Dear Community,
I look forward to your feedback on this cycle and the planned PCT. any different views or changes that I should introduce?

Age 34
height 5'10
weight 220lbs (12% BF)
Training experience over 10 years

W1-12 Test Prop 150mg EOD
W1-12 Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
W1-12 HCG 250IU twice a week
W7-12 Var 80mg ED

- Starts 3 days after last Test P shot
- Aromasin 25/25
- Clomid 50/50/50/50
- Nolva 40/40/20/20

I have been running HGH at 4IU ED for the past 6 weeks, and plan to continue throughout the cycle and PCT at the same level.

Blood work: Precycle check, will check E2 in W3, and liver enzymes W7