care less. Never heard of taking these other compounds your describing. Id love to hear your thoughts on it if you get your hands on them.
    No such thing as TMI in my books, I'll keep the info in mind in case I feel like treating the wife

    I'll definitely post my experience with pregnenolone once I've tried it for a bit, found a good deal here in Europe from Swanson, about 5euro a month.

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