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Thread: Body recomp and bulk cycle feedback

  1. #1
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Body recomp and bulk cycle feedback

    did a pct when covid started ate like shit gained 25 lbs of fat. Started 250mg/wk of test from last 4 weeks to start body recomp lost about 12 lbs with diet and training 4 more weeks and will be down 10 more lbs .

    Bulk cycle aftet the cut
    Test e 500 mg ew week 1-18
    Nnp 400 mg ew week 1-10
    Anadrol week 1-3 50 mg ed 25 in morning 25 before workout with meal
    Tren a 150mg ew week 10-18
    Winstrol week 16-18
    Arimidex .25 eod
    Prami .25 e3d

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Nice You still gonna PCT after this or just give up and go on trt like the rest of us mental defects?

    I'm thinking with your experience you probably know how you react to things and have dosages and support compounds pretty dialed in, yeah? (you didn't say how much winstrol )

    My suggestions then are really just on the orals-- assuming the winny is oral. I'd at least run the drol longer and probably the winny too. IF you plan to pct again I'd run the winny right up to pct for the extra anabolic motivation and support as test levels subside.

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  3. #3
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    Nice You still gonna PCT after this or just give up and go on trt like the rest of us mental defects?

    I'm thinking with your experience you probably know how you react to things and have dosages and support compounds pretty dialed in, yeah? (you didn't say how much winstrol )

    My suggestions then are really just on the orals-- assuming the winny is oral. I'd at least run the drol longer and probably the winny too. IF you plan to pct again I'd run the winny right up to pct for the extra anabolic motivation and support as test levels subside.

    I do like to pct for 6 to 8 weeks 2 times a year so m off mostly 4 months a year and rest is all blast. So no plans of trt yet . And yes sorry for that winstrol is 50 mg 25 morning 25 before workout. I feel like shit on orals because of their toxicity so i keep em short. I ll prob do injectable winny for last 3 weeks then pct .thanks for your feedback brother

  4. #4
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Thats a monster cycle. Really dont see any need in the winstrol . You can try and pct but it will be a long shot to fully recover unless you’re one of the select freaks that can recover from a cycle like that. The drug choices are good, its similar to what i run, if anything id run anavar instead of the winny. Less toxic, the tren will far overshadow the oral

  5. #5
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Thats a monster cycle. Really dont see any need in the winstrol. You can try and pct but it will be a long shot to fully recover unless you’re one of the select freaks that can recover from a cycle like that. The drug choices are good, its similar to what i run, if anything id run anavar instead of the winny. Less toxic, the tren will far overshadow the oral
    I do recover pretty good with pct well thats what blood work says but who knows . But it does help with giving androgenic receptors some break so i dont have to use crazy amounts to get same results. First choice is always anavar when i plan my cycle but its faked alot and really expensive to get pharma grade lucky if you find it .i personally dont like achey joints from winnie but like the hardness and vascularity it gives . I mighy just drop it and use in my cutting cycle close to the competition.

  6. #6
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    I do recover pretty good with pct well thats what blood work says but who knows . But it does help with giving androgenic receptors some break so i dont have to use crazy amounts to get same results. First choice is always anavar when i plan my cycle but its faked alot and really expensive to get pharma grade lucky if you find it .i personally dont like achey joints from winnie but like the hardness and vascularity it gives . I mighy just drop it and use in my cutting cycle close to the competition.
    Throw in masteron P, drop the two weeks of orals and run mast along tren

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