Thread: New mini cycle
05-21-2021, 02:45 PM #1
New mini cycle
Got blood work yesterday, and I haven't received the results yet, but decided to start the cycle today. Goal is to cut up a bit and try to maintain muscle.
I do my shots every 3 days, so this is for 6 days (would be a little higher for a week):
120 mg deca (only about 2 ml worth)
150 mg test c
100 mg DHB
200 mg Primo
I'm only using deca in the beginning to lubricate my joints a little, and because I have like 2 ml left in a bottle. I may increase the DHB or Primo once I finish the deca.
The DHB has guaiacol and hurts like hell, that's why I'm using so little. It also makes me very moody.
Trying to avoid estrogen sides and having to take anti-estrogens.
I've never combined DHB + Primo, so I'm wondering if I'll need a hair transplant after this.
05-21-2021, 03:07 PM #2
05-21-2021, 03:12 PM #3
I was taking primo + deca and test on my last mini cycle and I was shedding like crazy. I know DHB makes me shed, too. You're probably right, I never really notice much on my cycles, I just get a little fuller and more defined. I am known to bump things up a few weeks in, and right now I'm only filling about half of that 3 ml syringe.
05-21-2021, 03:16 PM #4
Add 600 mg of mast to your cycle and it will resolve your issue........ you won’t have to worry about losing hair because you won’t have any left!
It sounds like AAS hits your hair bad. I do not have that experience so I will leave u alone now. LOL
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05-26-2021, 02:44 PM #5
Decided to stop this cycle because of bloodwork. LDL, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and iron are too high. A week in and I’m already feeling exhausted during and after workouts. It’s unfortunate timing because summer and beaches and whatnot.
I learned that I really can’t stay on an even moderate dose of TRT at 150-175 mg + HCG without experiencing polycythemia. I don’t know how some of you cruise at 200+ mg a week.
05-26-2021, 04:31 PM #6
Any bloodwork on cycle is going to show bad numbers. Shit- I was four weeks out from a competition and went to ER. They started doing tests, until I realized I was going to be screwed and stopped allowing testing.
What makes you think that you have polycythemia? That is caused by the bone marrow and not gear. I usually have to donate blood every 30 days when on high tren .
I continued giving after gear and ended up with
Just giving my experiences.
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05-26-2021, 05:00 PM #7
05-26-2021, 06:03 PM #8
05-26-2021, 09:18 PM #9
How about var, HGH? Maybe low dose tren ? Of course not great for the LDLs, but the hair is more secure.
05-27-2021, 06:14 AM #10
I have some var, but didn't like how it made me feel last year. It was cramping me up. I think any anabolic steroids will increase blood volume/thickness.
I'm never gonna do HGH (well, never say never) because my IGF-3 is already higher than the upper limit. If I could, I'd lower it. HGH shortens the lifespan because it promotes cell proliferation, which shortens telomeres.
Right now, I need to get this blood out of me and relax for a month or two and then recheck my numbers. I just don't want to go into a cycle with already bad numbers.
05-27-2021, 12:33 PM #11
I didn’t know that. Maybe by making my telomeres shorter it’s an unconscious form of compensating for the length of something else
Time for bloodwork myself (do mine privately) long overdue. Last time was shortly post cycle and had to get some additional blood work for an unrelated medical matter. I scared the hell out of my MD with the overall horrific numbers.
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