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Thread: Testosterone Cypionate | 500mg/wk

  1. #1
    radioactivegraphite is offline New Member
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    Testosterone Cypionate | 500mg/wk

    Hi..quick question. What are the preferences of folks on here that have used test-c in the past in regards to frequency of the injection? More specifically, for someone using 500mg/wk. Would you inject 250mg 2x/wk? Or do the 500mg in 1 shot? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    2 x a week, at least. I inject every 3 days.

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    radioactivegraphite is offline New Member
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    What a great read! I was actually in the middle of reading that article and haven’t gotten that far yet. Thank you!

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    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by radioactivegraphite View Post
    What a great read! I was actually in the middle of reading that article and haven’t gotten that far yet. Thank you!
    No problem bud it will help u out alot

  6. #6
    radioactivegraphite is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    No problem bud it will help u out alot
    So far it absolutely has. It puts such incredible amount of knowledge in a very digestible package. There is one thing though that I read on there that kinda freaks me out a bit. It said that test c can thicken the blood and cause lethargy..and to be very careful about that because it could potentially cause a blood clot. Well for the past week or so now I have been feeling lethargic just about everyday. I know that completely depends on my personal situation, genetics, etc. But I guess I'd like to know if this a known thing and not to worry to much. Or maybe I should worry. And in either case, do something about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by radioactivegraphite View Post
    So far it absolutely has. It puts such incredible amount of knowledge in a very digestible package. There is one thing though that I read on there that kinda freaks me out a bit. It said that test c can thicken the blood and cause lethargy..and to be very careful about that because it could potentially cause a blood clot. Well for the past week or so now I have been feeling lethargic just about everyday. I know that completely depends on my personal situation, genetics, etc. But I guess I'd like to know if this a known thing and not to worry to much. Or maybe I should worry. And in either case, do something about it.
    Testosterone speeds up red blood cell production. Its how we grow, this increasing your HCT READING. After 52.0 i donate a pint of blood. It lowers it back to 48-49. At first i feel small and my blood viens arent as huge and protruding but within a couple of weeks i get bigger and stronger and feel better also. When u have high iron in your blood and your hemocrit gets high u tend to feel sluggish. Maybe thats where u are getting lethargic from, this of course takes time and it isn’t happenint your first month on your first cycle...
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  8. #8
    radioactivegraphite is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Testosterone speeds up red blood cell production. Its how we grow, this increasing your HCT READING. After 52.0 i donate a pint of blood. It lowers it back to 48-49. At first i feel small and my blood viens arent as huge and protruding but within a couple of weeks i get bigger and stronger and feel better also. When u have high iron in your blood and your hemocrit gets high u tend to feel sluggish. Maybe thats where u are getting lethargic from, this of course takes time and it isn’t happenint your first month on your first cycle...
    Really great explanation..much appreciated. Yeah I read somewhere about donating blood and why that might be a good idea. Really awesome to read about personal experiences when it comes to this. The amount of knowledge I have gained from this forum in the past week is staggering! So grateful to be here.

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by radioactivegraphite View Post
    Hi..quick question. What are the preferences of folks on here that have used test-c in the past in regards to frequency of the injection? More specifically, for someone using 500mg/wk. Would you inject 250mg 2x/wk? Or do the 500mg in 1 shot? Thanks!
    Twice a week is ALOT better than once a week

    Three times a week or Every 3rd day (E3D) is better than twice a week. Although your curve starts to plateau in terms of hormone stabilization.

    Four times per week is technically better than 3 but you have diminishing returns. Some people even inject long esters daily.

    Unless volume is a concern on a heavy cycle 2 or 3 injections per week is fantastic
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    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by radioactivegraphite View Post
    Hi..quick question. What are the preferences of folks on here that have used test-c in the past in regards to frequency of the injection? More specifically, for someone using 500mg/wk. Would you inject 250mg 2x/wk? Or do the 500mg in 1 shot? Thanks!
    I would definitely break that up into a biweekly shot at a minimal. I actually do eod personally with Sustanon but I’m also stacking with some very short esters of other compounds.
    Last edited by Testie; 12-24-2020 at 10:06 PM.

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