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Thread: Help! Bloods mid cycle! T levels seem way too high!

  1. #1
    THREEFIFTYSE7EN is offline New Member
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    Post Help! Bloods mid cycle! T levels seem way too high!


    I am 7 weeks into my first cycle (500mg test e) and everything has gone well so far. I asked my doctor if I could get my hormone levels checked and he basically kicked me out of his office. I live in Australia and it seems that most doctors here are super against anabolics and have knowledge about them whatsoever. Determined to get my levels checked, I found an online blood clinic that can send me a referral without having to go through a doctor and, long story short, here are my results.

    Testosterone - 169.9nmol/L (4900ng/DL if my conversion is correct)
    Free Test - >2000pmol/L (>544pg/DL)
    Oestradiol - 411pmol/L (111pg/DL)

    (Sorry for the weird units of measurement, I have no idea why we use these in Australia but I tried to convert them into American units.)

    Do these numbers seem right? 4900 seems like an absolute shitload for only 500mg test. I wasn't expecting anything near that. My free T seems ridiculously high, too. E2 is also high but I am not really surprised because I wasn't taking an AI until the other day.

    Can anybody shed some light on these results? Is my gear overdosed? Or could it be a dodgy blood test? I am really worried but I feel like I can't talk to my doctor about it because he'll just kick me out of his office again.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    Last edited by THREEFIFTYSE7EN; 01-28-2021 at 04:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Ive seen 5000 total test levels a few times on 500mg weekly. It can happen. Id be happy if i were you, if your calculations are correct.
    Cylon357 likes this.

  3. #3
    THREEFIFTYSE7EN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Ive seen 5000 total test levels a few times on 500mg weekly. It can happen. Id be happy if i were you, if your calculations are correct.
    I was happy at first but then I started wondering if these were safe levels for a beginner. I feel fantastic and have had minimal side effects so I guess I should just relax and enjoy the ride. Cheers!

  4. #4
    Chark's Avatar
    Chark is offline Member
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    I believe I’ve read a rule of thumb is roughly 10x the mg = total T

  5. #5
    THREEFIFTYSE7EN is offline New Member
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    I've never heard that! I was just going off a lot of my mates who had levels around 1500-2000 on the same amount of test. This is very reassuring, so thanks!

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by THREEFIFTYSE7EN View Post
    I've never heard that! I was just going off a lot of my mates who had levels around 1500-2000 on the same amount of test. This is very reassuring, so thanks!
    Your conversion appears accurate. Your mate probably had underdosed gear.
    Be happy.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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